Test, Deca, Dbol cycle


Alright fellas, looking forward to start my next cycle i believe i hve everything i need and just need the thumbs up from the boys before i start. Looking for a good bulk from this cycle and will be eating 4-5k cals a day.

Test E weeks 1-12 @ 500 mg pw
Deca weeks 1-10 @ 300 mg pw
Dbol weeks 1-4 maybe 5 @ 30 mg ed
Test P weeks 12-14 @ 100 mg eod
Mast P weeks 10-14 @ @ 150 mg eod

Adex 0.5 mg eod
HCG?? Can some one provide opinions on best way to use during cycle i have it at the ready.

Clomid and nolva pct @ 50 and 20 mgs

Been a lurker on here for some time now and have tried my best to educate myself on the compounds ill be using. Im 25 yo, 6'2, 230lbs at the min and have done 2 previous cycles of test one inc deca. I enjoyed relief deca had on my shoulder and i made some decent gains a majority of which i have kept and is the reason i feel comfortable using again.

If everything is ok with dosing and timing i will proceed with this protocol. Included short esters while waiting for long esters to clear. My source in UK had masteron which i wanted to try. Will be doing a log on this cycle with before and after pics hope my experiences will benefit some people on here as i found them very useful.

Cheers lads
If I was you I wouldn’t use 500mg test because at this dose with deca you will probably need caber for prolactin. You should buy caber and have it on hand .
But if you want to get away I would use 200mg test or lower with 500-600 deca with 50mg proviron ed with this dosage you probably don’t need an Ai you should use an Ai when you use dbol.
Hcg now I wouldn’t use it but if you want , pin 5000iu one week before the esters clear.
If I was you I wouldn’t use 500mg test because at this dose with deca you will probably need caber for prolactin. You should buy caber and have it on hand .
But if you want to get away I would use 200mg test or lower with 500-600 deca with 50mg proviron ed with this dosage you probably don’t need an Ai you should use an Ai when you use dbol.
Hcg now I wouldn’t use it but if you want , pin 5000iu one week before the esters clear.
Thanks for the reply bro. Im not sure if i understand but how would a slighty higher dose of test cause me to have prolactin issues. If anything wouldnt increasing the deca dosage cause me more proclactin as it is a progesterone?
Thanks for the reply bro. Im not sure if i understand but how would a slighty higher dose of test cause me to have prolactin issues. If anything wouldnt increasing the deca dosage cause me more proclactin as it is a progesterone?

You don't need caber, just keep your estrogen under control and you'll be fine.

I pretty much disagree with everything else in @AlwaysHungry post...

Your cycle looks decent, kind of short for Deca cycle. NPP would be a nice alternative if you want to go that route. Personally, I'd use just a little higher dose but that's up to you too.

I would use hcg throughout the cycle if it were me. You can use it before PCT instead if you want.
You don't need caber, just keep your estrogen under control and you'll be fine.

I pretty much disagree with everything else in @AlwaysHungry post...

Your cycle looks decent, kind of short for Deca cycle. NPP would be a nice alternative if you want to go that route. Personally, I'd use just a little higher dose but that's up to you too.

I would use hcg throughout the cycle if it were me. You can use it before PCT instead if you want.
Have got deca
You don't need caber, just keep your estrogen under control and you'll be fine.

I pretty much disagree with everything else in @AlwaysHungry post...

Your cycle looks decent, kind of short for Deca cycle. NPP would be a nice alternative if you want to go that route. Personally, I'd use just a little higher dose but that's up to you too.

I would use hcg throughout the cycle if it were me. You can use it before PCT instead if you want.
Nice one for feedback Eman. Deca is all i have got on hand im not sure my source has NPP. Will consider it for a future cycle. What do u think on front loading the deca? Im considering doing this as it will get blood levels where they need to be fairly promptly and i would like to experience the effects of deca alongside dianabol before test kicks in properly and may make my use of my ten weeks with deca more efficient. Im interested in a lot of golden era physiques and would like to have experience on type of cycles they used albeit with gear of a lesser standard.
Different approaches bro @Eman

My thought is deca is much more better builder than test so let it do it’s work. It’s more anabolic than androgenic so with low dose test you’re not going to have sides. Also there are studies that shows deca itself doesn’t significantly increase prolactin , but a combination with test and deca increase it. Is just my way of see things I always use low test with high deca/tren etc it always works for me and I don’t need ai , and caber etc but always have it on hand.
Have got deca

Nice one for feedback Eman. Deca is all i have got on hand im not sure my source has NPP. Will consider it for a future cycle. What do u think on front loading the deca? Im considering doing this as it will get blood levels where they need to be fairly promptly and i would like to experience the effects of deca alongside dianabol before test kicks in properly and may make my use of my ten weeks with deca more efficient. Im interested in a lot of golden era physiques and would like to have experience on type of cycles they used albeit with gear of a lesser standard.
If you want to experience golden era cycles then you defenitaly must dose test on lower end
I would switch your test and deca dosages, halve the AI and cut the masteron. The mast will do nothing after using the heavy hitters like deca and dbol. Have prami on hand. I have a boatload of pharma prami i got for RLS. But basically, yes you could run the cycle as you have described to no ill effect. You started on nandrolones quite early in your steroid journey though. I hope you know the long term ramifications of starting steroids at a young age.
What I would do personally at that dosage range:

Test E 600wk 1-12
Deca 300wk 1-12
Dbol 40ed 1-6
Test P 250wk 12-14
12.5mg Aromasin as side effects show up, then adjust as needed based on how mid cycle bloods look.
Nolva on hand incase gyno flares up
HCG 14-16
17-onward Clomid and nolva pct as planned

Atleast 5k calories per day.

I don't think you'll see any progesterone sides on 300/week nand. Have caber or prami on hand but I wouldn't touch it unless bloods say you need it.

Skip the mast unless you want recomping effect. It will knock out much of the estrogenic bloat and provide some hardening but not much else. (Other than increasing Andro:estro ratio, which isn't necessarily a bad thing.) I use mast once I reach my goal weight to give a bit of recomping, it's hard to gain more weight once the mast kicks in.
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