Tell us your top 3 ugl HGH ?

La caratteristica specifica dei “Sacri di Birmania” sono i piedi bianchi
chiamati “guanti” sia alle zampe anteriori che posteriori”.
I guanti devono essere assolutamente di colore bianco puro e si
dovrebbero fermare all’articolazione o alla linea di passaggio tra il
piede ed il metacarpo, linea che non dovrebbero oltrepassare.
Guanti leggermente più lunghi sulle zampe posteriori possono
essere tollerati.
Sulla faccia plantare dei piedi posteriori i guanti bianchi terminano a
punta (sperone). La terminazione ideale dei guanti è “V” rovesciata,
tra la ½ e i ¾ della pianta del piede.
hey liska

no, don't worry, the boy in question wasn't using your shitty GH; she goes back to selling fake or expired Pharmaqo lots

when you have a decent GH for sale that is free of crap come back to this forum
hey liska

no, don't worry, the boy in question wasn't using your shitty GH; she goes back to selling fake or expired Pharmaqo lots

when you have a decent GH for sale that is free of crap come back to this forum
As a Qingdao rep you should contact Millard right away to get tagged as such or members will think you're not getting "a free gift" for slandering other brands as your post history indicates. Until then it may be you who should not be on this forum.
As a Qingdao rep you should contact Millard right away to get tagged as such or members will think you're not getting "a free gift" for slandering other brands as your post history indicates. Until then it may be you who should not be on this forum.
Do you want to compare yourself with QSC? where I come from they say "Let's not confuse shit with meat"
As IGF levels decrease with same hgh dose over time, would results from that same hgh also decrease?
Indeed; you'll start to experience diminished benefits to total-body anabolism and more severe deleterious side-effects like hyperglycemia.
liska does not respond to requests for products in stock; last week I saw that the GH 160 unit was back, but after a few hours it disappeared from the store; the only solution is to wait, it's worth waiting for the complete restock, that GH is really good

no, don't worry, the boy in question wasn't using your shitty GH;

Why are you contradicting yourself?

It is related to IGF1R on brain, not in skeletal muscle

about serum IGF-1, if its able to increase or decrease, it same thing as Tren, it does decrease serum IGF1 but it helps on upregulation, so, its not the same thing. I tought jardiance would help in muscle igf1 upregulation, but it doesnt matter I think
It's a valid hypothesis and I can see exactly why, theoretically, you might optimistically view Jardiance's effects on IGF-IR as potentially analogous to Tren's effects on satellite cell responsiveness to autocrine/paracrine IGF-I.

It's quite clever.

However, this is very new data with respect to this Jardiance effect. I would not be surprised to learn that the mechanism underpinning its upregulating IGF-IR (#/expression) is a result of the decrement to IGF-I per se; just a counterregulatory mechanism.

Conversely, trenbolone's effects on SC responsiveness to mIGF-I (IGF-IEa; IGF-IEc) are, rather than some ancillary benefit, a primary mechanism in its muscle anabolism, along with suppressed expression of GR, MuRF1 & atrogin-1 mRNA.
Indeed; you'll start to experience diminished benefits to total-body anabolism and more severe deleterious side-effects like hyperglycemia.
So theoretically best to cycle hgh, or at least go through phases of high and low dose hgh use to keep your igf response good?
So theoretically best to cycle hgh, or at least go through phases of high and low dose hgh use to keep your igf response good?
If hgh is hormone with pulsation, like insulin. Maybe there is a desensibilization, like insulin in long term. I see this, for this i use eod or 5/2, i take break of 60-90 days, for '' possible desensibilization'' and for side like retention and for blood sugar
So theoretically best to cycle hgh, or at least go through phases of high and low dose hgh use to keep your igf response good?
I discuss the principles of rational rhGH use in Bolus, my forthcoming book, to be released very soon, some people are reviewing sections now and the site is being built. It is indeed a principle that rhGH use is best use cyclically or in combination with agents that increase IGF-I bioavailability. Insulin is one, potent one. I discuss other solutions in the book.
If hgh is hormone with pulsation, like insulin. Maybe there is a desensibilization, like insulin in long term. I see this, for this i use eod or 5/2, i take break of 60-90 days, for '' possible desensibilization'' and for side like retention and for blood sugar
How long are you blasting before 60-90 day break
I discuss the principles of rational rhGH use in Bolus, my forthcoming book, to be released very soon, some people are reviewing sections now and the site is being built. It is indeed a principle that rhGH use is best use cyclically or in combination with agents that increase IGF-I bioavailability. Insulin is one, potent one. I discuss other solutions in the book.

Sweeeet (emphasis mine)
Indeed; you'll start to experience diminished benefits to total-body anabolism and more severe deleterious side-effects like hyperglycemia.

Glycemic consequences in long-term GH use is fairly well-documented. This meta-analysis included studies 6-12 months and >12 months and confirms.

I had a harder time finding long-term GH or IGF-1 use on anabolism. This 8-week study (not even close to long-term) confirmed bro-science: increased protein anabolism and fat oxidation.

Fat loss effects were maintained for 9 months of IGF-1 treatment which reversed upon cessation in this study. No comment on muscle but no changes in urinary nitrogen (possibly a very crude marker).

I'm sure the effects of long-term treatment with GH will differ from long-term treatment with IGF-1 on anabolism, although I'm not familiar with those studies.

These fuckers said GH treatment in adults with normal pituitary function doesn't do anything:

Glycemic consequences in long-term GH use is fairly well-documented. This meta-analysis included studies 6-12 months and >12 months and confirms.

I had a harder time finding long-term GH or IGF-1 use on anabolism. This 8-week study (not even close to long-term) confirmed bro-science: increased protein anabolism and fat oxidation.

Fat loss effects were maintained for 9 months of IGF-1 treatment which reversed upon cessation in this study. No comment on muscle but no changes in urinary nitrogen (possibly a very crude marker).

I'm sure the effects of long-term treatment with GH will differ from long-term treatment with IGF-1 on anabolism, although I'm not familiar with those studies.

These fuckers said GH treatment in adults with normal pituitary function doesn't do anything:
View attachment 270959

Yep, there's always some gate-keeping by the medical community, same with their view that insulin's basically not protein anabolic, which we know is quite hilarious. Of course, the pre-Bhasin view on AAS, similarly hilarious.

I really do get into the weeds with changes with different time-courses of rhGH administration.

Some outcomes have very long time-courses, e.g., muscular strength (linear between 5 - 7 years, at least in replacement for adult GHD); bone mineral density/content is bi-phasic, actually resulting in a decrease for the first 6 mo due to augmented bone metabolism, with net breakdown initially.
ill just leave this here...

GH serum anyone? lol

I remember a professor telling us a story: "a dog licks it's wounds" may have biological rationale. They have IGF-1-like growth factors in their saliva, so licking wounds accelerates healing.

Your dog might instinctively lick a wound on your body for the same reason.

I don't know how much is true but cool story.

"Growth Hormone (GH) and Wound Healing" is a good read on the topic.
also BPC is found in saliva IIRC...

It looks like this comment is directly replying to my comment. Why do a new comment instead of replying? Replies register differently in my notifications, so I go to them first.

*this isn't a source thread so I don't feel like an asshole asking off-topic questions
It looks like this comment is directly replying to my comment. Why do a new comment instead of replying? Replies register differently in my notifications, so I go to them first.

*this isn't a source thread so I don't feel like an asshole asking off-topic questi

didn't know that was a thing.. thanks for the info.