I train for hypertrophy, so way more bodybuilding as opposed to strength/powerlifting. But I try and do 1-2 Super heavy sets in the 5-6 rep range every for my compounds. But for the most part I hover in that 8-15 rep range. As far as esters, I prefer longer esters just because I can not pin every other day. The only short ester I have ever ran was Test P. Other than that, I’m always on longer esters. But, if you’re the type of person that can deal with pinning every other day, then go for it my guy. But as BBBG said, if you’re going to run EQ, you’ll need Deca as opposed to NPP[/QUOTE
EQ is usually for longer cycles so you would use deca instead of NPP unless you can find Bold Cyp.
EQ is slow and doesn’t give that instant sense of satisfaction but it does give a certain “look”. My delts puffed up and rounded out nicely. Other than that, it gave me a little anxiety that wasn’t bad. It can give anxiety to some.
Tren is a bitch but I always find myself saying “hmmmm.... and... a little tren” for every cycle. It really isn’t too bad below 300 mg/week and when used as an auxiliary compound to another compound that you’re running at a higher dose. I like high test and just a little Tren for example. But if your a different person on it, it’s definitely not worth it. This stuff is supposed to enhance our lives, not ruin them!
For additional knowledge, would it not be preferable to run the NPP for bodybuilding Connor? The short esters have a place.
And for bodybuilding, why not EQ with NPP?
Big, thanks for the explanation. Strength and Power. I understand and agree 100%.
But for BB, I use short esters in place of orals. Pinning ED or EOD, so what. Something to do. I do find Proviron and Var beneficial for their reasons. When broken down into Pros and Cons, most all cmpds have their individual strengths and weaknesses.