Summer cycle

How is everyone this weekend. Trying to get in the habit of preping food. Cooking 2 pounds of steak. 2 pounds of chicken. 1 pound of ground turkey. 6 cups of brown rice. Sweet potatoes. Baked beans. Hopefully that'll get me through tomorrow night. Got get all this in order and down before I start this cycle
I've been thinking about getting Proviron to keep on hand if I can find it. Do anyone think it's unnecessary? I know what it does just haven't heard a whole lot about it. Is it commonly faked like var?
You're throwing up 405 on bench at 194 pounds? That's pretty stout. I'm 6'1 240 at 15% and have never hit the 400 mark. Nice work.

Thanks man. I've hit it twice on my last cycle. Off cycle I can only hit 365 for 2 or 3. I have some work to do on my squats and pulls. I want 1500 between the big lifts. I'm good on bench though
I like it. Keep that diet clean. Also, good job on taking that pct seriously. Hopefully, you got your clomid and nolva from the same source as hcg. Let me know if you need help figuring out that 1/2 cc slin pin lol
I like it. Keep that diet clean. Also, good job on taking that pct seriously. Hopefully, you got your clomid and nolva from the same source as hcg. Let me know if you need help figuring out that 1/2 cc slin pin

Its all from the same place. I already took your notes down from the other thread. Thanks for getting that all sorted out. I was looking at that thing like this is gonna end up bad lol. But when it comes time I'll probably check in with you just to make sure everything is in order.
Having everything all together and waiting is tough. I gotta wait till April 1st at the earliest though. This harder than I thought it would be
I'm thinking about getting some NPP to take in the beginning with my test p. While the long ester stuff kicks in. Just can't decide if I want to venture to some ugl I've never used since my guy can't seem to get it ever
Decided to add npp to the front of my cycle with my test p. That way I'll be setting the test e and deca up nicely for the long hull. Thought about also adding some tren a to the end of the cycle or some winny for a final cut. I do have a question. I have adex for an AI and was considering getting exemestane as well. Does anyone have a preference on which one they like better?
Gonna start logging workouts before cycle for others and myself to see progress. I haven't started and probably won't till the first or second saturday of april.

Push night.

Warm up flat bench
135 for 25

Flat BB bench
225 x 10 pause
315 x 7
365 x 2pause
315 x 4 pause
275 x 10
225 x 21

Incline DB bench
80s x 15
90s x 12
100s x 10
110s x 8
80s x 13

Chest flys
5 sets of 12 superset with push-ups to failure.

Body weight dips
5 sets of 25

Weighted cable crunches and leg raises
Leg day

Warm up
135 x 15
225 x 10
315 x 5
405 x 2
455 x 1
315 x 5
315 x 5

100lb pre weighted bar 50 reps per leg

Leg extensions
5 sets of 15

Leg curls
5 set 15

Calf raises
4 sets of 20

Core work 15-20 mins
Push night.

Incline dumbbell
50s x20
80s x18
90s x 14
100s x12
110s x10
125s x 8

Dumbbell shoulder press
50s x 12
60s x12
70s x 10
80s x 10
90s x 10

Side raises
5 sets of 40s for 10

Skull crushers w/preweighted bars
90 x 12
100 x10
110 x 10
110 x 10

Dips body weight
4 sets of 15
Looks like a great log bro

Do you plan on giving blood to help with high RBC count with the eq?

If so what's your protocol with that?

I've ran eq at 400 and 500 mg before and did not give blood but the more I read seems like more guys do