Super High Blood Pressure after only a week?

Start by drinking more water, dehydration is a common cause of high blood pressure. If that doesn't help, you can consider adding blood pressure supplements, there are tons of them on the market. They usually contain things like beetroot extract.
Another thing to consider is whether or not you are taking the reading correctly. When I first started I also thought I had high blood pressure, but turns out I wasn't placing the cuff correctly and it was giving me unreliable results.
Start by drinking more water, dehydration is a common cause of high blood pressure. If that doesn't help, you can consider adding blood pressure supplements, there are tons of them on the market. They usually contain things like beetroot extract.
Another thing to consider is whether or not you are taking the reading correctly. When I first started I also thought I had high blood pressure, but turns out I wasn't placing the cuff correctly and it was giving me unreliable results.
Hydration, something in my experience is commonly over looked by many including myself from time to time.
'Knew' soon as I read this yesterday it was probably stress or temporary.

FYI not many people know this, seemingly Dr offices least of all ironically, the BP standards were set using a specific protocol for testing.

If I remember right it's an hour after eating anything. Empty bladder, in a dark room sitting still for at least 30min prior to measurement. Your upper body should be upright supported by a chair with feet flat and arm at heart level.

Then take three consecutive readings. Average them out and you have your true BP.
Start by drinking more water, dehydration is a common cause of high blood pressure. If that doesn't help, you can consider adding blood pressure supplements, there are tons of them on the market. They usually contain things like beetroot extract.
Another thing to consider is whether or not you are taking the reading correctly. When I first started I also thought I had high blood pressure, but turns out I wasn't placing the cuff correctly and it was giving me unreliable results.
Thank you!
'Knew' soon as I read this yesterday it was probably stress or temporary.

FYI not many people know this, seemingly Dr offices least of all ironically, the BP standards were set using a specific protocol for testing.

If I remember right it's an hour after eating anything. Empty bladder, in a dark room sitting still for at least 30min prior to measurement. Your upper body should be upright supported by a chair with feet flat and arm at heart level.

Then take three consecutive readings. Average them out and you have your true BP.
Thank you for the reassurance. Yeah I was stressed and then seeing that high reading got me even more stressed. I’ll be sure to check my pressure in the future following those guidelines
Thank you for the reassurance. Yeah I was stressed and then seeing that high reading got me even more stressed. I’ll be sure to check my pressure in the future following those guidelines

You don't need to follow those guidelines per se. Just that so you know, that's why numbers are higher sometimes when you do the opposite of all that and it's 140/90 or some number.

180/100 is deff getting into wtf territory though. But if it's short lived (30min or less) and infrequent with stress then meh. If it's sustained and frequent time for ER at that level.
I'm not an expert by any means, but if it's anything I had the same reaction on my first cycle at 500 test E per week. I also have bad anxiety. My BP was always very good and I had to get off the cycle because it was staying high and I was getting heart palpitations. My BP is not as bad anymore but still pretty bad since. I had a strong reaction, my test went up to around 5000 at one point, so if you're like me you may just be more sensitive to stuff. If that's the case, might be good to put in extra effort to make sure you base BP is very good pre cycle or take less and see what happens. Sometimes I wonder if COVID made bodies less resilient to AAS because it did impact cardiovascular health.
I’m gonna high jack this thread because I recently had a very serious scare with bp.
I’ve been on a cycle of trt dosage test and a split dose of 50mg anavar going through a small cut. I’d been on var for 4 weeks and decided to drop it and supplement with 150mg Tren a week (I don’t like the idea of high dosed Tren) and but my test up with some prop I have because I was feeling weak as hell with the low calories. It was gonna be trt+200 a week prop added and 150 Tren. Anyway two days after the first 50mg dose my bp shot up to 225/115 at its highest. I checked it multiple times. It was a wrist machine but it’s always mirrored another machine I keep at work and I’ve compared it since then. I went to the e.r. It was 155/90 by the time I made it there. Freaked the fuck out is an understatement.
Has anyone ever had this drastic of a reaction? I ran 300 a week a year ago and never really had any issues so I was very surprised. Im back to trt dose and won’t touch Tren again ever. Could this been a synergistic effect of whatever var was still in my system? I have no real history with high bp and it’s been averaging 115/75 ever since. I guess at the very least it was worth letting it be known it’s possible.
I’m gonna high jack this thread because I recently had a very serious scare with bp.
I’ve been on a cycle of trt dosage test and a split dose of 50mg anavar going through a small cut. I’d been on var for 4 weeks and decided to drop it and supplement with 150mg Tren a week (I don’t like the idea of high dosed Tren) and but my test up with some prop I have because I was feeling weak as hell with the low calories. It was gonna be trt+200 a week prop added and 150 Tren. Anyway two days after the first 50mg dose my bp shot up to 225/115 at its highest. I checked it multiple times. It was a wrist machine but it’s always mirrored another machine I keep at work and I’ve compared it since then. I went to the e.r. It was 155/90 by the time I made it there. Freaked the fuck out is an understatement.
Has anyone ever had this drastic of a reaction? I ran 300 a week a year ago and never really had any issues so I was very surprised. Im back to trt dose and won’t touch Tren again ever. Could this been a synergistic effect of whatever var was still in my system? I have no real history with high bp and it’s been averaging 115/75 ever since. I guess at the very least it was worth letting it be known it’s possible.
i have had bp that high on tren when iwas younger. I was also on a shit ton of adderall ( just using it to get high and increase my IQ from 74-80) but the doctor was like wtf dude your going to have a stroke and i said why he said your bp its off the freaking charts and the nprescribed me a bp med. I never checked it after this until about 5 years later but when i saw the doc again it was still high but 150/ something i think after i was off the tren. Looking back i was so stupid to ignore that! god damn it man i was 21 at the time and thinking i couldnt die but i know it was the tren i was on 500mg a week of tren ace.
i have had bp that high on tren when iwas younger. I was also on a shit ton of adderall ( just using it to get high and increase my IQ from 74-80) but the doctor was like wtf dude your going to have a stroke and i said why he said your bp its off the freaking charts and the nprescribed me a bp med. I never checked it after this until about 5 years later but when i saw the doc again it was still high but 150/ something i think after i was off the tren. Looking back i was so stupid to ignore that! god damn it man i was 21 at the time and thinking i couldnt die but i know it was the tren i was on 500mg a week of tren ace.
Yeah the highest I’ve ever been that I know of was 155/95. That bothered me but it was a one time thing. I’ve checked pretty regularly ever since. I’m 35 now. I usually keep things at a somewhat conservative dosage and based off of how I felt on 300 Tren a week before I chose to cut it in half. No doubt the Tren played its part but it’s strange to me so little fucked me over like that.
Ya you gotta rest for at least 5 minutes 10 is better before checking your BP. BP during a hard set of squats can easily shoot over 200 but it comes down quick
what did they say at the ER?
I rechecked it after showering and relaxing and it came down to 120s/80s. The next few days I closely monitored it, and kept getting numbers like 150s-170s/80s with even just minor activity. Due to this I dropped my dose down to 350mg/week, and my pressure has been hanging around where it normally does at 130s/80s.

I’m thinking in my case it was due to my body reacting to the new surge of testosterone. I think it was so foreign that it put my body into a fight or flight state causing anxiety and an increase in bp + heart rate. This is just my theory so far; I do have pending blood work so hopefully everything checks out with that.
I rechecked it after showering and relaxing and it came down to 120s/80s. The next few days I closely monitored it, and kept getting numbers like 150s-170s/80s with even just minor activity. Due to this I dropped my dose down to 350mg/week, and my pressure has been hanging around where it normally does at 130s/80s.

I’m thinking in my case it was due to my body reacting to the new surge of testosterone. I think it was so foreign that it put my body into a fight or flight state causing anxiety and an increase in bp + heart rate. This is just my theory so far; I do have pending blood work so hopefully everything checks out with that.
Look into some telmisartan pretty easy to get prescribed from your doc if you got insurance. Without insurance it's pretty cheap with single care or goodrx. It's a good ancillary even if your BP isn't high and generally won't drop you too low.
If I walk around not exerting myself but just moving and take BP right away I'll be 130-140. Resting for 5 minutes I'm in the 120s or below. Resting prior is key
Look into some telmisartan pretty easy to get prescribed from your doc if you got insurance. Without insurance it's pretty cheap with single care or goodrx. It's a good ancillary even if your BP isn't high and generally won't drop you too low.
If I walk around not exerting myself but just moving and take BP right away I'll be 130-140. Resting for 5 minutes I'm in the 120s or below. Resting prior is key
Thank you! I’m actually in the process of getting some. My doc sent the script, just waiting for the pharmacy to reach out.
I’m gonna high jack this thread because I recently had a very serious scare with bp.
I’ve been on a cycle of trt dosage test and a split dose of 50mg anavar going through a small cut. I’d been on var for 4 weeks and decided to drop it and supplement with 150mg Tren a week (I don’t like the idea of high dosed Tren) and but my test up with some prop I have because I was feeling weak as hell with the low calories. It was gonna be trt+200 a week prop added and 150 Tren. Anyway two days after the first 50mg dose my bp shot up to 225/115 at its highest. I checked it multiple times. It was a wrist machine but it’s always mirrored another machine I keep at work and I’ve compared it since then. I went to the e.r. It was 155/90 by the time I made it there. Freaked the fuck out is an understatement.
Has anyone ever had this drastic of a reaction? I ran 300 a week a year ago and never really had any issues so I was very surprised. Im back to trt dose and won’t touch Tren again ever. Could this been a synergistic effect of whatever var was still in my system? I have no real history with high bp and it’s been averaging 115/75 ever since. I guess at the very least it was worth letting it be known it’s possible.
Never trust wrist bp cuffs. They always read higher. With that said it was probably still pretty high.

One thingnif you don't know, if you have to use a wrist cuff is to hold your arm over your chest right over your heart.
forgive me for ignorance but hydration will increase BP ya? ie why u get diuretics for BP? essentially dehydrate you to lower volume/hydration in ur body.. but severe severe dehydration of course will cause ur heart to pump hard...

if ur pre workout gets you PUMPED thats high BP ;)

I agree hydration electrolyte balance is very important though..