AAS Penile Girth Increase

I just watched it. I hope he doesnt mean he stuck a needle in his dick. Haha, for all that probably better off to see a doc and get a dermal filler.
I think I remember it was around his dick but near it or something lol but I’m not sure
I think I remember it was around his dick but near it or something lol but I’m not sure
Yeah, that’s what he kept saying, but he may not have wanted to get censored lol. it’s hard to actually figure out what he was doing. I will say, regardless that the dude is an OG.
We have no data that the prostate grows due to high doses of tesosterone

but we have data on 65-year-old people that administration of huge doses of pure DHT causes increased PSA in some people

Personally, I wonder if there is a difference between DHT produced from 5 alpha reductase and pure DHT or DHT produced due to DHB
We have no data that the prostate grows due to high doses of tesosterone

but we have data on 65-year-old people that administration of huge doses of pure DHT causes increased PSA in some people

Personally, I wonder if there is a difference between DHT produced from 5 alpha reductase and pure DHT or DHT produced due to DHB
That’s a good question, I’d love to know as well.
started using 1.5 g of Masteron E per week - should I get my tape measure ready? :eek:
masteron is too weak an androgen to cause this, after all it was administered to women in medicine because it made the clitoris grow less than after testosterone

Personally, I am curious about halotestin
@Type-IIx sorry if you don't like this topic :D

but I wanted to know your knowledge on this, is there a possibility of "chemical growth" after puberty? We have data that this occurs in the treatment of micropenis, but I dont know a mechanism that completely block the possibility of growth in healthy people.
Yeah, that’s what he kept saying, but he may not have wanted to get censored lol. it’s hard to actually figure out what he was doing. I will say, regardless that the dude is an OG.
Bro if you follow him he’s got some pretty good content. I been following him for years but his YouTube kept getting banned because he was reviewing sarms and stuff before he started using aas. He’s a pretty good biohacking guru that’s non bias. But yea there is no way in hell I’m sticking oil in my dick
Bro if you follow him he’s got some pretty good content. I been following him for years but his YouTube kept getting banned because he was reviewing sarms and stuff before he started using aas. He’s a pretty good biohacking guru that’s non bias. But yea there is no way in hell I’m sticking oil in my dick
I watched a lot of his stuff last night. I want to know where he gets his DHT cream from.
DHT would be what would make the penis grow however the receptors in the penis shut off after puberty. Sure, it's not an on/off switch and they might be responsive even at later age (25+) but seriously, the best way to use it is while in puberty.

Oh oh. Kids. Don't do it. Like, don't use DHT. Better is just a combo of real TRT (T + HCG) + low dose of Primo for 2-3 years (while in puberty). But it comes with a cost, probably TRT for life.

But topical DHT cream is ridiculous, DHT is systemic and doesn't just respond in the penis if applied topically. You can just inject it like every other compound.

And for the dads: The other option is just to keep your son non fat (but non skinny) and start going to the gym in early puberty and give daily Zinc/Mag and daily real meat. That should do a lot to the hormones of the kid. And if he smokes, it actually increases Testosterone by a lot (like 10-15%) so... yeah ok :D

Also, at pregnancy, the mother should eat a lot of Zinc/Mag/meat and stay semi skinny (not malnutritioned) as her hormones are actually the main reason for penis size (guess the idea of synthetic HCG), it's not related to the dad, ie. dad can be small, son can be big, vice versa.
My dads got a legit bat, if I close my eyes I can still see it. I have a very average sized dick (6.5in) so I don't believe it's hereditary
Not to many girls care about length brother, it’s all about the thickness of the wood

Word. I'm pretty on average size at 6,5 and with my 2 latest gf's i can't pound hard on doggy and the only way i enjoy it is ballz deep..but i would kill to have a girth like Remigio Zampa for example, it's like a monster energy drink can. Tunnel making in the process haha