When I was a noob, I used to buy into what I read online about "virgin muscle" and all this other nonsense - just a bunch of BS to protect crappy sources.

My Pharma test C no hurt, then my UGL test C also should no hurt.

If it does hurt, then something is wrong with it, and I do not use it or that crappy source anymore. Quality goes downhill? Stop rewarding them with an avalanche of money.
Good luck man. I'm dealing with the same issue. Bought a bunch of vials I can't use. I've tried toughing it out hoping it would get better. It's not. Currently looking for another source as well. After the last pin and within minutes was limping I said fuck this. Not going to do it again.
Like I can inject the stuff into my glutes and they just get painful for like one day and sometimes they swell, so it's easily manageable. I will keep pinning until I get new stuff.
Not all gear is painful.

I have a rule. If it is painful, I toss it and order from somebody else.

It's a good rule. It works for me. I now have all sources with painless gear. If they change into painful gear, then I will stop using them and move on.
Finding a source is hard man. I was looking at the domestic gear prices and I would have to spend 790 euros for 5 vials of test, 3 vials of eq and 3 vials of npp + 50 tabs of aromasin.

Same stuff from online is like 300 euros.
When I was a noob, I used to buy into what I read online about "virgin muscle" and all this other nonsense - just a bunch of BS to protect crappy sources.

My Pharma test C no hurt, then my UGL test C also should no hurt.

If it does hurt, then something is wrong with it, and I do not use it or that crappy source anymore. Quality goes downhill? Stop rewarding them with an avalanche of money.
Totally agree. And I learned my lesson on buying cheap as possible. It's not worth it if you can't even workout after using the stuff. Something has to be wrong with it. No more homebrew for me. I'll pay more for pharmaceutical.
Hey guys, I've been using Deus Medical's Testomed E for 8 weeks now. The gains have been amazing, no complaining about that, the stuff definitely works.

However, pinning my glutes make my glutes swell A LOT. Injecting to delts make my delts hurt like crazy, to the point that it's impossible to train upper body for several days and and the area where I inject gets red. of the 16 pins I've done, something like 6 have been painfree and no problem.

Anyone know why this is happening? Is Deus Medical's injectables dirty?
Don't use Test E anymore use Cyp instead.

E is now in the toilet and has been for several years, there's theories as to why the ester went to shit with regards to UGL, but it's not worth messing with.

There's nothing about E that C can't do even if its 50mg/ml less in concentration.
A big no. Don't agree at all. I'll even list my 2 top sources, Callahan and Clarity, I always order nothing but Test E from both, in the past and very recently, I get absolutely no PIP from either, ever.
I don't put up with any PIP, no matter how low. No reason to do so.

But, yeah, redness and swelling, and I do not inject anymore of it.

Folks can blame carrier oil and such, but I typically blame solvent concentration, which means somebody is not being careful about how much of this or that goes in the bottle. If they are not careful about that, then I do not need to be injecting it.
I agree with not tolerating PIP from a source. In my 11 years of doing this I've only had muscle soreness injecting into virgin quads. No redness, no swelling and definitely no real pain. I would not trust a product that gave me such an awful experience. It would really take the allure out of things if it had such a high cost to use.

If you guys are getting such nasty responses from gear there are so many sources in the underground that might be a better choice for your money and time.
When I was a noob, I used to buy into what I read online about "virgin muscle" and all this other nonsense - just a bunch of BS to protect crappy sources.

My Pharma test C no hurt, then my UGL test C also should no hurt.

If it does hurt, then something is wrong with it, and I do not use it or that crappy source anymore. Quality goes downhill? Stop

rewarding them with an avalanche of money.
Pain after an IM injection, esp volumes greater than 1cc, should be expected for a day or two yet erythema at the injection site is unusual with pharmaceutical quality drugs.

I absolutely agree MF poor quality UGL can not only exaggerate PIP but result in significant complications such as cellulitis, abscess or in severe cases necrotizing fasciitis.
The problem seems the enanthate. I tested 5 reputable labs. All the same problems. Some time ago I never had issues with Testo Enantate…
How fast are you pushing your gear in? I do 1min per 1mL. I have enanthate script and even it can cause issues in cottonseed oil. My main pip is caused from test prop which is well known to cause PIP, but I never get redness or swollen muscles. Only manageable pain that doesn’t impede any movements. Rotate your spots. Glute is hard to do unless you know the right spot. Lots of vessels and nerves there.
My problem isn't so much pain as it is hardness at site.. like it's not absorbing. I am injecting test cypionate 0.5 cc for TRT sq in deltoids. I can still feel lumps after 3 weeks. Not painful but sore if palpated.
My problem isn't so much pain as it is hardness at site.. like it's not absorbing. I am injecting test cypionate 0.5 cc for TRT sq in deltoids. I can still feel lumps after 3 weeks. Not painful but sore if palpated.
Subcutaneous delts is your problem. How are you even able to subq your delts? If it crystallizes a bit before injection you may also get lumps. Warm it before you inject and you should definitely stop doing subcutaneous injections.
When i was pinning my prescription test i had no problems. Any chance it could the carrier oil?
Personally Id stick w cyp for now just because lots of people had bad pip on some shitty raws a while
Back. May be circulating around still. Cariiers id stick w either mct or gso. Pretty sure i had shit that had your carrier and holy fucking hel.
I can confirm the pain. I found this thread while googling DeusMedic testosterone enanthate 250mg.

I started with another brand 6 weeks ago, and the 7th week I tried DM's testo and I instantly got pain in the thigh. This resulted in fever and not beeing able to go to the gym.

The day after I could barely walk, but day after it became better and the day after that much better.

I tried the same stuff the week after, in the other thigh (I thought it was me doing something wrong first) but instead I had more pain in the other thigh AND fever.

I then received another brand which I had used previously without any pain and all, and this time I had no pain or fever.

I am not saying DM's stuff is bad, but I think there's something in the oil which some are allergic too. I can't confirm anything, but this thread confirmed that I am not the only one having this pain.
I can confirm the pain. I found this thread while googling DeusMedic testosterone enanthate 250mg.

I started with another brand 6 weeks ago, and the 7th week I tried DM's testo and I instantly got pain in the thigh. This resulted in fever and not beeing able to go to the gym.

The day after I could barely walk, but day after it became better and the day after that much better.

I tried the same stuff the week after, in the other thigh (I thought it was me doing something wrong first) but instead I had more pain in the other thigh AND fever.

I then received another brand which I had used previously without any pain and all, and this time I had no pain or fever.

I am not saying DM's stuff is bad, but I think there's something in the oil which some are allergic too. I can't confirm anything, but this thread confirmed that I am not the only one having this pain.
I blame it on enanthate. I dont blame it on the source.

My first two UGL injection was enanthate and it was shit. I never injected enanthate or HAD PIP from anything else.
I’ve been having the same issue. First few weeks were fine and I had no PIP/Swelling/Hardness/Warmth in the injection sites at all. Lately I’ve been getting lumps after every injection. Somewhat warm to the touch and hard under the skin. Pharma grade Sustanon and Primo. Not sure what’s going on but the discomfort is manageable. Not optimal, but felt like sharing. Kinda weird to me. Nothing has changed in my procedure of application besides me doing the injections myself now. Possibly injecting too quickly? I feel like I take my time with the injection speed but I guess I could be rushing it.
I’ve bought deus medical test e too, injected vg and that night I get some fever like symptoms, the next day I get a lot of pain and redness, it lasted 2-4days. Tried subq, same.

I used pharma grade and another ugl lab before and it was perfect even with 23g needles. I’m using 29g needles with deus medical but , I think I’m getting some bad allergy from deus medical on test e as the rest of people here, idk why.I don’t recommend it, maybe the orals are good but test e at least give me ver bad allergy and pip
Pharma grade Sustanon definitely wrecked my quad on first injection. Felt like I got kicked in the leg. If it wasn’t virgin muscle PIP what was it?