Tell us your top 3 ugl HGH ?

Its shit bro!!
post 737

can you explain whats shit about it?
oh i guess the "feelz" didnt fit you? Not enough water retention? Not enough cts?
one of the cleanest lab reports ive seen. Optis are compareable from the generics. All the others are inferior in quality.
also one of the ones with the least side effects from personal experience.
post 737

can you explain whats shit about it?
oh i guess the "feelz" didnt fit you? Not enough water retention? Not enough cts?
one of the cleanest lab reports ive seen. Optis are compareable from the generics. All the others are inferior in quality
Night and day difference!Only thing i got from them was some mediocre pumps.No cts no sleep benefits nothing waste of money.
night and day difference compared to what?
for me, they worked excellent for cutting fat.
Also no fat loss.
When i first try them they where great.
The cts was brutal slept like a baby.
Second order it was nothing like that.
I was comparing with opti as you mentioned them togheter.
post 737

can you explain whats shit about it?
oh i guess the "feelz" didnt fit you? Not enough water retention? Not enough cts?
one of the cleanest lab reports ive seen. Optis are compareable from the generics. All the others are inferior in quality.
also one of the ones with the least side effects from personal experience.
So will my numb hands get better if I try pharma GH?
Also no fat loss.
When i first try them they where great.
The cts was brutal slept like a baby.
Second order it was nothing like that.
I was comparing with opti as you mentioned them togheter.

thats bizare.
Do you know what batch you got?
I have used the "older" one with best before 11/21, but i thought about reordering but they now have made a new batch.
For me, they worked really great.
Did you use same dosage? Remember one vial of qis = 9,5iu and one vial of optis = over 13iu
from my experience the cleaner the GH the less sides it had.
Least CTS i had with optis, Qis, Genos and Humas
Fake humas and geno for sure the cts on those is brutal.
Run 4 iu of real gh from pharmacy and see for your self i know i have.
i am not defending them, but lab tests dont lie, no?
I dont care who made those kits, janos test showed it to be good quality and my experience agrees
Bro i know its expensive and hard to get but just try 1 time real pharma gh from pharmacy and see . Its that simple
Bro i know its expensive and hard to get but just try 1 time real pharma gh from pharmacy and see . Its that simple
well, since i can not walk in the pharmacy here and buy one i have to rely on sources.
And Pharmaonly has a good reputation and connection to pharmacy.
So i "assume" it is legit.
well, since i can not walk in the pharmacy here and buy one i have to rely on sources.
And Pharmaonly has a good reputation and connection to pharmacy.
So i "assume" it is legit.
You mean the genos that tested under dosed and with lower purity than generics?!?
There is your answer.
Just try one pen real gh with writhing of your country on it.
Till then i can say you know not what you are talking about
You mean the genos that tested under dosed and with lower purity than generics?!?
There is your answer.
Just try one pen real gh with writhing of your country on it.
Till then i can say you know not what you are talking about
those were not from the source pharmaonly if you talk about the recent testing done.
See like this its in my country language from pharmacy .
2-3 iu for a week and you dont feel your hands.
Even after 8 iu of opti qitrop mitrope and all that.