SymBiotics (U.S. domestic)

Now this is just pure garbage. There is absolutely no way that anything I have sent to anyone was contaminated with infectious agents.
How do I know? I know because I make my legitimate living on being able to grow microorganisms; and I cultured a sample of every single batch of product I made.
You may have an infection, I have no idea; but it sure did not come from one of my products: ridiculous.
Either I had a severe reaction to something in your gear, or I got infected from it. The location I pinned is the spot that got infected and within days it was red and swollen. I could care less what you claim is your work history. 20191002_065057.png
Yeah I'm pretty straightforward and I'm glad you didn't take it personally but none of us here (or at least that I'm aware of) know each other personally.
Of course not, I’m not here to earn anyone’s trust or try and convince/make people believe that what I say is true. Like I said I do appreciate you directly saying this without some long drawn out post attached to it.

All the gear I got from sym is the smoothest I’ve ever had. I’m even pinning calves without pip. That’s why I want him to come back.
I actually share the same opinion as yourself, I’ve been on injectables and orals from him for weeks now and they all work exactly as they are supposed to. Unfortunately wether he comes back or not, I won’t be doing any business with him. But I never ever wanted things to turn out this way, with what I believe was/is a quality source.