I’m more than just a cognitive thinker.
I’m tall dark and handsome, cool calm and collected, super sexy.
This man bald beard girl has no chance at all eh?
You may be from Chicago, “tough guy, gangster” woppdie doo
But I’m a fighting man, fightings in my blood. Every man in my breed seed and generation can fight. Lets look back at yours shall we? Can you trace back your leniage and say the same. I doubt it. Maybe you’re a one off eh? Good for you. But the facts still remains. You are not a heavyweight and I am. You are in trouble. And I am going to hurt you seriously. I mean business. I hope your trainers understand that, I hope your wife understands that, I hope your family understands that because I mean business. I didn’t come to the meso to play tic tack boxing. I came to do demolition work on cruser weights. I’m he baddest man of all weight classes forget heavyweight. Not you or he entire state of Michigan can beat me, together forget one on one, because there’s not a man walking the face of this earth born from his mother who can beat dianabol skull duster, not one, I didn’t come here to play games, I came to take over.