[Superior Labs] [Test E Bloods]


New Member
Here is my Superior Test E labs at 500mg/week at the beginning of my 7th week. Last injection was on 9/1 at around 10:30 pm and got blood drawn 9/3 11am.
In sure shamcocks gear won't even be close,


Who is shamcock? Haha

He brews up 25% pure bullshit, doesn't care what the other 75% is a along as he gets his mg/ml correct, sells it to idiots who obviously know jack shit about injecting garbage into their bodies, but you know what!!!! If anyone is dumb enough to buy this bullshit, they need to become VIP at Eroids

I wish OP was more credible member, being a junior member and posting results for a new source is fishy.
Didn't think of that... Guess that's why us newer guys rely so heavily on people who have been around... I personally got bitten for almost a grand when Z got hit and am real gun shy now... Hope these guys are what I am looking for, my source is getting outta oils.
You wont get any freebies here. I'd erase the thread asking for raws source. You'll get a bunch of shit for it. This game is a huge stupid game of chance.
Really? I had hoped by being straight up and wording I'd done all the research in the world... Maybe some guys would have some useful info either on these guys or someone else... There has to be someone constantly reliable... Dang, I don't want a bunch of crap, but I also don't want to throw away a ton of money. What is crazy is any scammer can get twenty buddies to join sites and skewer reviews and ratings, so I was hoping some guys with time on the board might have some insight. I mean the raw site looks legit. hahaha or even worse inject some filler that'll give me cancer in five years! Too bad AAS aren't next to the Tylenol at CVS! Thanks bro
If you prepare yourself and make educated decisions you can minimize risk. Impatience is not a virtue. Once you found somebody ask bros here , Google it and trust your instincts. This isn't a fair game ITS ILLEGAL. Sometimes you just gotta shoot and hope you dont miss
I wish OP was more credible member, being a junior member and posting results for a new source is fishy.
You dont have to believe or my results thats fine, but I dont promote Superior in any way. People were asking about his gear and I said I would get bloods, more-so for me personally. I had a bunk asin from EuroPharma (PSL/UncleZ) and I knew shit wasn't right because my dick stopped working. Now all is doing well with adex from rui. Take my results any way you want they're for the community to see, whether you believe them or not is your choice. You should research others views anyway besides just mine.

My test was the female panel from labsmd @Northern Nutrition I believe the test levels along with e2 should be accurate? If not please tell me why they wouldn't :) I know labs that use ECLIA to test can mess up the numbers with people running deca/test e, but I didnt think that was possible with LC/MS.