Take a poll on Primo vs Estrogen Blocker


I have read in articles and in here about Primo don’t do anything for estrogen. Also it does block estrogen and some say it varies.
So here is the deal. I am gyno sensitive. 200 mg a week test gives me gyno problems. So i just switched source and upped test to 400 mg A week and 200 primo. So in a couple weeks my gyno has not been nowhere ar tender and the small lump has shrunk some. Either my source I just tried has some bunk gear or primo works well for gyno issues. What have been primo users experience
I'm a high aromatizer and I can run primo alot so high before. I have stopped abusing it and have been on TRT while I recover from PEC and get a better bloods. Hopefully by next year I can blast with it!
I doubt if my source I used would be low quality gear as they have such a high praise on there stuff. It just seems that my gyno has slowed and going backwards some after changing source products kinda like coming off a cycle it starts to go away. I have tried primo once before but had bad pip so I could only take about 50mg in a pin once a week. But as new source I can run 100mg twice a week and not have pip nothing like before. Just small amount of pip every other pin. Maybe it’s the raw or the oil. And the oil is really thin and easy to inject which is nice. For me it works great or my the new source I am using has low quality gear. Kinda up in the air right now
I'm confused, you said that you used primo before to try and control e2, but the pip was so bad that you could only handle 50mg 1 time a week. And now you are using 200mg wk. Obviously the amount of primo you were using wasn't going to do shit. It's said to use 1:1 test to primo or 1:1.5 test to primo. 200mg of test to 50mg of primo. No wonder your experience was what it was. I find lots of people like to point the finger at the source when 9 out of 10 people shouldn't be using gear in the first place. I am not a source so I don't have a dog in that fight. 50-200mg of primo is a waste. You would be better off saving your money or buying primo when you can and saving it until you have a couple bottles and can run it at 300mg+ wk

My experience on here of guys that try and run primo at the dose you are is that it's about the money. Which isn't a bad thing but it may be that primo just isn't in your deck of cards. Tbh, I would rather spend my money on growth than on primo anyway. But that's me
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I appreciate your reply all helps. But I dont blast with high doses of gear. Highest I ever went was 400mg test a week. so 200 mg Primo is a good ratio to 400mg of Test. I am a great responder to gear. I will share a photo of just 200mg of test for 14 weeks.

