Test C and Anavar - First Cycle


New Member
Need some help - I`m on TRT, 1ml per week, this is prescribed by the endo for low levels. I recently got my hands on Anavar 10mg, oral. I`m 46, been in the gym for a couple years, workout 4 sessions a week, eat fairly healthy, 235lbs, need to lose the love handles, flabby gut and fluffy chest. Been on Test C for 3 months by itself - after researching it seems that Anavar would work well as a starter cycle with Test C.

Suggested dosage : 1ml Test C per week, Anavar 1 x 10mg in the am before workout and 10mg before bed?

Suggested length of cycle? 6 weeks or is 12 weeks safe? Ive ready about potential liver and kidney issues if the cycle is too long.

Is the combination of the dosages sufficient or is either too little to have any impact?

Appreciate the advice - thanks gents.
Need some help - I`m on TRT, 1ml per week, this is prescribed by the endo for low levels. I recently got my hands on Anavar 10mg, oral. I`m 46, been in the gym for a couple years, workout 4 sessions a week, eat fairly healthy, 235lbs, need to lose the love handles, flabby gut and fluffy chest. Been on Test C for 3 months by itself - after researching it seems that Anavar would work well as a starter cycle with Test C.

Suggested dosage : 1ml Test C per week, Anavar 1 x 10mg in the am before workout and 10mg before bed?

Suggested length of cycle? 6 weeks or is 12 weeks safe? Ive ready about potential liver and kidney issues if the cycle is too long.

Is the combination of the dosages sufficient or is either too little to have any impact?

Appreciate the advice - thanks gents.
1 ml of test doesn't mean anything, you could have test 250mg/ml or up to 300/400mg/ml so you need to tell us how many mg of Test your planning weekly not ml.

Btw for a first cycle I would avoid orals and go with Test only, you will have amazing results anyway with Test only, keep the anavar for your next cycle if you really want to.

Since you said you need to loose love handles I would first lower your body fat with Test at TRT dosages and then jump in a cycle so that you can make the most out of it.
1 ml of test doesn't mean anything, you could have test 250mg/ml or up to 300/400mg/ml so you need to tell us how many mg of Test your planning weekly not ml.

Btw for a first cycle I would avoid orals and go with Test only, you will have amazing results anyway with Test only, keep the anavar for your next cycle if you really want to.

Since you said you need to loose love handles I would first lower your body fat with Test at TRT dosages and then jump in a cycle so that you can make the most out of it.
David, thanks.

1ml of Test C 200mg/ml per week.

I have been on TRT at that dose for 3 months now and feel/little to no difference except that my wife says im not as grumpy and moody anymore which i guess is a good thing. I figured that since i already ran TRT as a base i could include Anavar.

You think that the TRT dosage I'm on right now is sufficient to make progress and that i should just stick to it a little longer as apposed to including the anavar?
You think that the TRT dosage I'm on right now is sufficient to make progress and that i should just stick to it a little longer as apposed to including the anavar?
Ask yourself this: if you can't make progress on 200mg testosterone weekly, is the dose a problem or something else?

I can tell you this, I have been natural with healthy test levels and then I have cruised on 125-250mg testosterone. There is a night and day difference when it comes to being on synthetic test vs natural in terms of results and muscle retention especially on a cut.

200mg per week is enough to significantly progress. You can gain a lot of lean muscle and lose fat in the process.

Some advanced guys cruise on this dose and most think this is the best dosage. I will go as far as to call it cheating not a trt. 200-250mg is a light cycle for almost all, except few outliers.

True trt is maybe 150mg per week at most. So use it up and lose that fat via diet. That's what matters. You can abuse the f* out of steroids and spin your wheels if you don't learn how to eat right for your goal.
Anavar can help with the fat loss as it has shown in studies to speed up overall fat loss and especially visceral fat. It has a few mechanism by which it helps during a cut, one of them is by increasing T4 to T3 conversion.

Besides that, what Lukis said is true.
Your plan to add Anavar to your TRT regimen looks good, especially since you’ve researched it. In my experience, combining Anavar with Test C can be effective for fat loss and muscle retention. Starting with 10mg of Anavar in the morning and 10mg before bed is a solid approach. You might even start with just 10mg per day to see how you react, then increase if tolerated.
Anavar can help with the fat loss as it has shown in studies to speed up overall fat loss and especially visceral fat. It has a few mechanism by which it helps during a cut, one of them is by increasing T4 to T3 conversion.

Besides that, what Lukis said is true.
im a runner so I do boatloads of running, but its been insane watching this fat i have left melt off my body.
love this stuff its the best!