AAS Penile Girth Increase

The shaft is comprised of corpora cavernosa (2), and the corpus spongiosum, and the head is called the glans.

This thread is filled with fucks that not only doubt the penis is a muscle (group) but actually laugh, ridicule, the fact.

Myself and other readers didn't laugh in response, but audibly groaned at the stupidity... That the penis is fascia, or something. This is the thing you fucks play with and occasionally, hopefully, have maybe stuck in a female once or twice. Hopefully not causing pregnancy for the sake of the planet.

Jesus, what happened to this place?
So, so I can understand… I don’t want to get on your bad side big fella.

The penis is made up of the:
- corpus spongiosum, which is NOT a muscle as I understand it.
- corpus cavernosa, which is also NOT a muscle.
- the glans, which is not a muscle.

I’m not an expert on roids or what they do, but I’m pretty good at understanding what words mean. I come to this site to learn - apologies if my questions have clashed with your sensibilities, but this all smells of fanciful, childish bullshit.
The functional (for sexual activity) parts of the penis are called the bulbocavernosus and ischiocavernosus muscles.

Only a pedantic fuckwit anatomy major or casual pop sci reader would argue that the male penis is not mostly smooth muscle that controls sexual activity, and moreover, does so in response to testosterone (partly, but importantly).
keep digging bro
I consider this informative despite the Reddit link. While I think Reddit is a cesspool, I note this thread's readers ignored virtually every informative detail from your post to criticize your final sentence. People let ya down.
quotes from my posts

The mechanical devices studies "are mixed at best and your result of (0.3cm)14.06% of 1 SD (~2.1336cm) in months would not be considered clinically significant."

"urologists say not to do death grips, sharp jerks or any amount of twisting." "jelqing, stretchers and weight hanging is high risk low reward."
Great job arguing against something I never said.

I said the penis is comprised of a group of muscles.

Here, have an education:

"the penis is less like skeletal muscle and more like the smooth muscles in the bowel and heart ones that grow due the chemical factors
(GH, short bowel agents and enlarged heart from AAS use etc)

not mechanical factors."

getting your heart more fit from progressive over load is not the same as making the making the smooth muscle inside the penis larger (which is what's being argued here)


"you can try to grow with an unintended way like soft tissue healing but that not going to work most of the time,
especially in older men due to reduced soft tissue healing, lower collagen synthesis and quality from aging."
I'm convinced no one actually reads my posts.
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you might as well be arguing that testosterone promotes penis growth not because it builds and maintains penile tissue,

but because testosterone is competitive with noradrenaline and the muscles around the penis can get stuck in a prolonged adrenergic state (turtling) making it look shorter than is it.
But did they stay as big when you got back on steroids? Not for me.
Yep, they did. I take longer PCTs than most.

My dick is about 9.3 inches long. I gained a fair bit from roids. But the thing is, I was never able to really power my erection before roids.

It could be an illusion from going from 48% to 23% BF, though. I’ve almost always been fat until recently. My balls are really nice now, and I swing them in the mirror and show my wife, who is impressed, or just lets me think she is.
My balls are really nice now, and I swing them in the mirror and show my wife, who is impressed, or just lets me think she is.

I miss this feel from when i was on enclo. Sadly it doesn't work on cycle for me, but seems hcg helps a bit so far.

I guess getting balls as big like on clomid/enclo just isn't possible on a blast for me. Maybe it is more realistic on a cruise with a lot of hcg.
Yep, they did. I take longer PCTs than most.

My dick is about 9.3 inches long. I gained a fair bit from roids. But the thing is, I was never able to really power my erection before roids.

It could be an illusion from going from 48% to 23% BF, though. I’ve almost always been fat until recently. My balls are really nice now, and I swing them in the mirror and show my wife, who is impressed, or just lets me think she is.
“Swing them in the mirror” lmfao.
I gotta get my priorities straight.
“Swing them in the mirror” lmfao.
I gotta get my priorities straight.
Do it. Admire your ball testicle scrotum in the mirror, and show everyone who is impressed by large balls. A big dick means nothing if you don't have the balls to back it up (because you wont be as hard, etc).

I let everyone who wants to see my balls gaze upon the imperial jades in sheer amazement. I am really fucking proud of my balls. My balls are bigger than my fucking dog's who is a 135lb lab.
what brand is the "new" alpha pharma these days? ive been out the game for a while

That's not how it works anymore. It's a completely different, extremely high level now. Best to open a new thread as this here is about the illusion that you can change your dick size with AAS.
Im curious if anyone can recall taking whatever AAS they were on and noticed a major and or noticeable increase in penile girth. Im asking because I have been on and tried numerous AAS, however some have done more in that department than others, and I am wondering if anyone else has had the same experience? Thus being said, injectable trest and injectable superdrol have done the most in regards to that. However, oral SD i do not recall such drastic effects. Which i found to be odd.
Definitely has made my dick bigger.
The AAS and bigger dick is just an increase in erection quality that was lacking before, and now the full potential is being met. This is the basis of the angion method. Its cardio for your dick essentially.

This can be paired with mechanical stimuli like pumping/clamping for girth and stretching for lenght, although in my few years of being around on the subreddits they are all important in their own right. angion compliments mechanical if you want to do it, and vice versa. the tunica is the main hinderance and it comes down to genetics how many layers of tunica you have, this gives rise to the term easy or hard gainers.
Stretching with a hanger/stretcher longitudinally helps in girth as you want to break down the tunica fibers and stretch them making it easier to get better expansion outward when clamping or pumping. Ive been doing it on and off for 2 years and dont have amazing results. 0.4inch lenght and 0.2 girth. it aint much but its a volume increse which i notice and when i pumo i can get up to 5.2 inch from 5.

I have a tough tunica and the gains are hard, its also easier to hurt yourself going to hard, which is like taking 2 steps backward after 1 step forward. Low and slow is the only way, but that advice is not considered by most who want gains fast as happened with me.

Too much can fuck up your nerves and give hard flacid condition which is an imbalance in the kegaling muscles and pelvic floor. Maybe AAS helps the pelvic floor in some way which can lead to better erections if the muscles were underdeveloped.
Daily cialis is used to help blood flow which aids in healing, it also lowers bp so its good to take if your own gear, because high systemic bp is not good for EQ even if you think erection are all about high blood pressure locally.

HGH could help as the pathway is different and higher IGF-1 levels chronically do grow organs and different types of tissues, the dose makes the poison in that regard.

From what ive read, DHT work in puberty, from personal anecdotal evidence, my friends who had beards by 17 and bald a few years later had more girth then adverage when we were younger. Changing DHT levels and re-activating androgen receptors is somthing im not familiar with and wouldnt fuck with either as I like my hair.

DMSO is used to weaken the tunica when applied in a DILUTE concentration to the shaft, ive heard people mixing it with iodine and it could be a helpful add-on as its pretty safe when diluted otherwise getting it anywhere near your balls will be very toxic to them from what I read.

PGE-1 or Caverject/Trimex seems to be the only drug you can take to increase perminantly, its used in a way to mimic what happens with the guys who have fucking huuuuge dongs suffering from sickle cell anemia, called megaophallus where they have priapism (uncontrolled erection for many hours) which increases their size but leaves them unable to use it. their sizes are bonkers and not wanted, but prolonged erections for many hours breaks down the tunics perfectly without any problems from clamping and such, just have Sudafed on hand to stop it.
I will be getting some soon along with 31g or 32 needles to overcome the tough tunica I have, TB500 is also reccomended to revert any fibrosis which will be the main factor to consider. r/pharmaPE is a subreddit with people already active and it can be a good read. but obviously DYOR

reading back over the comments @milligrams already has some solid information and advice, anything beyond angion requires alot of respect for yourself, damaging your penis is not like pulling your muscle, you only got one and its for life.

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Changing DHT levels and re-activating androgen receptors is somthing im not familiar with and wouldnt fuck with either as I like my hair.
if you exceed the maintenance level of a tissue stimulating hormone you will produce new tissue.

like with muscle you blast to gain, cruise to keep most of it and as you go on the amount need to make progress and to keep what you have gets higher until you hit your limit,

either because your androgen receptors are crap or the dose dependent side effects get too bad.

and like with muscle you will atrophy to whatever extent your androgen levels permit, if you stop cold turkey you'll lose most your gains.

over time androgen receptors upregulate from overstimulation theoretically reopening or making new androgen receptors,

even if its effectiveness decreases with age the possible ~0.5-1 inch (from what I've heard from the people who did grow) is just as good if not better than the mechanical stretcher's results and doesn't come with a chance to break your dick.