AAS Penile Girth Increase

R/gettingbigger will lead you to some weird places and possibly to harm yourself, gunna have to point back to my other post, although it may not be heard out, I'd feel bad if I didn't
I won't act like I haven't been there myself or believed in their teaching in the past, but I really think Angion method is the way to go, they have a good reddit server too, just search up r/angionmethod
to all, blessings on your journey however you choose to improve yourself
like most places on reddit /r/gettingbigger is full of morons,

the owner says chemical pe is impossible and will not hear otherwise

(despite at least 3 people in this thread alone confirming that they grew)

and in general is a massive tool.

one of the biggest wastes of time I've ever seen.

/r/gettingbigger is the only real forum about this topic with lots of people sharing experience.

The owner used DHT cream and said it gave him temporary gains and lost all of it again.

Besides of this, "chemical penis enlargement" is impossible if you are not still in puberty as late as 25. And yes, the androgen receptors in the dick are not just shut off and are still responding even at later stage but saying this is something that "just works" shows ignorance to reality.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVTcAvCfMHk
/r/gettingbigger is the only real forum about this topic with lots of people sharing experience.

The owner used DHT cream and said it gave him temporary gains and lost all of it again.

Besides of this, "chemical penis enlargement" is impossible if you are not still in puberty as late as 25. And yes, the androgen receptors in the dick are not just shut off and are still responding even at later stage but saying this is something that "just works" shows ignorance to reality.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVTcAvCfMHk

Thank you I came here to say this. There’s a surgery I hear that can be done that snips some of the base and allegedly extends you out significantly. I really don’t see a point to doing all these dangerous drugs or procedures just to get a bigger dick- just date an Asian and you’ll always look huge. If you’re sub 5” tho, yeah I could see a reason to try this stuff out.

But don’t get me wrong, if they ever come out with something that actually works and is safe
- I don’t know anyone who wouldn’t get on it.
/r/gettingbigger is the only real forum about this topic with lots of people sharing experience.

The owner used DHT cream and said it gave him temporary gains and lost all of it again.

Besides of this, "chemical penis enlargement" is impossible if you are not still in puberty as late as 25. And yes, the androgen receptors in the dick are not just shut off and are still responding even at later stage but saying this is something that "just works" shows ignorance to reality.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DVTcAvCfMHk

and gains from things like pumping something that literally does not produce new tissue but over fills the blood vessels and can lead to worse erection quality over time from reduced demand (on the heart) aren't temporary?!?!

I've had some weird medical things happen that doctors can't help me with, I've spent the last 4 years looking in every corner of the internet if there's one thing, I know about it's this.

from a human development standpoint DHT is the only thing that tells your body to produce new penile tissue, too low GH can affect it but for the most part it's DHT's role.

DHT builds and maintains penile tissue, if your androgens drop because of aging / MTF transition ECT. it atrophies, if you exceed the maintenance level it grows until the next set point, that is a fact.

another fact is the penis is much more fragile than most people believe,

looking at urologists even the increased pressure from masterbaiting prone on your stomach gives a significant increase in the rate of erectile dysfunction.

and they also say no death grips, sharp jerks or any amount of twisting.

jelqing, stretchers and weight hanging is high risk low reward.

while @ThinkDeroid and @Gigantic are just 2 people they sum up every one of the hundred if not thousands of posts I've seen on mechanical vs chemical penis expansion.

spent 300$ on Penimaster, used Penimaster for a couple of months every day for 2-3 hours and gained probably 0.3cm
(0.118 of an inch)
if you lack discipline 4+ hours every day for a year for 1 cm you will gain nothing. (1cm= 0.393 inch)

(wow third of a cm well within the margin of error for measuring or skin being stretched out almost like it not very effective and if you don't get results from the 300-1000$ hunk of metal preying on male insecurity you just weren't disciplined enough bro it's not a scam)


I've gained an inch from trt + hcg alone, along with bigger (permanent) balls after doing clomid for a while. (1 inch =2.54cm)

I did some research and if you never finished puberty properly, hcg and trt can make it grow. If you grow from trt and hcg, you probably had some deficiency.

I always have a bigger, harder dick on roids...

(and to anyone reading this you have some level of deficiency in the same way someone never reached their muscle building genetic max without taking a shit ton of testosterone)

riding BD's dick won't make yours any bigger, use some critical thinking.
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bla bla bla I am dumb.

I am on TRT since years with HCG as well and not increased a bit. Still the same size I measured 20 years ago. Flaccid is bigger - yeah even 1,5 inch bigger - FLACCID - without HCG its the same size again. No changes in erected length.

I injected 3-10 iu HGH daily for 6 months close or basically at the edge of my dick and applied 200mg/w Masteron powder (raw, no oil) with DMSO on my dick for 3 months. No changes in erected length whatsoever.

The mechanical devices actually have studies to back their claims and you just dismiss it while talking about "streching skin" while I specifically said "bone pressed" increased.

riding BD's dick won't make yours any bigger, use some critical thinking.

You seem to have not only growth issues with your dick but your brain as well. I tried A LOT and not just "thought" about stuff like you are doing. You didn't try anything, you don't know anything and then your argument is a dude who claims 1 inch on HCG. Stop being dumb, please.

Androgen receptors in the dick are going offline after puberty. The older, the less responsive they are to DHT. It's a simple fact. Yes, it works in puberty, as I have written now 3x times in this thread already but advertising DHT to 15 year old boys would be kinda criminal and I won't be part of it.
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along with bigger (permanent) balls after doing clomid for a while

That's cope and bullshit. Yes, they will get twice as big as usual on clomid or enclo, but as soon you get back on cycle they will be so small you will need to search for them. Ask me how i know.
I am on TRT since years with HCG as well and not increased a bit. Still the same size I measured 20 years ago. Flaccid is bigger - yeah even 1,5 inch bigger - FLACCID - without HCG its the same size again. No changes in erected length.

I injected 3-10 iu HGH daily for 6 months close or basically at the edge of my dick and applied 200mg/w Masteron powder (raw, no oil) with DMSO on my dick for 3 months. No changes in erected length whatsoever.

The mechanical devices actually have studies to back their claims and you just dismiss it while talking about "streching skin" while I specifically said "bone pressed" increased.

You seem to have not only growth issues with your dick but your brain as well. I tried A LOT and not just "thought" about stuff like you are doing. You didn't try anything, you don't know anything and then your argument is a dude who claims 1 inch on HCG. Stop being dumb, please.

Androgen receptors in the dick are going offline after puberty. The older, the less responsive they are to DHT. It's a simple fact. Yes, it works in puberty, as I have written now 3x times in this thread already but advertising DHT to 15 year old boys would be kinda criminal and I won't be part of it.
"The mechanical devices actually have studies to back their claims and you just dismiss"
they are mixed at best and your result of (0.3cm)14.06% of
1 SD (~2.1336cm) in months would not be considered clinically significant.

"your argument is a dude who claims 1 inch on HCG. Stop being dumb, please"
please go back and actually read what I wrote, I literally said that he was just one guy but Sumed up hundreds of posts that I've read,

my argument is the many guys I've heard go on """"TRT""""
(legal steroid blast) and get ~half inch (~1.27cm) even in their 30's and 40's.

it's less effective with age but the receptors stay open, something you even acknowledged before you contradicted yourself quote "And yes, the androgen receptors in the dick are not just shut off and are still responding even at later stage but saying this is something that "just works" shows ignorance to reality." end quote.

you say I'm showing ignorance to reality but the reality is biology is based on chemistry which is an axiomatic system.

the penis is less like skeletal muscle and more like the smooth muscles in the bowel and heart ones that grow due the chemical factors
(GH, short bowel agents and enlarged heart from AAS use etc)

not mechanical factors.

and it is highly vascular (blood vessels are tissues that handle mechanical stress poorly)

the realty is if DHT doesn't work that's basically it, that's your body's only "intended" way to make new healthy functional penile tissue.

you can try to grow with an unintended way like soft tissue healing but that not going to work most of the time,
especially in older men due to reduced soft tissue healing, lower collagen synthesis and quality from aging.

so, I'm kinda criminal for talking about how an androgenic steroid works on a steroid forum?

but you are completely fine with an influencer grifting people out of 100's$ via false hope for something that goes against doctor/surgeon recommendations and best-case scenario does next to nothing with a not insubstantial chance of breaking their dick?

and don't just take my word for it, BD himself says in a video that people who do pe ( jelqing, stretchers and weight hanging) have the highest rate of hard flaccid (aka broken dick) out of all demographics or populations.

and people still buy his shit and fanboy for him to the ends of the earth, as I said in my first post, one of the biggest wastes of time I've ever seen.
I am on TRT since years with HCG as well and not increased a bit. Still the same size I measured 20 years ago. Flaccid is bigger - yeah even 1,5 inch bigger - FLACCID - without HCG its the same size again. No changes in erected length.

I injected 3-10 iu HGH daily for 6 months close or basically at the edge of my dick and applied 200mg/w Masteron powder (raw, no oil) with DMSO on my dick for 3 months. No changes in erected length whatsoever.

The mechanical devices actually have studies to back their claims and you just dismiss it while talking about "streching skin" while I specifically said "bone pressed" increased.

You seem to have not only growth issues with your dick but your brain as well. I tried A LOT and not just "thought" about stuff like you are doing. You didn't try anything, you don't know anything and then your argument is a dude who claims 1 inch on HCG. Stop being dumb, please.

Androgen receptors in the dick are going offline after puberty. The older, the less responsive they are to DHT. It's a simple fact. Yes, it works in puberty, as I have written now 3x times in this thread already but advertising DHT to 15 year old boys would be kinda criminal and I won't be part of it.
sorry I got more heated than I wanted to.

I'm sorry none of the stacks you tried worked, but hypo-responders don't disprove the importance of androgens in muscle building.

we've all seen people who just don't blow up on gear or even look like they're on anything.

and in the same way hypo-responders don't disprove that for primary sexual dimorphism (ie penis size) in human males DHT is basically a one-man operation.
I have used Penimaster (streching device) for a couple of months every day for 2-3 hours and gained probably 0.3cm (from like 16cm non-bone-pressed to 16,3cm and bone pressed 17,5cm to 17,8cm) in length. It is very tedious and if you lack discipline, it will not work. I guess if you wear it a year, it could add 1cm.

RestoreX is actually FDA approved but costs like $1000 and only available in the US. Also it's more focused on Peyronie's disease but can be used to increase length as well.

Penimaster has a study as well and is much cheaper (still $300) and it has those suction cups which are actually better than those clamps (like Restorex). But, as written above, it you lack discipline (4+ hours every day for a year for 1 cm) you will gain nothing.

Also, I have done HA fillers at Androfill UK and it's a nice addition (I added around 1,5cm in mid errected girth, from 14,5cm to 16cm) but a bit aesthetically risky if you are uncircumcised. And if you get the wrong brand, it can be too soft. There's PMMA as well, but it's microplastic and I would recommend it only if you are very small in girth (like below 11cm circumference) and only if circumcised.

Check out /r/gettingbigger on Reddit.
I consider this informative despite the Reddit link. While I think Reddit is a cesspool, I note this thread's readers ignored virtually every informative detail from your post to criticize your final sentence. People let ya down.
Does this muscle have a name?
The shaft is comprised of corpora cavernosa (2), and the corpus spongiosum, and the head is called the glans.

This thread is filled with fucks that not only doubt the penis is a muscle (group) but actually laugh, ridicule, the fact.

Myself and other readers didn't laugh in response, but audibly groaned at the stupidity... That the penis is fascia, or something. This is the thing you fucks play with and occasionally, hopefully, have maybe stuck in a female once or twice. Hopefully not causing pregnancy for the sake of the planet.

Jesus, what happened to this place?
The shaft is comprised of corpora cavernosa (2), and the corpus spongiosum, and the head is called the glans.

This thread is filled with fucks that not only doubt the penis is a muscle (group) but actually laugh, ridicule, the fact.

Myself and other readers didn't laugh in response, but audibly groaned at the stupidity... That the penis is fascia, or something. This is the thing you fucks play with and occasionally, hopefully, have maybe stuck in a female once or twice. Hopefully not causing pregnancy for the sake of the planet.

Jesus, what happened to this place?
It’s 100% not a muscle.
It’s 100% not a muscle.
The functional (for sexual activity) parts of the penis are called the bulbocavernosus and ischiocavernosus muscles.

Only a pedantic fuckwit anatomy major or casual pop sci reader would argue that the male penis is not mostly smooth muscle that controls sexual activity, and moreover, does so in response to testosterone (partly, but importantly).
The functional (for sexual activity) parts of the penis are called the bulbocavernosus and ischiocavernosus muscles.

Only a pedantic fuckwit anatomy major or casual pop sci reader would argue that the male penis is not mostly smooth muscle that controls sexual activity, and moreover, does so in response to testosterone (partly, but importantly).

The penis IS connected to muscles.
The penis is NOT a muscle.
End of discussion.
Great job arguing against something I never said.

I said the penis is comprised of a group of muscles.

Here, have an education:

Great job arguing against something I never said.

I said the penis is comprised of a group of muscles.

Here, have an education:

Lol. Comment #65 disagrees with you. This is getting a bit embarrassing for you.
That's cope and bullshit. Yes, they will get twice as big as usual on clomid or enclo, but as soon you get back on cycle they will be so small you will need to search for them. Ask me how i know.
No, actually it isn't. There was something wrong with my nuts to begin with. Clomid restored the functionality I lost BEFORE puberty started.

I can't vouch for anyone else, but my nuts are 2x as big as they were before I ever started steroids. Somewhere along the line, my nuts stopped growing and were essentially atrophied BEFORE steroids.

After 2 months on hcg, and 6 months on clomid, I have a harder dick, more facial hair with less patchiness, and much bigger nuts. To top it off, my natural testosterone is in the 500-600s, with higher fluctations instead of being consistently in the 100s range.

Your mileage may vary, but this is what worked for me:

1. 200mg TRT + 1000 HCG twice a week + Tamoxifen
2. 500mg test + 500mg deca + hcg.
3. 200mg TRT + 50mg Clomid/day
4. 300mg test, tren, mast weekly + 25mg enclomiphene/day + 500 hcg iu 3x/week.
5. Enclomiphene for 3 months

In-between I had a bunch of HGH.

After that... I feel normal-ish. Believe me, women feel the difference. They don't feel as good when my dick wasn't as hard / thick / bigger.

I do have some perma girth increase, and now I can actually power it. I love hearing and seeing a woman crying and moaning while sitting down on my dick.