Lol watch out u might actually get one to do this, there's really some not so bright ones out there.... I came across this kid on YouTube I couldn't believe the shit that he was saying and doing his name is Justin Wilson . He literally goes online orders the strongest shit test and tren e has no fucking idea what he's doing, pins himself out in the middle of the street in the very top of his shoulder meanwhile he's wondering why his shoulder hurts.... Weeks into it he's got acne clear estrogen and prolactin issues going on has no idea what to do, goes and gets blood work has no idea how to read the blood work just sees that his estrogen is like off the charts cause as u know tren skews it, it's insane u gotta watch it to believe it... The whole time I was thinking that he can't get any dumber and I believe he also doesn't even go to the gym or lift .... Think he does it to look good and lean in the club for the guys no b.s