Suggestions on any cycle?


New Member
I got 77kg (kinda low for my height ik)
1,91m/6,3” height
And would like to know if anybody could suggest any good cycle for me. I would like something that has low water retention and good mass gains focused to up my weight to maybe around 85kg with this dry muscle look that tren gives without being tren xD. Anyway I am open for any suggestions, pretty new to the forum. Greetings everybody!
provide more information on what you've already ran?

it makes no point to suggest things like eq if you already have high bp. or compounds like mast if you have a history of mpb in your family and want to keep your hair.
No history of boldness and I already ran test and dura for some time but nothing else. Pretty much first full cycle would be this one.
The most sensible thing for a beginner who takes care of his health and wants to have a reasonably dry "look" would be a testosterone base in combination with a DHT. Many people would go for a Drosta (or Winstrol if blood lipids don't matter) as a DHT. Personally, I would rather use a Primobolan as an additional roid to the testosterone. By the way, your look depends largely on your physical condition. If you are fat and take Tren, you will still not be fat and get a visible muscle structure.
In addition, you should pay attention to your water balance in terms of estrogen. Too much estrogen will possibly ruin your "dry" look.
The most sensible thing for a beginner who takes care of his health and wants to have a reasonably dry "look" would be a testosterone base in combination with a DHT. Many people would go for a Drosta (or Winstrol if blood lipids don't matter) as a DHT. Personally, I would rather use a Primobolan as an additional roid to the testosterone. By the way, your look depends largely on your physical condition. If you are fat and take Tren, you will still not be fat and get a visible muscle structure.
In addition, you should pay attention to your water balance in terms of estrogen. Too much estrogen will possibly ruin your "dry" look.
Ouh yes makes sense, Test + primo sounds good. Already heard a couple of times that primo is pretty constant. Would test c + primo + oral ped make sense at all? Like some oral to give it a little push.
Testosterone Basis + Primo is basically "sensful" for starters (if one can/would like to speak of sensible here).

I can understand why you want to add an oral steroid as a "kick start". You usually want to see directly that something "works".
I think here you can no longer necessarily speak of " Senseful ".
Nevertheless, there would be a few options that would offer themselves here.
In Europe, in my experience, most people turn to a DHT like oxymetholone to get fuller.
I have heard that in America people often use Proviron to get even drier.
Oxy in this case is probably better in terms of muscle building. As far as "dryness" is concerned, the Proviron is probably more suitable.
Testosterone Basis + Primo is basically "sensful" for starters (if one can/would like to speak of sensible here).

I can understand why you want to add an oral steroid as a "kick start". You usually want to see directly that something "works".
I think here you can no longer necessarily speak of " Senseful ".
Nevertheless, there would be a few options that would offer themselves here.
In Europe, in my experience, most people turn to a DHT like oxymetholone to get fuller.
I have heard that in America people often use Proviron to get even drier.
Oxy in this case is probably better in terms of muscle building. As far as "dryness" is concerned, the Proviron is probably more suitable.
Nice nice, you right I guess. Came on the idea of the extra oral as a kick start like you said but I think it could be a option for a second or third cycle. Like on some bulk cycles using dbol as a kickstart. I probably gonna stick with primo and test. Like 1:1 400-300mg and if the response is good I guess I can throw in a oral. Thanks a lot.
No problem, help and advice for beginners is important. I still have to tell you that 600-800mg is relatively high for beginners. Your body has only a limited number of androgen receptors. Anything you take that exceeds your receptors' absorption capacity will result in side effects for the major part. I myself am currently taking pretty much the dose of testosterone and Primobolan you mentioned, but am a few inches shorter and a few pounds heavier and have been a steroid user for years. Try to go with 250-300 test and 250-300 primo max for at least the first few weeks. Higher is always possible, if the progress at some point no longer occur as desired.
No problem, help and advice for beginners is important. I still have to tell you that 600-800mg is relatively high for beginners. Your body has only a limited number of androgen receptors. Anything you take that exceeds your receptors' absorption capacity will result in side effects for the major part. I myself am currently taking pretty much the dose of testosterone and Primobolan you mentioned, but am a few inches shorter and a few pounds heavier and have been a steroid user for years. Try to go with 250-300 test and 250-300 primo max for at least the first few weeks. Higher is always possible, if the progress at some point no longer occur as desired.
Sure! Risk and reward balance needs to be on the lower end, doesn’t make sense to take so much and get a bunch of undesired effects. Could you recommend any G and inch for type of syringe? Draw and inject?
Could you recommend any G and inch for type of syringe? Draw and inject?
25g 1" is a good starting point for most ppl
Split into 2-3 injections
VG glutes delts are all easy
Virgin muscle may hurt 1-3 days later and primo isn't the friendliest when it comes to pip(depending on the concentration)

I agree with @Exitcrafter start lower if you are going to use 2 compounds for the first time. You'll still make significant progress
Sure! Risk and reward balance needs to be on the lower end, doesn’t make sense to take so much and get a bunch of undesired effects. Could you recommend any G and inch for type of syringe? Draw and inject?
I don't know exactly what is available at your pharmacy, as slightly different needles are sold in all countries. I myself always use a syringe with a filling volume of min. 1ml to max. 3ml as a base.
The needles for drawing up have a length of 40mm and a thickness of 0.80mm.
The needles for injecting have a length of 30mm and a thickness of 0.60mm.
The length should not be less than 25mm when injecting and the width I would not choose more than 0.70mm.
I don't know exactly what is available at your pharmacy, as slightly different needles are sold in all countries. I myself always use a syringe with a filling volume of min. 1ml to max. 3ml as a base.
The needles for drawing up have a length of 40mm and a thickness of 0.80mm.
The needles for injecting have a length of 30mm and a thickness of 0.60mm.
The length should not be less than 25mm when injecting and the width I would not choose more than 0.70mm.
Copy that. As a exemple, could I inject test in one shoulder and primo in the other shoulder? Always just one injection each if the ml is a concentration of 300mg/1ml right?
I did 2 compounds the first time and it was a shit show. I think
Nice nice, you right I guess. Came on the idea of the extra oral as a kick start like you said but I think it could be a option for a second or third cycle. Like on some bulk cycles using dbol as a kickstart. I probably gonna stick with primo and test. Like 1:1 400-300mg and if the response is good I guess I can throw in a oral. Thanks a lot.
you never really need a kick start.. let the oils do the work.

What was your experience with test and Dura?

btw. My first cycle was test and primo. libido went to nothing. Doesnt happen with everyone but that is a warning.

I would worry more about stuffing your face with food and protein than a kick start.
Copy that. As a exemple, could I inject test in one shoulder and primo in the other shoulder? Always just one injection each if the ml is a concentration of 300mg/1ml right?
You could but it's better to mix them in 1 syringe
If u did 300/300 it would be .6ml test 1.5ml primo for 2 injections a week throw them both in a 3cc syringe. I'd use a different drawing needle tho
I did 2 compounds the first time and it was a shit show. I think

you never really need a kick start.. let the oils do the work.

What was your experience with test and Dura?

btw. My first cycle was test and primo. libido went to nothing. Doesnt happen with everyone but that is a warning.

I would worry more about stuffing your face with food and protein than a kick start.
No problem, I got diet straight. Currently going up in weight again after my surgery where I lost a lot. I usually have no problem force eating and cook my own shit always. Test and dura was a solid combo, made me feel a lot better and a lot more energy but I usually went to the pharmacy to apply it (common in Brazil to get those things in pharmacies) so I got little experience doing it myself. I got some good lean mass on that combo but I feel like it was more like a addition that a full on cycle. Unfortunately/fortunately I moved to Germany and I don’t have any access to the same stuff I had before so I was looking to try something new and a bit stronger.
No problem, I got diet straight. Currently going up in weight again after my surgery where I lost a lot. I usually have no problem force eating and cook my own shit always. Test and dura was a solid combo, made me feel a lot better and a lot more energy but I usually went to the pharmacy to apply it (common in Brazil to get those things in pharmacies) so I got little experience doing it myself. I got some good lean mass on that combo but I feel like it was more like a addition that a full on cycle. Unfortunately/fortunately I moved to Germany and I don’t have any access to the same stuff I had before so I was looking to try something new and a bit stronger.
What was the dosing?
Copy that. As a exemple, could I inject test in one shoulder and primo in the other shoulder? Always just one injection each if the ml is a concentration of 300mg/1ml right?
Currently I also use Primo and Testosterone alternately every day. I myself vary here between injections in the triceps and in the shoulder. Why triceps? Because it allows us to use some of the carrier oil deposits to minimally increase arm volume - the same works with the shoulders. I would divide the injections so that I have about the same amount of ml everywhere. Injection volume.
Currently I also use Primo and Testosterone alternately every day. I myself vary here between injections in the triceps and in the shoulder. Why triceps? Because it allows us to use some of the carrier oil deposits to minimally increase arm volume - the same works with the shoulders. I would divide the injections so that I have about the same amount of ml everywhere. Injection volume.
But wait, every day? Like, I thought test C would only need once a week, how do you dose the primo? Once a week or low doses everyday?