MESO-Rx Exclusive Telmisartan profile

Do you use Telmisartan?

  • I use it to manage hypertension (prescribed by my doctor)

    Votes: 8 26.7%
  • I use it to manage hypertension (self-medicated)

    Votes: 16 53.3%
  • I use another medication to manage hypertension.

    Votes: 1 3.3%
  • I use it for reasons other than or in addition to hypertension (off-label)

    Votes: 9 30.0%
  • I do not use any anti-hypertensive medications

    Votes: 2 6.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

MESO-Rx Administrator

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@Bill Roberts was one of the first, if not the very first, to recommend Telmisartan as potentially the best choice of hypertension medications for bodybuilders and athletes. He listed several benefits for bodybuilders above and beyond the management of elevated blood pressure.

Over 8 years later, telmisartan use has become somewhat commonplace in bodybuilding circles. How has have recommendations held up? Have your doctors been willing to prescribe? Has telmisartan improved health indicators other than blood pressure measurements? Please share your experiences here in this thread.

Telmisartan + Nebivolol all day. Two of the best medications for people using AAS + peptides.
Beta blockers like Nebivolol not the best for athletes unless you are into the sports of archery or competitive shooting.
Beta blockers like Nebivolol not the best for athletes unless you are into the sports of archery or competitive shooting.
May I ask what makes you think so? Im not saying all beta blockers are equally good for athletes, but nebivolol is unique in that drug class.
I think
May I ask what makes you think so? Im not saying all beta blockers are equally good for athletes, but nebivolol is unique in that drug class.
he is saying that because Neb and Atenolol lower your heart beat and thats really good for shooting/concentration target sports.
May I ask what makes you think so? Im not saying all beta blockers are equally good for athletes, but nebivolol is unique in that drug class.
I think you're right about Nebivolol being unique in its class. Most beta blockers do. But apparently not so with Nebivolol. I need to review the more selective beta blockers.

Regardless of the treatment plan, I'd always listen to your doctor if they think it's the optimal treatment for health. That's always more important than any marginal gains in sports performance. But it never hurts to discuss your concerns about how medications might affect other important parts of your life like sports.