AAS Penile Girth Increase

I don't remember which issue is caused by e2, but estrogen causes erection issues yes. I simply just run compounds that balance my e2 so I never have this issue aside from diet or emotional factors.
Anecdotal evidence here, but high estrogen doesn't negatively affect my erections. On the contrary, I feel great with higher estrogen. Only Deca gives me a floppy donkey dick.

I'll bet most of these people getting bigger dicks (myself included, I gained a lot) on steroid cycles are simply burning away their FUPA. lol...
what compounds you running? dhea/preg?
Test, Primo, "HCG" (indian pharma whoopsies), and occasionally Tren for fun. If you would instead rather choose a SERM dht instead of an AI dht then use Mast instead of Primo.

(Please note the whole "mast is serm" and "primo is AI" is just a general thing) you can run test higher since primo lowers e2 though, and mast I honestly have never ran but it yeah it's basically a serm to high test.

Anecdotal evidence here, but high estrogen doesn't negatively affect my erections. On the contrary, I feel great with higher estrogen. Only Deca gives me a floppy donkey dick.

I'll bet most of these people getting bigger dicks (myself included, I gained a lot) on steroid cycles are simply burning away their FUPA. lol...
Honestly I think high e2 makes my erections softer, but I've always had a weird seasonal erection thing, I am horny as fuck for 3ish months then nothing, I think that has to do more with frequent dieting and different factors, because I will say when I am doing perfect on maintenance and activity, my erections are so often it's a hazard to my work environment.

I will also say the FUPA thing is real, but I do penis enlargement as a joke so I measure my dick regularly and it changed size, not including the fatpad, and not including penis enlargement since I wasn't doing it routinely at the time, I was just measuring for fun.
You may think you are just above average, but in a lifetime, each person only sees a handful of real dicks to offset the hundreds of selected-for-porn dicks we see on screen, and we all end up with skewed perception. Thats what statistics are for.
It's unlikely that penile tissue grows from steroids (androgens) after puberty. Growth happens during puberty. After puberty, if you notice an increase is size/girth, it's due to a better blood flow (improved erection).

Testosterone improves erections, and that's why you get better, more pumped erections when on testosterone. This can cause the confusion that testosterone makes the penis grow at any age, but that's not the case.
It's unlikely that penile tissue grows from steroids (androgens) after puberty. Growth happens during puberty. After puberty, if you notice an increase is size/girth, it's due to a better blood flow (improved erection).

Testosterone improves erections, and that's why you get better, more pumped erections when on testosterone. This can cause the confusion that testosterone makes the penis grow at any age, but that's not the case.
I swear mast made me bigger.. temporarily. I had bigger dick pumps than I did arms lol. No other compound has really affected me downstairs…. I really wanna run it again but I get practically nothing from it in terms of body composition
I’m 100% / 100% trust me bro why would I lie
Ah you want pictures? I could really care less what you believe, doesn’t change anything. Besides that’s only 8” and 6”. I didn’t even know I was that thick until my girlfriend at the time measured it.
Never even really considered myself big until I was told repeatedly since high school. I just figured every girl says I’m the biggest she’s had. Still 8” doesn’t seem that big to me because I see it everyday, plus being 6’5 250lbs it looks proportional to me. Either way hitting cervix’s and being told not to go so deep isn’t as fun as it sounds.
I also stretch it still and I do think that all the stuff I’ve been on and on trt for the past 4 years has made it a little bigger. But no hard evidence lol
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Ah you want pictures? I could really care less what you believe, doesn’t change anything. Besides that’s only 8” and 6”. I didn’t even know I was that thick until my girlfriend at the time measured it.
Never even really considered myself big until I was told repeatedly since high school. I just figured every girl says I’m the biggest she’s had. Still 8” doesn’t seem that big to me because I see it everyday, plus being 6’5 250lbs it looks proportional to me. Either way hitting cervix’s and being told not to go so deep isn’t as fun as it sounds.
I also stretch it still and I do think that all the stuff I’ve been on and on trt for the past 4 years has made it a little bigger. But no hard evidence lol

You realize you just replied in a serious tone to something that was obviously sarcastic, right ?

You may be thick, but not in the way you think.
You realize you just replied in a serious tone to something that was obviously sarcastic, right ?

You may be thick, but not in the way you think.
Nah he was obviously trying to call me out which most people use sarcastic tones when calling people out. But tbh when I look up statistics I really don’t believe it either so I don’t blame him lol
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No drug will make you larger. Growth is over after puberty and only shrinkage from the progressive buildup of plaque and scar tissue lie ahead. However, some will increase flaccid size, giving your non erect penis a more impressive presence. The best for this is 2.5 - 5mg Cialis.
Ah you want pictures? I could really care less what you believe, doesn’t change anything. Besides that’s only 8” and 6”. I didn’t even know I was that thick until my girlfriend at the time measured it.
Never even really considered myself big until I was told repeatedly since high school. I just figured every girl says I’m the biggest she’s had. Still 8” doesn’t seem that big to me because I see it everyday, plus being 6’5 250lbs it looks proportional to me. Either way hitting cervix’s and being told not to go so deep isn’t as fun as it sounds.
I also stretch it still and I do think that all the stuff I’ve been on and on trt for the past 4 years has made it a little bigger. But no hard evidence lol
I’m in the same boat.Never thought it’s so gritty until I checked the chart.
Still don’t fully believe that in a room of 1000 people I would be the grittiest maybe it’s because to much porn influence.
Funny I also thought girls just say that to every guy that he is the biggest she had.