Sust 250 and best frequency of injectiouns


Been running test for years. I'm older now and I'm now on TRT. "Misuse and abuse of other peds for many years lead to TRT"

Got plenty of sust, primo, mast and insulin/metformin. I'd like to actually try and get more ripped then I am. What's the benefits of sust over Test C or E? How should I go about the frequency of of injection of the sust. The mast and primo are both Enathate. I honestly don't mind MWF or E3.5 days for all. Anyone got some insight on how I should pin the sust? Only reason I ask is cuz obviously Sust consists of 4 different esters? Or is it 3? IDK... I guess e3.5; days would reduce the amount of injections. Any help I'd really appreciate

I pin sus 3x a week when I use it. The benefit IMHO (many will say it's marginal or no benefit) is the short acting esters raising your serum level faster.

I love sustanon personally, unless I'm getting acne, then I'll hop off or go to a lower dose on something slower acting.
I pin sus 3x a week when I use it. The benefit IMHO (many will say it's marginal or no benefit) is the short acting esters raising your serum level faster.

I love sustanon personally, unless I'm getting acne, then I'll hop off or go to a lower dose on something slower acting.
So what kinda dose are you running? What else with it? I'll probably just stick to my pharma Hikma for my TRT
So what kinda dose are you running? What else with it? I'll probably just stick to my pharma Hikma for my TRT
Not running it right now, but in the past I have used it in cycles up to 750mg/wk. I never use it for trt, but weirdly that's what it was originally manufactured for.
Not running it right now, but in the past I have used it in cycles up to 750mg/wk. I never use it for trt, but weirdly that's what it was originally manufactured for.
Interesting. Ya, 750 is typicality my sweet spot for any blast. Since I'm diabetic and fiscally challenged, being able to afford copious amounts of food, good food like all the meats, turkey, chicken and other mass gainer supps, it's just something I can't do while trying to keep my blood glucose levels stable. I figured if ran the sust @300mg a wk with 600mg of mast and 450mg of primo a wk, alongside the 300mg of sust, it'd be a pretty nice amount of gear to compliment a diabetic friendly diet. Keep in mind, I've got all the slin in the world and Ozempic that I take regularly from my PCP. I e really got the insulin down to a science in regards to incorporating into my training/cycle. Testosterone and insulin alone are very synergistic. I went a solid year without training "20+ yrs in the gym" and just eating kinda healthy, I managed to keep most of what I gained while training enhanced. Did over 10 yrs training as a natty. So I was able to put on a solid frame that doesn't really go away that much. Ofc if I'm out fuckn off partying for a month or 2, I will lose hard earned gains for sure. And that's happened to me a few times. But I'm only human. And I do make mistakes in life. So recently I got back in the gym and did a baby 6 wk long npp/primo alongside my 200mg TRT. I'm always concerned about my PCP randomly calling me in for a hormone panel. He's the coolest doctor ever and I don't wanna burn a bridge with him by coming back with super physiological TT/FREE TEST LEVELS. The guys so cool when I get to the office he's already got my scripts ready to escript them to my local pharmacy here in ATL. Testosterone, Cialis, Soma, Alprazolam bars, Ambien and the most important one to me is the Adderall. 60 of the 30mg IR pills. With diabetes and fibromyalgia, honestly bro... I can't even function or get outa my bed until I take an Adderall. My ADHD flair ups are bad however he's got me on Amphetamine Salts and Ozempic cuz I'm diagnosed BED. Binge eating disorder. And we started with Vyvanse but my insurance quit paying for it. And I always had trouble finding a pharmacy that had in stock. The Vyvanse/Ozempic connection will make food so unappealing. Adderall does work for curbing my appetite with or without the ozempic. But the Vyvanse really helped me stop binging on not just soda and candy, but everything in general. I'd go days without eating and tbh, I don't like how that feels. Cuz finally when I did eat, I'd feel ashamed and almost worthless. If you saw a picture of me 4: years ago, you'd think I was at least a NPC competitor. Guys on Meso that personally know me, saw how big and lean I was at my apex.
Long story short, I'm trying low test with a few mild to moderate compounds with pretty much my TRT as my base. Just a cunt hair more test. I get prescribed 1ml e7d from my PCP. The sust I got is QSC, and tested accurate just about spot on @250mg/ML. Got plenty of mast and primo. But I'm thinking I'm gonna grab a kit of the oil based injectable winny and if I can afford it, a kit of TREN ace. That's my dream cycle.

.5 sust mwf
50mg winny/ed pre
100mg tren Ace mwf
150mg primo Enth mwf
4-6 iu fast acting slim post
.025mcg Ozempic e7d
1000mg metformin X2 day with meals

Sounds like a lot, but I'm already taking half the meds regularly as prescribed by my PCP'. Even the Test.

Typically I'll trade Ozempic pens for gear to buddy of mine here on meso. And I'll sell my bars to buy other stuff like the winny and the tren.

Didn't mean to drop my whole Bio on ya, lolzzz ;)

I'm just preparing now. Gonna ask doc for some Adex too. All the years I been B&C, I think this will be the first time I have EVERYTHING on deck, witch is rule number 1 for and cycle you do in olving AAS. I hear GH will spike blood glucose levels and possibly A1C levels. So I'ma have to do research before I fell into the world of Growth. I'm 44 now and want to get a few more runs in before my fibromyalgia and diabetes really start to affect my quality of life. Ty for the feedback on the sust. I really do appreciate it

yeah, same here. Every now and again I will decide to get “exotic” lol and go with Sustanon. Test is really boring to me and majorly ramps up hunger so I always keep it low.

My TRT is 10-15mg daily test cyp via slin pin. But on blast with sustanon I will pin 3 x weekly. Usually Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Been wanting to try one of those old school sustanon blends that carries legendary lore like Omnadren next time. Or something like that. With some tren and mast and something else I’m sure. Right now it’s occasionally Halo at 20mg.
yeah, same here. Every now and again I will decide to get “exotic” lol and go with Sustanon. Test is really boring to me and majorly ramps up hunger so I always keep it low.

My TRT is 10-15mg daily test cyp via slin pin. But on blast with sustanon I will pin 3 x weekly. Usually Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Been wanting to try one of those old school sustanon blends that carries legendary lore like Omnadren next time. Or something like that. With some tren and mast and something else I’m sure. Right now it’s occasionally Halo at 20mg.
I like your style. When I was younger I would jump into eblast with my hair fly'n in the wind. Now that I'm older, with some health limitations and a Doctor who's kinda cool. I've been trading my extra Ozempic pens for gear. Gear and a lil bit of money that I put towards stuff like supps, protien creatine etc etc. My point being is that Ive got quite a few bottles of a few different compounds. I can't bulk no more cuz of the diabetes. The amount of test you intake is only good as your caloric intake. So I'm thinking the Sust I got "QSC" is gonna be a real treat. Years ago, Stan made me a custom blend of testosterones. "He actually made it as a custom blend for a client who backed out" anyway, it was brewed at 450mg/ML and it had your typical variety of testosterones in it. I'm not sure if I used it or what happened with it cuz it was so long ago. The QSC sust I got now tested very well. I respond very well to injectable oil based winny. And I love/hate Tren. But the 2 together are so synergistic, I transform my physique literally in days after administering the first few injections and training. Road map vascularity. Skin tearing pumps and a good amount of aggression. Today I pick up my refill of a 10ml vial from CVS. I'll cruise on that until I have everything else I need for this recomp. Really all I'm missing is an oral, weather it's injectable winny or pills. If it's pills I do winnyvar. I got clen too. 40mcg tabs. I gotta do research on the clen. Little to no real experience with it. Did some about 7 years ago and it was legit balken. I forgot how you ramp up on it. I'm thinking I'm gonna sell my extra meds to get those 2 kits from QSC. DOC gives me 90 Alprazolam 2mg tabs every month. Normally I wouldn't push that shit but a buddy of mine offers me $10 for 1. He needs them too. So I might take him up on that. I'm 44, I wanna get a few more good runs in while I can.

But ya, all the gear I've got stored up is all QSC. Sust 250, primo 100, mast 200, and quite a few Test E bottles. Plenty of fast acting insulin pens and Ozempic to boot. My doc also gives me sixty 30mg IR Adderall, so that's my preworkout rite there.
Gonna ask doc for some adex too, just to have on deck. I'd really like a good supply of cialis too. I'm calling my doc rn.

I think 2-3 times a week is perfect for sust. I personally inject test cyp and/or enanthate (I switch between them based on pricing/availability) twice a week and it feels fine.

RR- can you message me? It won’t let me message you. Thanks