AAS Penile Girth Increase

1. 200mg TRT + 1000 HCG twice a week + Tamoxifen
2. 500mg test + 500mg deca + hcg.
3. 200mg TRT + 50mg Clomid/day
4. 300mg test, tren, mast weekly + 25mg enclomiphene/day + 500 hcg iu 3x/week.
5. Enclomiphene for 3 months
Do you regularly cycle through each of these numbers or was this just a one time build up to where you are now?

How long were on 3. ? Was your estrogen not out of control at that dose of clomid or were you suppressing it and didn't include that? Asking because I have been doing SERM therapy @ 12.5mg/ed clomid and it nearly doubled my LH, FSH, free and total test but I didn't notice a testicle size difference despite a lot of other improvements.

Also, has anyone tried out the vitamin D 50k+ IU super-dosing method and gotten any success?
Do you regularly cycle through each of these numbers or was this just a one time build up to where you are now?

How long were on 3. ? Was your estrogen not out of control at that dose of clomid or were you suppressing it and didn't include that? Asking because I have been doing SERM therapy @ 12.5mg/ed clomid and it nearly doubled my LH, FSH, free and total test but I didn't notice a testicle size difference despite a lot of other improvements.

Also, has anyone tried out the vitamin D 50k+ IU super-dosing method and gotten any success?
I don't cycle a lot, and I always get off earlier than intended due to medical issues that no longer exist after surgery.

#3, I never stayed on more than 3 months, I think. I just gave up.

Estrogen was high at 134, but I felt great and didn't have any real sides.

Oh yeah, I also did Vitamin D 50k+ IU weekly for a few months. Not sure if that contributed.
even if its effectiveness decreases with age the possible ~0.5-1 inch (from what I've heard from the people who did grow) is just as good if not better than the mechanical stretcher's results and doesn't come with a chance to break your dick.
This is in the context of somebody who had a non complete puberty right? isnt that the argument that the only people who gain is because its back filling what they were deficient in within a reasonable period of time where the receptors can apparently be turned on. Its all theoretical but still cool to think about. DHT cream on the dick to me doesnt feel like it would work, maybe the local concentration affects somthing but it will still go systemic and then it will bind to SHBG preferentially to test anyways, mabne the free androgens in the blood dont arnt transported or dont stay around there long enough to change expression.
Its all theoretical but still cool to think about. DHT cream on the dick to me doesnt feel like it would work, maybe the local concentration affects somthing but it will still go systemic and then it will bind to SHBG preferentially to test anyways, mabne the free androgens in the blood dont arnt transported or dont stay around there long enough to change expression.
there is something to be said about maximizing local receptors but for the most part it will go systemic.

most people use cream there for 2 reasons
1 to try to keep it localized to save their hair
(doesn't work like that whether or not you go bald is based on how many androgen receptors you have in your scalp)

2 because the skin is soft enough to apply androgen cream there, if you get it as a cream it's there or your forearms anyway.

systemic works just fine, most of the people I heard from weren't trying to do PE but got it as a side effect from doing a stupidly large stack.
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This is in the context of somebody who had a non complete puberty right? isnt that the argument that the only people who gain is because its back filling what they were deficient in within a reasonable period of time where the receptors can apparently be turned on.
it's possible but if that's the case there's quite a few people with a half-baked puberty. I think it closer to the muscle building side of aas's

most people don't hit their genetic limit like how 99% of people's muscles could be a bit bigger if they took gear.

I think most men could be a bit bigger if they focused on the androgenic side rather than the anabolic side of aas's but that's just my opinion.
it's possible but if that's the case there's quite a few people with a half-baked puberty. I think it closer to the muscle building side of aas's

most people don't hit their genetic limit like how 99% of people's muscles could be a bit bigger if they took gear.

I think most men could be a bit bigger if they focused on the androgenic side rather than the anabolic side of aas's but that's just my opinion.

No amount of AAS will "complete an incomplete puberty".
You are set for life after 25.
No amount of AAS will "complete an incomplete puberty".
You are set for life after 25.
This is not true, and it’s well-documented that hCG and Test combined will literally fix micropenises.

I personally gained about an inch and more hair from AAS. I have a huge(r), thick(er) dick now and love it, but it isn’t all cracked up to be.

EDIT: Mods, why are all my posts awaiting moderator approval now? This flag showed up shortly after explaining that I was having serious issues on one of your sponsor’s products. That’s suspect.
EDIT: Mods, why are all my posts awaiting moderator approval now? This flag showed up shortly after explaining that I was having serious issues on one of your sponsor’s products. That’s suspect.
No. That's not it. Don't worry. It's your paranoia. ;)

MESO always and consistently encourages all members to report their problems with vendors. Matter how big or small. Immediately, and without delay.

The auto-moderation is exactly what is implies. It is automatically and algorithmically moderated for manual approval. Large language models are far from perfect.

AI just thinks posts talking about bigger and thicker dicks is suspect and something a spammer would post. :D
This is not true, and it’s well-documented that hCG and Test combined will literally fix micropenises.

I personally gained about an inch and more hair from AAS. I have a huge(r), thick(er) dick now and love it, but it isn’t all cracked up to be.

EDIT: Mods, why are all my posts awaiting moderator approval now? This flag showed up shortly after explaining that I was having serious issues on one of your sponsor’s products. That’s suspect.

Did Tren yield a more androgenic response than test ?
No. That's not it. Don't worry. It's your paranoia. ;)

MESO always and consistently encourages all members to report their problems with vendors. Matter how big or small. Immediately, and without delay.

The auto-moderation is exactly what is implies. It is automatically and algorithmically moderated for manual approval. Large language models are far from perfect.

AI just thinks posts talking about bigger and thicker dicks is suspect and something a spammer would post. :D
I figured the tren made me paranoid.
No. That's not it. Don't worry. It's your paranoia. ;)

MESO always and consistently encourages all members to report their problems with vendors. Matter how big or small. Immediately, and without delay.

The auto-moderation is exactly what is implies. It is automatically and algorithmically moderated for manual approval. Large language models are far from perfect.

AI just thinks posts talking about bigger and thicker dicks is suspect and something a spammer would post. :D
It only started recently though, right when that update happened that made captchas no longer require puzzles (at least for me on Brave’s mobile browser). I never used to get awaiting mod approval before then. Did something change that makes mod approval much more frequent, or did I just get put on a watch list for popping off at people? It seems I have been cast into meso purgatory.
I did the first time I started TRT. I must have fucked shit up this time around though, because the state of affairs down there is just sad. I can’t remember the last time I’ve been rock hard, let alone the last time I got one of those memorable boners, the kind of boner where you’re so engorged that it almost hurts. I miss the old days.
It only started recently though, right when that update happened that made captchas no longer require puzzles (at least for me on Brave’s mobile browser). I never used to get awaiting mod approval before then. Did something change that makes mod approval much more frequent, or did I just get put on a watch list for popping off at people? It seems I have been cast into meso purgatory.
I’ve got the same issue going on and wondering the same thing lol.
First cycle I did 300test 25var and I grew 0.25 inches in length.

Anybody here who can't get a rock hard boner (who isn't 40+) and is cutting right now, that's why. When I cut my dick only gets hard when I want/need it to, never morning wood or randoms.
First cycle I did 300test 25var and I grew 0.25 inches in length.

Anybody here who can't get a rock hard boner (who isn't 40+) and is cutting right now, that's why. When I cut my dick only gets hard when I want/need it to, never morning wood or randoms.
Thank you, mystery solved. Will controlling high e2 improve erection quality?