AAS Penile Girth Increase

DHT would be what would make the penis grow however the receptors in the penis shut off after puberty. Sure, it's not an on/off switch and they might be responsive even at later age (25+) but seriously, the best way to use it is while in puberty.

Oh oh. Kids. Don't do it. Like, don't use DHT. Better is just a combo of real TRT (T + HCG) + low dose of Primo for 2-3 years (while in puberty). But it comes with a cost, probably TRT for life.

But topical DHT cream is ridiculous, DHT is systemic and doesn't just respond in the penis if applied topically. You can just inject it like every other compound.

And for the dads: The other option is just to keep your son non fat (but non skinny) and start going to the gym in early puberty and give daily Zinc/Mag and daily real meat. That should do a lot to the hormones of the kid. And if he smokes, it actually increases Testosterone by a lot (like 10-15%) so... yeah ok :D

Also, at pregnancy, the mother should eat a lot of Zinc/Mag/meat and stay semi skinny (not malnutritioned) as her hormones are actually the main reason for penis size (guess the idea of synthetic HCG), it's not related to the dad, ie. dad can be small, son can be big, vice versa.
DHT is better, I read that DHT is used in the treatment of micropenis with much greater benefits than testosterone

DHT is a god hormone, people without DHT have more testosterone, the same amount of muscle, but their penis is one inch long
Here’s a question for ya. So “DHT derivatives”, (superdrol, anadrol, primo, winstrol etc) meanwhile they don’t all actually convert to legit DHT. Which ones actually do ?
Here’s a question for ya. So “DHT derivatives”, (superdrol, anadrol, primo, winstrol etc) meanwhile they don’t all actually convert to legit DHT. Which ones actually do ?
none of them

only DHB leads to an increase in DHT through a mechanism unexplored by scientists, but we dont know how much

btw, I am interested in halotestin because it is the only easily available substance that is reduced by 5 alpha reductase to a stronger androgen, just like testosterone is reduced to DHT.
none of them

only DHB leads to an increase in DHT through a mechanism unexplored by scientists, but we dont know how much

btw, I am interested in halotestin because it is the only easily available substance that is reduced by 5 alpha reductase to a stronger androgen, just like testosterone is reduced to DHT.
So then is DHEA better than DHB , in regards to increasing DHT ?
For all the delusionalists out there about what real avg is:

The average penis size is much smaller than on porn and it doesn't change anything

This is a steroid forum, we destroy our health to stand out from other guys so it's logical that almost everyone here wants to have a huge dong too
The average penis size is much smaller than on porn and it doesn't change anything

This is a steroid forum, we destroy our health to stand out from other guys so it's logical that almost everyone here wants to have a huge dong
The porn guys have the money for dermal fillers, and all that other shit. They already come in with good genetics, and then they generate the income to enhance it even more.
The porn guys have the money for dermal fillers, and all that other shit. They already come in with good genetics, and then they generate the income to enhance it even more.
But girls watch this porn and don't wonder if the penis is natural or not, they just look for a guy with such a big one
The average penis size is much smaller than on porn and it doesn't change anything

The issue with modern feminism is though, the females choose who to have sex with and in our reality 70% of the females have sex with 10% of the top men. And you can be assured, the top 10% men all have 6+ inch (nbp, non bone pressed). Thus, it skews the female's perception of average towards bigger sizes.

Also, girls generally have no clue to measure anyway. A 6inch (nbp) looks very different on manlet than on 6 3 with 230lbs+.
remember not everything is so obvious

Do we have enough research on administering huge amounts of DHT to healthy people to confirm this?

And research on other interesting androgens like halo in healthy people?
For all the delusionalists out there about what real avg is:

you can't fuck a graph.

even if you are 2+ standard deviations above normal, objectively big if it's below the number in her mind that gets her excited you ain't getting any.

in real life facts mean nothing for penis size, women's standards are the only ones that actually matter.