AAS Penile Girth Increase

There's a whole penis enlargement community actually

From tying weights to your dick, to surgery, to foreskin restoration, to cast like stretching devices. I stumbled upon a forum years ago after I read a article in a medical magazine in the Dr's office.

I'm personally ok with my average cock. I have never actually had a complaint before. I do wish I bigger yeah, but I'm not going to bind my dick or dangle pl8s from it
There's a whole penis enlargement community actually

From tying weights to your dick, to surgery, to foreskin restoration, to cast like stretching devices. I stumbled upon a forum years ago after I read a article in a medical magazine in the Dr's office.

I'm personally ok with my average cock. I have never actually had a complaint before. I do wish I bigger yeah, but I'm not going to bind my dick or dangle pl8s from it
but none of these methods has scientific support, and they focus on stretching, which may actually increase the risk of penis fracture

chemical methods are poorly understood, we have really little data on the use of pure DHT
I approach this to the same way i approach building muslce. Pump to the max and create microtears which will heal and come back larger. A stimulus has to be there for it to actually have a reason to grow. Just taking drugs isnt going to do that very much unless you are giving your body a reason to add more tissue. Im one of those guys who likes to have all my bases covered when it comes to women. Take it from me my protocol will get you more pussy than you can handle.
this is going to sound pretty beta male of me, but here we go

there is very little evidence to support post-pubertal andgrogenic effects on male penis size (trust me, I've searched and tried a lot of things). If anything, you need to balance HGH with HCG so that the stem cells are still open to grow, especially if you are going with androgenic horomnes in absence of proper exirsize
The idea of penile microtears has also been proven to be... misunderstood. it makes some logical sense if you don't know a literally CRAZY amount about penile structure and blood flow and how smooth muscle works (you guys are the normal ones if you don't know this)
in short, the angioin method is our good news in this story. the penis is structured less like a muscle and more like an organ, although it is a very weird organ even if we categorize it as one. the basic theory of angion (check out the Reddit if you want more details or just to make fun of it) is that increased blood flowxtime=gains. Pumping fits this goal fairly well, although can reduce net flow in negative ways. The other methods like jelquing, hanging, clamping, and hitting your dick with a hammer all can be dangerous and lead to damage and Peyronie's disease , which is medically described as having scar tissue form in your dick from bad use (which has been described by people in these communities and even younger me to be the goal of hanging). this is an Imminent and inherent risk of using outdated methods, and can really f you up if you arent careful

after about a year or two, once you get your newby gains (usually 1/2 inch girth+length, 1 inch if done really well) and erection quality benefits (which are voluptuous, the pump is FR), then MAYBE you can start looking into stuff like PEG-1 if you need more than 1 inch perminent gains, but that stuff will give you 3 things
1. Crazy erections and pump out of this world
2. Literal inches of girth gains in months time
3. Heart problems, heart attacks, and possible death, especially if used irresponsibly or combo with other PEDS or blood pressure effectors
PGE-1 has only started to be looked into, however the results are always strong. I would consider it the only penis growth PED worth spending time on (unless you have over 10000 dollars to by designer peptides, in that case there are penile growth factors you can buy but they cost insane $$$)
either way, i don't recommend anything past the regular angion method because it gives as much as you need with no chance of harm, but if you are going to go on high doses of androgens just for penis gains, you should think again
@Type-IIx sorry if you don't like this topic :D

but I wanted to know your knowledge on this, is there a possibility of "chemical growth" after puberty? We have data that this occurs in the treatment of micropenis, but I dont know a mechanism that completely block the possibility of growth in healthy people.
Penis tissue atrophies from low T and disuse, it's a muscle.
I approach this to the same way i approach building muslce. Pump to the max and create microtears which will heal and come back larger. A stimulus has to be there for it to actually have a reason to grow. Just taking drugs isnt going to do that very much unless you are giving your body a reason to add more tissue. Im one of those guys who likes to have all my bases covered when it comes to women. Take it from me my protocol will get you more pussy than you can handle.
Building muscle via ‘micro-tears in the muscle that come heal and come back larger'…. isn’t that a myth?
So hypothetically. You inject anabolic steroids and lift objects with your dick (like up and down with a string) I should get bigger yes?
Yes actually, and not hypothetically. It's not skeletal muscle it's not near limitless in its growth potential but it's responsive to anabolic stimuli. Meaning that it's smooth muscle not striated (multinucleated).
Yes actually, and not hypothetically. It's not skeletal muscle it's not near limitless in its growth potential but it's responsive to anabolic stimuli. Meaning that it's smooth muscle not striated (multinucleated).
Is there any practical scientific data on the anabolism of this muscle?
The way I’ve always seen this is the amount of tissue that’s there is there. Getting healthy and strong elections is the key. I know for me it’s the difference between a 7 1/2 in. And a 6 1/2 in.

Having the cardiovascular endurance to maintain it properly also helps - a lot of erection issues are directly correlated to circulatory system issues
I've gained an inch from trt + hcg alone, along with bigger (permanent) balls after doing clomid for a while.

The dick size goes back down a little, though... must be something wrong with my erection.

I did some research and if you never finished puberty properly, hcg and trt can make it grow. If you grow from trt and hcg, you probably had some deficiency.

I always have a bigger, harder dick on roids...
I, by the way, ordered a penis pump - first ever in my life - but I heard it will not help to grow the penis at all. Just for a short time - like maybe increase the size for the short amount of "sex time". Is that true at least? Or is there any possibility for "training" for a permanent size increase? (May be considering the fact I am on AAS - I guess people in those studies did not take any AAS)
Is there any practical scientific data on the anabolism of this muscle?
You'd want to direct this question to an expert on men's sexual health, like a surgeon that performs penile implants and the like. Probably, but I'm not really interested in finding out.
I, by the way, ordered a penis pump - first ever in my life - but I heard it will not help to grow the penis at all. Just for a short time - like maybe increase the size for the short amount of "sex time". Is that true at least? Or is there any possibility for "training" for a permanent size increase? (May be considering the fact I am on AAS - I guess people in those studies did not take any AAS)
Surprisingly there exists, but I'm not motivated to dig them up again, strong data that not only indicate that these modern medical devices (note that I don't know what you purchased) not only work, but are prescribed in men's sexual medicine for treatment of conditions that include Peroni's disease & post-operatively after trauma of the penis and/or penile implant. Traction devices like the Restorex can increase length and width of the penis.
I, by the way, ordered a penis pump - first ever in my life - but I heard it will not help to grow the penis at all. Just for a short time - like maybe increase the size for the short amount of "sex time". Is that true at least? Or is there any possibility for "training" for a permanent size increase? (May be considering the fact I am on AAS - I guess people in those studies did not take any AAS)
Mine goes down immediately after removing the band, so no. lol
I have used Penimaster (streching device) for a couple of months every day for 2-3 hours and gained probably 0.3cm (from like 16cm non-bone-pressed to 16,3cm and bone pressed 17,5cm to 17,8cm) in length. It is very tedious and if you lack discipline, it will not work. I guess if you wear it a year, it could add 1cm.

RestoreX is actually FDA approved but costs like $1000 and only available in the US. Also it's more focused on Peyronie's disease but can be used to increase length as well.

Penimaster has a study as well and is much cheaper (still $300) and it has those suction cups which are actually better than those clamps (like Restorex). But, as written above, it you lack discipline (4+ hours every day for a year for 1 cm) you will gain nothing.

Also, I have done HA fillers at Androfill UK and it's a nice addition (I added around 1,5cm in mid errected girth, from 14,5cm to 16cm) but a bit aesthetically risky if you are uncircumcised. And if you get the wrong brand, it can be too soft. There's PMMA as well, but it's microplastic and I would recommend it only if you are very small in girth (like below 11cm circumference) and only if circumcised.

Check out /r/gettingbigger on Reddit.
like most places on reddit /r/gettingbigger is full of morons,

the owner says chemical pe is impossible and will not hear otherwise

(despite at least 3 people in this thread alone confirming that they grew)

and in general is a massive tool.

one of the biggest wastes of time I've ever seen.
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