Hey everyone, so as 2018 is in its final months. I am starting to plan out my 2019, and I’ve decided it will be devoted (mostly) to bulking or growing or whatever you like to call it that
tickle you tip. Right now I am about 230 butt ass naked post-morning shit, and by January 2019 I plan to be 245,
butt naked, post-morning
Each year I do generally the same thing around this time, which is write up, stock up, and save the fuck up (food). The method I explain in this episodes TenGrams how to has done a few things that has made me continue to do it over the years.
- Save MONEY
- Not stray from my original plan (maybe not everyone has trouble with this but in the beginning I sure did. Id write something up a diet or a cycle or training then id watch From Jay to Z and think, fuck, Jay eats oats and steak pre workout I need to do that) WRONG!! STICK WITH YOUR SHIT!!
- Make amazing, trackable progress
So I start like this, I sit at my desk with my notebook, pen, calculator and my meal.
I decide what compounds I want to use for the WHOLE year. This year I’m going basic. Im using Testosterone, Nandrolone, Trenbolone, Anadrol, Dbol and Winstrol.
Your probably thinking “OMG TenGrams all that all year? No baby boy, ill explain in a few moments.
I write each month of the year on its own line on the paper, and out beside it, the compounds used. It looks like this.
Jan - Test, Nandrolone, Drol (Blast)
Feb - Test, Nandrolone (Blast)
Mar - Test, Nandrolone, Drol, Dbol (Blast)
Apr - Test, Nandrolone (Cruise)
May - Test, Tren, Drol (Blast)
Jun - Test, Tren, Winstrol (Blast)
Jul - Test, Tren (Blast)
Aug - Test, Tren, Drol, Dbol (Blast)
Sep - Test, Tren (Cruise)
Oct - Test, Nandrolone (Cruise)
Nov - Test, Nandrolone (Cruise)
Dec - Test, Nandrolone, Drol (Blast)
Thats how I begin, it is my rough draft/outline, ill tear that piece out so I can easily reference it during the next step. Now I write specifics of each month, mine looks like this.
Test E 2ml - Mon Wed Fri = 1.5g ew
Test P 1ml - ED - 700mg ew
Deca 1.5ml - Mon Fri = 900mg ew
NPP 1ml - ED - 700mg ew
Anapalon 100mg - Training days only
Same as previous without the anadrol
Same as previous but add Anadrol 100mg and Dbol 50mg pre workout
Test E 2ml - Mon Wed Fri = 1.5g ew
Deca 1.5ml - Mon Fri = 900mg ew
Test E 2ml - Mon Wed Fri = 1.5g ew
Test P 1ml - ED = 700mg ew
Tren E 1ml - Mon Wed Fri = 750mg ew
Tren A .4ml - ED = 280
Anapalon 100mg pre workout
Same as previous but change anadrol to Winstrol 50mg pre workout
Same as previous with no orals
Same as previous but add back Anadrol 100mg and Dbol 50mg pre workout
Test E 2ml - Mon Wed Fri = 1.5g ew
Tren E 1ml - Mon Wed Fri = 750mg ew
Test E 2ml - Mon Wed Fri = 1.5g ew
Deca 1.5ml - Mon Fri = 900ew
Same as previous
Test E 2ml - Mon Wed Fri = 1.5g ew
Test P 1ml - ED = 700mg ew
Deca 1.5ml - Mon Fri = 900mg ew
NPP 1ml - ED = 700mg ew
Anapalon 100mg pre workout
So, now you have a solid template of what your whole anabolic year will look like, throw some TNE or TrNE in there when you want to be even more of an animal in the gym and your set. The next thing is what i like to call a “Gear Grocery List” (this is where the money saving comes in (for non brew wizards). Sometimes I find myself buying this from that new lab, or buying dhb because my source now carries it, or buying m1t because its kind of hard to come by and so and so source has it. Well motherfucker now packs are flying in to my place like a hail storm and wow, all of a sudden I have all this shit that, MAYBE ill get to next year. Well that shit needed to end (for me). Now I’m going to look at each month and figure out how much I need and yes, write it out. I put little check boxes out there too, it looks like this.
3 x Test E [ ]
3 x Test P [ ]
2 x Deca [ ]
3 x NPP [ ]
40 x Anapalon [ ]
And so on. And as I obtain packs me and my girl do our ritual pack opening routine (
we get naked,
and one of us usually ends up posing in the mirror while the other opens it and checks things in) lol.
If I can’t help it yeah ill get a few extra bottles for later
So now for a bit of an explanation on the gear, half the year I’m test deca and other half test tren essentially. You may like test eq all year and add mast for half or nand as you like. Of course you can make your blasts and cruise as long or as short, or have months you pct if thats what you do. What I’m doing is keeping my base compounds in with the long esters, then when I blast, add up to the weekly dosage I want with the short ester versions of the compound. This has been a very good thing for me when I’m consistent with it.
Three components boys the ones you always hear everyone say, training nutrition drugs. Drugs are one thing I do like to plan out in a year advance but training and nutrition are separate and a more month to month thing. Unless you want to dedicate a whole year to bringing up say your back or legs you can do them all three at once. This is not unheard of.
Im not competing until 2020, if I were things would be a bit different. Anyways I hope I got some minds rolling and ideas flowing!!
Until next time.