Superdrol with accutane is innefective ?


New Member
Just wondering on others experience with sdrol and accutane. I had been taking accutane at 40mg for around 4 months prior to starting superdrol at 10mg. Im wondering if maybe the accutane made the sdrol less effective as I had minimal gains even though everything was on point. I was doing oral sdrol. I did sdrol for almost 2 months before I dropped accutane and then in a week, I started getting very lethargic and got the liquid shits. This makes me think the accutane was somehow blocking my body from taking in the sdrol. Idk just a theory. Now Im off both sdrol and accutane, im just on test 300 per week.

Ive already ordered inj superdrol. Is it true that injectable superdrol is half as anabolic as the oral version. Would me taking 20mg of the injectable then make it as potent as the oral ?
I used Accutane with superdrol when I was younger, the superdrol and Accutane were both working for me in my experience. Injectable superdrol is top 5 maybe even top 3 favorite steroids for me. I'm currently using 10mg am and 10mg pm Injectable superdrol alongside the rest of my gear I'm on, using it as a Kickstart basically. It does feel much milder in the side affect department but just as strong as far as results go. Now ingesting it causes your body to alter its chemical structure before it reaches your blood where as injecting it doesn't, until it reaches your liver that is but the first pass from Orals is skipped with Injectables. So by injecting it you are essentially using a different hormone. This goes for injecting all Orals. But imo they all act fairly the same as far as results go with injecting vs ingesting but with less side affects. I'm one of few people with extensive experience with Injectable superdrol although it is gaining traction very quickly.
My liver hurts just reading this post.

Please ensure you are using liver protection and not doing this long term!
lol i was barely taking any protection. I took 100mg of milk thistle which is basically nothing for around 3 weeks when i started the sdrol. My piss was already yellow from doing accutane for months on end. then when i dropped the accutane, i then drank beer for just 3 nights. The liquid shits went on for around 5 days. I havent been able to pinpoint what exactly caused it. it might have been the eggs as they were close to expiry, or my liver. anyways im good now, having decent bowel movements. I have i think 20 pills of sdrol left, thinking of starting it next week and take it EOD.
im 21 so i recovered quite good.
10 mg of sdrol isn't much in a first place. Even if I take 20 mg is like I don't take anything
Remain on test for how long you want and when you finish roaccutane and take a break try a higher dose of sdrol.
Or if you want more boost take a bit more test and let the orals for another time.
Accutane is harsh on your liver.
Superdrol is harsh on your liver.

And you’re worried about your igf-1?

And no, injectable superdrol is the same exact compound as oral superdrol. Once the compound gets into your blood stream it does what it’s supposed to do.
Now ingesting it causes your body to alter its chemical structure before it reaches your blood where as injecting it doesn't, until it reaches your liver that is but the first pass from Orals is skipped with Injectables. So by injecting it you are essentially using a different hormone.

Where did you read this?
Can't remember but this is true for anything you ingest. I've known this since like middle school. But i can find some links if you can't
Personally I would skip the orals until you are done with the accutane. If you must take something make sure it’s mild like anavar and ONLY do it for a few weeks at a time.

No alcohol
No NSAIDS, Tylenol, etc
Up the liver protection.

Otherwise finish your accutane and do orals after. You only have one liver my friend. Take good care of it.
Just like eating thc vs smoking it. Smoking goes straight to the bloodstream whereas eating it doesn't. When it's ingested a new chemical is created by your body, that's why it's a different high
Personally I would skip the orals until you are done with the accutane. If you must take something make sure it’s mild like anavar and ONLY do it for a few weeks at a time.

No alcohol
No NSAIDS, Tylenol, etc
Up the liver protection.

Otherwise finish your accutane and do orals after. You only have one liver my friend. Take good care of it.
Yeah i finished my accutane around 3 weeks ago. I have also stopped taking sdrol for almost 2 weeks. Piss is pretty good, I can say back to normal.
Yes same compound but your body alters the chemical structure of everything you ingest.
Yes I agree. When you ingest something, it reacts with a whole lot of stuff before It can reach to where it is absorbed but when I inject it, it should be directly be going to the liver. I think because of my IBS, accutane and the fact that im lactose intolerant, I couldn't always hold on to much food and i'd just pass it out with most of the sdrol that didnt get absorbed. Just a thought. thats why Im doing inj sdrol when I get my hands on it.
Can't remember but this is true for anything you ingest. I've known this since like middle school. But i can find some links if you can't
You’re wrong.

Oral steroids have an added methyl group at the 17th carbon position (C17-alpha alkylated) that allows the hormone to survive oral ingestion. The compound passes through the digestive tract into the blood stream totally unaltered. Oral steroids were specifically designed NOT to be broken down by digestion.

Superdrol also has a methyl group at the 2nd carbon position which increases its anabolic power.
You’re wrong.

Oral steroids have an added methyl group at the 17th carbon position (C17-alpha alkylated) that allows the hormone to survive oral ingestion. The compound passes through the digestive tract into the blood stream totally unaltered. Oral steroids were specifically designed NOT to be broken down by digestion.

Superdrol also has a methyl group at the 2nd carbon position which increases its anabolic power.
And your body still creates metabolites from it regardless. You're wrong.
And your body still creates metabolites from it regardless. You're wrong.
Go ahead and list the metabolites for us then. Don’t you think they’d simply make the metabolites available for injection?

The methyl group was specifically attached to prevent it from being altered during digestion.

Dbol works as dbol. Anadrol works as anadrol. Superdrol works as superdrol. Methyl-testosterone works as methyl-testosterone. Methyl-tren works as methyl-tren. The metabolites aren’t stronger.