SymBiotics (U.S. domestic)

Research a little more before you give advice. Look for keywords like E2 to Test ratio. Some are affected by higher than normal E2 levels and others are not.

Ya when estroidal levels are a bit high but normal ratio with such high test...I feel great. If I crash them with libido completely disappears and that's after it's been raging from the test. It really trips me out lol and I also notice I start having a bit of lack of energy or motivation.
Maybe weeks out befor contest prep I'll get my e2 levels down to help reduce any more water weight or bloat.
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nice results on the t you need to get your e2 down bro. 81 Is real high and not healthy. Health first
thanks for the advice: but this is not my first rodeo. Im able to handle 100 estro / and no sides at all.. of course i have some adex if need it.

Educate me. Why is that not healthy? Is using an AI healthier?

Is the 2,702 total testosterone healthier than the 81 estradiol value?
Second this. Good conclution.
Why are you telling him this? Where is the research that will verify your accusation?
All good brother no need to fight all over a comment .
thanks for the advice: but this is not my first rodeo. Im able to handle 100 estro / and no sides at all.. of course i have some adex if need it.

Second this. Good conclution.

All good brother no need to fight all over a comment .
But this is Meso..let's bicker over one comment for 100 pages in a thread untill the argument becomes so obscure it.has no relation to how the conversation even started lol or we how about we dont do that:p
Me trying to stop you has nothing to do with the fact that your protacal is fucking stupid.
I dont give a fuck if you inject drain cleaner. Doesn't make it any less stupid.
And who are you to say, and what’s the science behind your claims? I can dig up my bloodwork pretty quickly (if I didn’t throw it out), and prove your bro science bullshit completely wrong.
Test-U is pain free at 72 hours post injection.
Primo and DHB are pain free at 60 hours post injection.
I feel absolutely nothing even when pressing over the injection site. Each one was 1ml.
I am going to consider these successful recipes. I did have to consciously make myself slow the primo injection down because the EO flows so much faster than anything else.
Many people have asked to purchase the DHB prior to having test results. I will sell it; but this is a public caveat for anyone who purchases prior to test results. The supplier I used is a very large entity; but they are new to me, so I have neither doubt nor confidence in their products yet.
I am prepared to take orders again now; BUT I cannot ship until Wednesday night at the earliest. I am lecturing tomorrow and Wednesday and I have to leave very early in the morning to travel. I had completely forgotten about it until a colleague asked me to carpool today. I truly apologize for this oversight.

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