Tamox only PCT after Test C only


New Member
Good morning!

I have a few questions about a specific case for a PCT. Of course I read the sticky beforehand, but a few questions remain unanswered.
I would like to make a PCT purely hypothetically: I've been on 300mg/week (e2d) Test C only for 4 years. There is also 6.25mg Exemestane daily. LH and FSH have logically been at 0 for a long time. I would now like to quit and start taking Tamoxifen 14 days after the last injection. The plan is to take 20mg daily for 6 weeks. Could this work without the use of HCG? By the way, I'm 35 years old. I also plan to continue using Exemestane within the above-mentioned 14 days, since during this time there is still Testo in the body and the aromatization continues.
I have one last question: I bought the Tamoxifen at the start of my “treatment”. The best before date has now been exceeded for 3 years. Is that very problematic in terms of the active ingredient content?

Thank you in advance for your help!
You’re starting your PCT to soon from your last shot, wait 5 half lives.
Using only one compound to restart your balls after such a long time sounds silly to me.
Your tamox is probably still good if stored well.
Good morning!

I have a few questions about a specific case for a PCT. Of course I read the sticky beforehand, but a few questions remain unanswered.
I would like to make a PCT purely hypothetically: I've been on 300mg/week (e2d) Test C only for 4 years. There is also 6.25mg Exemestane daily. LH and FSH have logically been at 0 for a long time. I would now like to quit and start taking Tamoxifen 14 days after the last injection. The plan is to take 20mg daily for 6 weeks. Could this work without the use of HCG? By the way, I'm 35 years old. I also plan to continue using Exemestane within the above-mentioned 14 days, since during this time there is still Testo in the body and the aromatization continues.
I have one last question: I bought the Tamoxifen at the start of my “treatment”. The best before date has now been exceeded for 3 years. Is that very problematic in terms of the active ingredient content?

Thank you in advance for your help!

I'd advise you to research how to restart the hpta after a long suppression a bit more in depth. Reading one sticky on a forum isn't really good enough. These pct's are usually "a tad" more complicated and last a lot longer then a couple of weeks. I really advise you to not start this process untill you're properly read up and educated.

To answer your question, no, just tamox wont do and I'm not quite sure why you think adding an Ai is a good idea. There is no need for one, at least not in your described scenario - it doesn't make any sense. The few drops of estrogen your body would have in that scenario would be really important for your health, why crush it even further?

You should have a far greater comprehension of what you're doing before starting this mate. What you wrote here really shows you're undereducated. We just had a forum member attempt something similar and ended up in a pretty rough spot.
Curious why you want to come off at age 35. Lower dose and weekly injection a possibility if you can get away w/no AI?
I'd advise you to research how to restart the hpta after a long suppression a bit more in depth. Reading one sticky on a forum isn't really good enough. These pct's are usually "a tad" more complicated and last a lot longer then a couple of weeks. I really advise you to not start this process untill you're properly read up and educated.

To answer your question, no, just tamox wont do and I'm not quite sure why you think adding an Ai is a good idea. There is no need for one, at least not in your described scenario - it doesn't make any sense. The few drops of estrogen your body would have in that scenario would be really important for your health, why crush it even further?

You should have a far greater comprehension of what you're doing before starting this mate. What you wrote here really shows you're undereducated. We just had a forum member attempt something similar and ended up in a pretty rough spot.
Is 50mg of clomid the minimum you should use if your pcting? I’m leading up to the pct at the minute but I’ve heard so much nasty shit about clomid I don’t want to use it.
I just saw your other thread. Clomid + Tamox for PCT is a really outdated practice. You need only one serm and depending on the cycle length and compounds used, you might need only small dosages.
I was on cycle for 2 years blasting and cruising and I was recommended to do clomid and tamoxifen. I’m running 25mg and 10mg right now respectfully and I’m not facing any weird sides. Given it’s only been 3 days. I’m also only 24 so. Slight brain fog and delayed reactions especially while driving.