Test C + Winstrol/Anavar Advice


New Member
This will be my second cycle, first was a Sustanon 250 + Anavar 50mg cycle.

Looking for advice on what to take during a Test C + Winstrol cycle. The plan in my head here is a 12 to 10 week cycle with the first 6 weeks being Winstrol to cut a bit more in the beginning and then end the last 4-6 weeks on Anavar to build a bit more back towards the end. But Test C during the whole cycle.

Im pretty new to this so as far as research I've done some digging in this forum, others, as well as generic Google searches. The cycle differences are crazy that I'm seeing across the board, I understand there is no 1 way is right to this stuff, but the differences are crazy.

Some cycles include HCG, some include Arimidex, some include Clomid. Plus the PCT is also all over the place.

Hoping a few folks in here can set me straight. Is my idea dumb? Looking for some true advice from the ground up help here.
The reason for orals in the end instead of a Kickstart, you have shitty lipids for the rest of your cycle being harder on your cvs, who wants to feel great then have to drop lower for the rest of the cycle.

Imo run test for the first 2/3. Add var in the end or no var and get to know how youre on test alone like the first cycle should have been. Pct isn't all over the place you just need a little more research. It sounds like you don't understand serms.
The cycle differences are crazy
Why do you think that is? This is the question I would try to answer if I was getting started. Why are the cycle suggestions so different.

A decent thread to start you on your journey:

Please take some time to understand how the HPTA functions in a eugonadal person and a person on exogenous AAS.

Please learn what hCG, SERMs and AIs are and what they do and don't do.

I am not trying to be rude but caring. What you wrote in the second paragraph is not defensible given what we know as the human species regarding AAS.

Nevertheless if you have the genes, the training and diet down then almost any drugs will work for you to build muscle. It's the details that get people in trouble down the road.
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O% chance running orals for the whole 10-12 weeks is a good idea. Choose one oral, depending on dose and labs if you’re doing those 4-6 weeks max.

I’d choose one goal bulk are cut. Your ability to either bulk or cut well be determined by your calorie intake vs the drug choose.