Test E 500mg wk - Virgin


New Member
As promised my cycle log.
Products are:
ROM Test E 300mg - 500mg Mon/Thurs
Gentech Aromasin - 20mg EOD

The aromasin is against my better judgment. Alot of you suggest never using research lab AI's so I've been standing by to get pharma if anything crops up.

First pin was friday 3rd March. Was awfull! Took me nearly 40 minuets! Never had to stick a needle in my leg! The trick with me is do it nice and slow, and push it in. Deadleg was worse then noobie leg day.

Monday was a little bit easier but still not very fun.

Third time Thursday the 9th I thought I had it handled, stuck it in my leg and freaked the fuck out as it hurt a tiny little bit, I mean a tiny bit. Told myself to keep going and pushed it further in and again hurt... a tiny bit. This spooked the shit out of me as none of the other hurt even a little. Pulled it out changed the head and sat there thinking my life was over. Turns out everytime I've been pulling the skin tight with my spare hand which apparently stops it hurting..?

Latest pin was this morning, easy clinical and done. Thank god. At least its getting easier.

A week in and I'm aware that I'm not supposed to see any changes but my strength has increased significantly. Mainly noticed my incline db has shot up.
Whole weight up and using the same rep range 8/3.

There you go. Everything up till now. Will try and post regularly.


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