Tell us your top 3 ugl HGH ?

curious If ever got blind labs of a Pharma grade? I am curious the variation in Pharma, if they ever drop below 99%.

I wonder if most of the generics are all from same 2-3 labs and just batch/storage differences in lab %.

IE are QSC opti meditrope syn etc etc all prob from same original manufacturer perhaps bottled in Dif spot. I mean I think we can assume they are all from china and would be interesting to have them tested blindly. I'm new I get it dont chew my head off. just interesting some folks say why would u put qsc in ur body only use X generic, pretty sure all from same country.

surprised folks haven't pooled some funds and got some non jan testing (guessing only 200-250 a run, and could perhaps ID what the 2-5% impurities are). isn't it true jan gave buddy results before he even got the vile? lol prob knew it was from same source and just used old data lol.. but I'm just a newbie know nothing.
Any opinions on Cinnatropin? Only one I've ever tried, not sure if I didn't fuck it up even. It sat in my safe for months before I decided to give it a shot, apparently premixed in the pen. So, after storing in the safe for months, I put it in the fridge like I would with HCG, then did a 2iu pin, then went to 4s. Didn't last long, and tough to say if I felt anything. What did I screw up? Any constructive comments welcome, and thanks for help in advance of course!
ya apparently some come mixed and can handle few weeks not in the fridge (what did the insert say?) at any rate, no one can tell u with any certainty how much degradation happened. BUT Pharma says keep in fridge for a reason (or says can handle so long out of the fridge, and prob 2-3X times as long as that before any real degradation esp at room temp, again assumption based on them just being EXTRA) so its not 0%.
ya apparently some come mixed and can handle few weeks not in the fridge (what did the insert say?) at any rate, no one can tell u with any certainty how much degradation happened. BUT Pharma says keep in fridge for a reason (or says can handle so long out of the fridge, and prob 2-3X times as long as that before any real degradation esp at room temp, again assumption based on them just being EXTRA) so its not 0%.
Couldn't read much of it, not in English. But came from an absolutely solid source that I've been working with for a couple few years, he says pharma it's pharma. He says UGL to pharm specs, it is absolutely as close as can be. It was my 1st time, lol I dialed in the amount on the pen then finally figured out that I needed to get a insulin pin to get it, I poked through the rubber and the pin filled itself from the pressure hahaha. I'm trying to see what I did wrong so I can be able to not fuck it up since I'm open to running it now. Thanks for helping @clearheaded , this is all new to me. Been running gear for decades but GH is a new frontier for me, appreciate the patience and help bro
I am not sure but I think those pens u need to get replaceable needles that fit it and can use direct from pen.

you prob can get an English PDF somewhere..
I am not sure but I think those pens u need to get replaceable needles that fit it and can use direct from pen.

you prob can get an English PDF somewhere..
Oh absolutely for the pins, the end is threaded on the outside, so not LuerLock, but I improvised. I'll speak with the source before I order GH again, if I decide to give it a shot again . Guy is great, lol he responds to questions faster than my PCP here just by responding, and a 5 minute visit isn't billed at $200, src just tells me his educated opinion on the house. I'd love to blast his name here but I don't break rules like that
Any opinions on Cinnatropin? Only one I've ever tried, not sure if I didn't fuck it up even. It sat in my safe for months before I decided to give it a shot, apparently premixed in the pen. So, after storing in the safe for months, I put it in the fridge like I would with HCG, then did a 2iu pin, then went to 4s. Didn't last long, and tough to say if I felt anything. What did I screw up? Any constructive comments welcome, and thanks for help in advance of course!
for me, one of the worse pharma hghs.
i still have some pens.
They work but the water retention on them is higher compared to jins/genos/humas/saizen.
I would rate them the same as omnitrope or one of the good generics out there.
Will not buy cinnatropin again
for me, one of the worse pharma hghs.
i still have some pens.
They work but the water retention on them is higher compared to jins/genos/humas/saizen.
I would rate them the same as omnitrope or one of the good generics out there.
Will not buy cinnatropin again
Now that you mention it, water was what I saw and felt the most. I know next to nothing about GH, was always wary of it after seeing Macho Man Randy Savage's 4" elbows, plus somehow I already have a Dorian Yates gut look, I'm cut enough that my abs are vascular, but in wintertime I've been called fat by non gym people. Maybe because I used to train abs with weight, IDK, but never pinned slin or GH until that Cinnatropin pen, so that's ruled out. I'll speak with a couple of trusted GH sources, maybe it's just not for me. Thanks guys, appreciate the other eyes on my issue
curious If ever got blind labs of a Pharma grade? I am curious the variation in Pharma, if they ever drop below 99%.

I wonder if most of the generics are all from same 2-3 labs and just batch/storage differences in lab %.

IE are QSC opti meditrope syn etc etc all prob from same original manufacturer perhaps bottled in Dif spot. I mean I think we can assume they are all from china and would be interesting to have them tested blindly. I'm new I get it dont chew my head off. just interesting some folks say why would u put qsc in ur body only use X generic, pretty sure all from same country.

surprised folks haven't pooled some funds and got some non jan testing (guessing only 200-250 a run, and could perhaps ID what the 2-5% impurities are). isn't it true jan gave buddy results before he even got the vile? lol prob knew it was from same source and just used old data lol.. but I'm just a newbie know nothing.
This can be the reality yes , and thats why we have many good generics out there fighting with pharma at same level . 3 good labs in china produce good hgh and the best labs buy from them and label it .
The hgh is the same , the different are the eccipient. Mannitol , glycerol, metacresol ,other....there are eccipient different from pharma to pharma, and to generic and generic.....
If pharma put this eccipient.... there is a reason hahaha we are more stupid than pfizer workers.

In genotropin there are eccipients in the powder and another eccipient in the water... don't use bac water, but water with eccipient.

What Genotropin contains • The active ingredient is somatropin*. • One cartridge contains 5.3 mg or 12 mg of somatropin*. • After reconstitution the concentration of somatropin* is 5.3 mg or 12 mg per ml. • The other components of the powder are: glycine (E640), mannitol (E421), anhydrous sodium phosphate monobasic (E339), dibasic anhydrous sodium phosphate (E339). • The components of the solvent are: water for injections, mannitol (E421) and metacresol.

If you use generic hgh, with test janoshik with good purify, zero dimer, good dosage ..... AND .... THE SAME ECCIPIENT IN WATER AND POWDER... you have the same effect.
Tell me your top 3 HGH from ugl that you used ? ( remember should be only UGL and also from your experience using it , not what you read on internet ).

My top 3 are:
Meditrope Mauve
Qtropin from Qore Pharm
SP Labs

Tell me yours?
Wtf is this shit on meso when was it ever cool to just drop sources all day
Wtf is this shit on meso when was it ever cool to just drop sources all day
The provider hgh is the best from quality price... legit..... BUT I don't know the eccipients.... all side effect of hgh is for WATER , the eccipients in pharma grade low the side, go out water.
Genotropin is the best, because have mannitol in powder and mannitol in water.
Serostim maybe have high sucralose for this.
The provider hgh is the best from quality price... legit..... BUT I don't know the eccipients.... all side effect of hgh is for WATER , the eccipients in pharma grade low the side, go out water.
Genotropin is the best, because have mannitol in powder and mannitol in water.
Serostim maybe have high sucralose for this.

Yes but it depends on what u actually mix it with… seros… im using bac water so it lasts longer cause im not pinning 18iu per week… same for all others… bac water….

Now especially if we knew what other stuff was in tp’s gh it prolly still wouldnt matter because most use bac water
Anyone got any liquid from seros left? Mix anothet gh with that water and see what the effects are
Anyone got any liquid from seros left? Mix anothet gh with that water and see what the effects are

All people use bac water..... in omnitrope for solvent there is water + alcol benzyl ( BAC WATER)

But for other.... for example genotropin... NO.
There is different from pharma and other .... only for eccipient in the powder and in the water .
Only this.... the raw is the same, if is good , is good .... if lab test show dosage, purity and dimer is good..... CHANGE THE ECCIPIENT FROM PHARMA GRADE. The side effect of hgh are from WATER, edema, tunnel carpal( is for water to the nerve) , physique water, blood pressure.

In pharma, like genotropin , there are eccipient for low this side.... the look with genotropin is dryer only for less water... the fat loss is the same between good generic and pharma grade, but the fat is bigger with water inside the cell...

If you have low fat, with low water.... the skin is paper..... if you have low fat, high water, you look is different( this is the different from pharma and generic)
generics have mannitol like genos.. yes GENO uses benzyl alcohol lol. it is REQUIRED for any non single use injectable to have such bacteriostatic agents ie bac water...

if your theory was correct u could just add excipients to change effects of GH... now while mannitol has minor effect there is not enough when consider doses and how much is needed for diuretic effects... simply inject small amounts of said excipients and see if loose water weight...

there is some potent nasties that can be found when making r hgh as made from e coli remember. also possible slightly different shapes even though mass is the same... its not a 1:1 example but hcg is 4 or more compounds, GH itself is not a homogenous compound rather 3 or more and 2 are most common. recombinant is suppose to be only 1 isoform however. when products use IU it means its not 1 single compound, rather tested against a standard in order to reach whatever outcome.. ie 1iu of vitamin D of one brand may not have same mass as 1iu of another. that is to say technically UGL HCG or HGH cant really say IU as have not been tested to say if act stronger or weaker or the same. won't pretend I have the answer, just something to keep in the back of your head.

we also have to consider majority of people who use GENO s are using fake products even though test good. which makes subjective feelings harder to know. esp when guys often run expensive pharma at much lower doses aswell.

anyway, make up some bac water with mannitol or whatever u want and inject that along with whatever GH u want and get back to us about any differing side effects... would be best if can do it blindly placebo controlled
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generics have mannitol like genos.. yes GENO uses benzyl alcohol lol. it is REQUIRED for any non single use injectable to have such bacteriostatic agents ie bac water...

if your theory was correct u could just add excipients to change effects of GH... now while mannitol has minor effect there is not enough when consider doses and how much is needed for diuretic effects... simply inject small amounts of said excipients and see if loose water weight...

there is some potent nasties that can be found when making r hgh as made from e coli remember. also possible slightly different shapes even though mass is the same... its not a 1:1 example but hcg is 4 or more compounds, GH itself is not a homogenous compound rather 3 or more and 2 are most common. recombinant is suppose to be only 1 isoform however. when products use IU it means its not 1 single compound, rather tested against a standard in order to reach whatever outcome.. ie 1iu of vitamin D of one brand may not have same mass as 1iu of another. that is to say technically UGL HCG or HGH cant really say IU as have not been tested to say if act stronger or weaker or the same. won't pretend I have the answer, just something to keep in the back of your head.

we also have to consider majority of people who use GENO s are using fake products even though test good. which makes subjective feelings harder to know. esp when guys often run expensive pharma at much lower doses aswell.

anyway, make up some bac water with mannitol or whatever u want and inject that along with whatever GH u want and get back to us about any differing side effects... would be best if can do it blindly placebo controlled

If you have the money, you can take pharma grade original, the first thing that you look is the less water, less side. The shape is better.
There is difference. If i look ingredients, they are different, from pharma to pharma, and generic...bho i don't know the eccipients.
Eccipients change from pharma to pharma, if you read in internet all ingredients of humatrope, genotropin, saizen, serostim, norditropin. There are difference in effect, and different in eccipients( the only difference). If you have 2 products perfect the same, same dosage raw, same eccipients in the same dosage, you have the same product with the same effect. Generic sindenafil is shit vs original viagra ( for example).
Testoviron/norma is better than ugl, for the oil and no use EO,MCT, GSO, or other, because the ingredients are different.

For example of alcol benzyl, was example of difference. In omnitrope i read alcol benzyl in solvent. In genotropin there isn't , for solvent is water, metacresol, mannitol( this three ) . Why pfizer put eccipients in the water?
Omnitrope no? In this forum we can also take gear and see the effects and side effects and do blood work, this is our study of gear. For other question we don't have study for this.
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If you have the money, you can take pharma grade original, the first thing that you look is the less water, less side. The shape is better.
There is difference. If i look ingredients, they are different, from pharma to pharma, and generic...bho i don't know the eccipients.
Eccipients change from pharma to pharma, if you read in internet all ingredients of humatrope, genotropin, saizen, serostim, norditropin. There are difference in effect, and different in eccipients( the only difference). If you have 2 products perfect the same, same dosage raw, same eccipients in the same dosage, you have the same product with the same effect. Generic sindenafil is shit vs original viagra ( for example).
Testoviron/norma is better than ugl, for the oil and no use EO,MCT, GSO, or other, because the ingredients are different.

For example of alcol benzyl, was example of difference. In omnitrope i read alcol benzyl in solvent. In genotropin there isn't , for solvent is water, metacresol, mannitol( this three ) . Why pfizer put eccipients in the water?
Omnitrope no? In this forum we can also take gear and see the effects and side effects and do blood work, this is our study of gear. For other question we don't have study for this.
the eccipients are mainly for preserving purposes.
They are too weak to make any significant difference to your look.
I bet you have never used pharma hgh.
You are right, testosterone = testosterone, anavar = anavar.
But hgh is a very complex moluecule.
There is the AA chain which might be easy to replicate but it also has a 3D strucutre.
for me Pharma > generic. And i still use generics because the price point to run pharma only is too high
the eccipients are mainly for preserving purposes.
They are too weak to make any significant difference to your look.
I bet you have never used pharma hgh.
You are right, testosterone = testosterone, anavar = anavar.
But hgh is a very complex moluecule.
There is the AA chain which might be easy to replicate but it also has a 3D strucutre.
for me Pharma > generic. And i still use generics because the price point to run pharma only is too high

I use pharma genotropin , for me it's better. But i use generic, i see also good effect. For water is different because depend on other steroid in the cycle, but for me genotropin is less water. I use 2-3ui( little time) i use also 2-4ui of generics( this for 1 year) and generics is very legit, work, i see different in my body after long time, gh work very slow, fat loss is very slow, good pump, muscle bubble effect. The water and side after time is better. When i use genotropin , i have less water, or much fat loss, little difference but I don't use genotropin for long time, i'm poor hahaha.

I have the cts in my arm when i sleep, like to much pin in my arm( i don't speak english, i don't use traductor) , or my hand .... but after i wake up , the effect go out. With 4ui of generics pre bed.
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