Super High Blood Pressure after only a week?


New Member
So my blood pressure is sitting at 180/110 after a week of 500mg test e. I know how seriously high those numbers are, and am debating on going to the hospital if it doesn’t come down. Can just test alone shoot a pressure up that high in such a short amount of time?
Do you have any history of high blood pressure? What was it before starting cycle? I would see a doctor if it doesn't come down very soon .
Do you have any history of high blood pressure? What was it before starting cycle? I would see a doctor if it doesn't come down very soon .
yeah man this... If no history id go to my doc tomorrow and get some medication bro thats very high and not healthy.. Try taking it again and seeing if you get the same nymbers how do you feel? BP can shoot up yes but usualyy from stress or other causes idk if gear can shoot it up that quick what was it before the cycle?
Have you been monitoring you BP all along? Could it be you have had this high level before and just never tested? Test E normally wouldn't cause this kind of increase, especially after 1 week and at your age. Then again, everyone responds a little differently to AAS. At the end of the day, it is what it is and you need to get it under control. I would probably stop the cycle and get the BP worked out before proceeding - you are only out 1 week's gear.
Thank you all for your help; I apologize. I just rechecked it after calming myself down and relaxing, and 122/80. Just anxiety. I had just gotten home from the gym, caffeinated and was in a rush trying to cook a bunch of food, so I could then get to school work I had to do. Should of realized, but my mind always goes to the worst lol
Thank you all for your help; I apologize. I just rechecked it after calming myself down and relaxing, and 122/80. Just anxiety. I had just gotten home from the gym, caffeinated and was in a rush trying to cook a bunch of food, so I could then get to school work I had to do. Should of realized, but my mind always goes to the worst lol
Just keep an eye on it to make sure you are not getting frequent spikes like that. I might still see a doctor anyway just to get meds to have on hand for the future. You can never have to many drugs laying around. Lol
Thank you all for your help; I apologize. I just rechecked it after calming myself down and relaxing, and 122/80. Just anxiety. I had just gotten home from the gym, caffeinated and was in a rush trying to cook a bunch of food, so I could then get to school work I had to do. Should of realized, but my mind always goes to the worst lol
ahh thats good thats the first thing i thought was this dude has anxiety or high stress right now haha or i thought maybe someoe sold you test prop and not test e. check again in the am thats the best tine to check it
You never do anything based on one reading. Measure both arms several times morning and night. Table, chair height and therefore arm height, posture etc all matter.
So my blood pressure is sitting at 180/110 after a week of 500mg test e. I know how seriously high those numbers are, and am debating on going to the hospital if it doesn’t come down. Can just test alone shoot a pressure up that high in such a short amount of time?
You should now evaluate a high BP rate based in just one reading.

Actually if you go to Cardiologist they most probably will tell you to record at least one week, measuring at the same time, with the same device so you can have an average measure and attack or properly.

Do not panic, measure you baseline and then decide… the sooner, the better and easier to attend
So my blood pressure is sitting at 180/110 after a week of 500mg test e. I know how seriously high those numbers are, and am debating on going to the hospital if it doesn’t come down. Can just test alone shoot a pressure up that high in such a short amount of time?

Are you avoiding high salt/sugar foods?

Are you doing cardio often?