sustanon pct


New Member
Hey, so I was looking The pct section and couldn't find anything labeled to my particular needs, and I simply do not contain the willpower to open up every single thread that is labeled simply as "pct help" looking for a fit, there is just simply too many. So excuse me for making a new thread.

So I'm running sust at 750mg a week for 12 weeks split into a couple shots per week. Last cycle I ran about 6 months ago was sust at 500mg a week for 8 weeks.
I got some arimidex on the way, didnt need it last time but as I'm running a higher dose for a longer period I got some just to have on hand in case I end up needing it.
I am ordering some clomid for n pct tomorrow, and basically my questions are:
1. Is the clomid alone going to be sufficient, or am I going to need nolva, hcg, etc?

2.what doses should I take of needed products and for how long?

Just going to be honest, last cycle, due to extenuating and unavoidable circumstances I did not run any pct, didnt really seem to fuck me up or anything, but I don't want to rock the boat and I want to do it right this time around. So thanks for taking the time to read this, and I appreciate any advice I can get.
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I do want n to say also that I did read a bunch of other pct threads before n posting mine, just couldnt find one that matched my exact situation, the others were mostly lower dose cycles or cycles with other compounds aside from just the sust
Another 22 yo who is running a SECOND CYCLE and STILL doesn't know how to run PCT bc he doesn't have the time, patience, or due diligence required to run AAS without being SPOON FED!

My advice STOP CYCLING immediately until you really understand WTF is involved such as; the MOA of those ancillaries used for PCT, the importance of AAS half lives, AAS risks vs benefits, before you really screw up
your once normal endocrine system and thereafter post some question about why your balls have disappeared, but "don't have time" to look for the answers!
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Gee thanks gang! Look guys, I have read a bunch, and I do understand the basic concept of what I need to do. However, I haven't been able to find one where they are running the same dosage, or the same dosage without an additional compound. Most that I have read use multiple things for pct and I'm just trying to figure out if that's because of n the additional compounds. Basically what I've surmised is that I'm going to want to run about 4 weeks of pct clomid 100/100/50/50 and nolva 40/40/20/20. I don't want to be spoon fed, I just an opinion of if that will be sufficient. You can read all you want, but when you see 1,000 different opinions on every thread you just want to be sure. This is going to be the last time I do this for a very long time. Others have encouraged me to ask questions and that's what I'm trying to do. I apologize for upsetting you guys.
Gee thanks gang! Look guys, I have read a bunch, and I do understand the basic concept of what I need to do. However, I haven't been able to find one where they are running the same dosage, or the same dosage without an additional compound. Most that I have read use multiple things for pct and I'm just trying to figure out if that's because of n the additional compounds. Basically what I've surmised is that I'm going to want to run about 4 weeks of pct clomid 100/100/50/50 and nolva 40/40/20/20. I don't want to be spoon fed, I just an opinion of if that will be sufficient. You can read all you want, but when you see 1,000 different opinions on every thread you just want to be sure. This is going to be the last time I do this for a very long time. Others have encouraged me to ask questions and that's what I'm trying to do. I apologize for upsetting you guys.

Read some more!!! There is no Sustanon specific PCT!!! If you did some more research and learned more about PCT, you wouldn't be asking these questions. You are taking a single compound during your cycle. You can use a basic PCT protocol.
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Well see there, now that's all you had to say, you silly goose! :) I was just a little hung up on whether or not pct varied from compound to compound. Preciate that, amigo.