Test E to Prop Acne??


New Member
Hey guys, have just run 10 weeks of Test E with no problems at all with acne besides maybe a few small spots here and there. I have had some acne through my teens and early 20s but nothing too serious.
I have just started 100mg prop eod to finish off my cycle for 2 weeks. I am 2 shots in and have started to get really bad acne on my face. Has anyone else experienced this or have any advice? Will nolva or clomid help with this, as it may be from high estrogen? Is it maybe from more test level fluctuations from the prop?

Need some advice
Cheers :)
Don't really want to get onto accutane due to the harsh side effects etc plus it means I have to get a prescription. Will my acne get worse after cycle? Would an ai help at all?
It's usually worse in Pct. AI can help if and is estrogen related. Some people say that higher estrogen can is the main cause of on cycle acne. The acne started with the prop because prop is causing more rapid flucuations on your blood hormone levels.

Desert warrior is 100%right about the accutane, and there are sources in here that sell it. Im prone to body acne and I personally use 10-20mg per day on cycle. It should be a last resort though. I don't get any sides at that dosage but it doesn't mean you won't. It's a miracle for me though.
Hey guys, have just run 10 weeks of Test E with no problems at all with acne besides maybe a few small spots here and there. I have had some acne through my teens and early 20s but nothing too serious.
I have just started 100mg prop eod to finish off my cycle for 2 weeks. I am 2 shots in and have started to get really bad acne on my face. Has anyone else experienced this or have any advice? Will nolva or clomid help with this, as it may be from high estrogen? Is it maybe from more test level fluctuations from the prop?

Need some advice
Cheers :)
What's your cycle like?
Are you just doing 12 weeks Test E?
Did you get pre blood work?
Did you get mid cycle blood work?
Are you using AI on cycle?
Hey guys, have just run 10 weeks of Test E with no problems at all with acne besides maybe a few small spots here and there. I have had some acne through my teens and early 20s but nothing too serious.
I have just started 100mg prop eod to finish off my cycle for 2 weeks. I am 2 shots in and have started to get really bad acne on my face. Has anyone else experienced this or have any advice? Will nolva or clomid help with this, as it may be from high estrogen? Is it maybe from more test level fluctuations from the prop?

Need some advice
Cheers :)
might be amount of oil. Over 2x more oil you're putting in your body! If you think it's hormone related try 50mg daily and see if it gets better.
Hey guys, have just run 10 weeks of Test E with no problems at all with acne besides maybe a few small spots here and there. I have had some acne through my teens and early 20s but nothing too serious.
I have just started 100mg prop eod to finish off my cycle for 2 weeks. I am 2 shots in and have started to get really bad acne on my face. Has anyone else experienced this or have any advice? Will nolva or clomid help with this, as it may be from high estrogen? Is it maybe from more test level fluctuations from the prop?

Need some advice
Cheers :)
If you just finished 10 weeks test e!
And want to jump to prop for two weeks .
You need to take a brake at least 1 week off then start pinning again prop.
Example week 1-10 teste e
Week 11 off /no pinning at all" let the teste e clear a little bit .
Week 12-13 test prop.

I second that @mkulltra58 . Looks like you spike those teste levels like crazy ..

And yeah usually pct is when acne started to get bad .
Don't worry it only last 5 weeks . Hahah get a shirth
Androgenic effects from AAS does cause the sub q glands to secrete more oils, even more so that we workout sweat on a daily basis. Fluctuations in estrogen also are a variable here as well as genetics.

IMO and my experience diet is huge factor. Those who are prone to acne should stay away from high glycemic carbs (white carbs) and sugars.

It's best to try to find the root cause of the acne first and try to resolve it there before hopping on accutane, though it is very effective its a potent drug. I'd rather find the permanent solution over the temporary. But accutane will always be there if you feel otherwise
Androgenic effects from AAS does cause the sub q glands to secrete more oils, even more so that we workout sweat on a daily basis. Fluctuations in estrogen also are a variable here as well as genetics.

IMO and my experience diet is huge factor. Those who are prone to acne should stay away from high glycemic carbs (white carbs) and sugars.

It's best to try to find the root cause of the acne first and try to resolve it there before hopping on accutane, though it is very effective its a potent drug. I'd rather find the permanent solution over the temporary. But accutane will always be there if you feel otherwise
But accutane is permanent, at least for some.
Pop quiz: what happens when you spike your testosterone levels that would most likely cause acne or other side effects?

Answer: More estrogen

Again, get blood work done to confirm estradiol levels. Or just ride out the spike and see if the acne clears up over time as your estrogen is lowered. If you were using an ai, you may not have ran into this side effect.
Thanks for all the feedback everyone. Does make sense that the more oil, or a spike in test levels may have caused this. My first prop pin was 6 days after the e pin, so I didnt just jump straight into it, although I know the e doesn't clear for roughly 3 weeks. I couldn't get my hands on an ai due to the small area i live in (in australia), but i didnt have any sides on test e besides some very minor gyno, so I thought it wasn't 100% necessary.
I might try lowering my dose back to 70eod and see if this helps.
Any other feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks :)
I started to see some good clearance around 2 weeks.
Damn, hopefully I experience the same. I love wearing tanks to the gym, but I've been a little embarrassed lately due to the acne on my shoulders. Not to mention it's sort of a tell-tale sign that I'm on the sauce.
It's usually worse in Pct. AI can help if and is estrogen related. Some people say that higher estrogen can is the main cause of on cycle acne. The acne started with the prop because prop is causing more rapid flucuations on your blood hormone levels.

Desert warrior is 100%right about the accutane, and there are sources in here that sell it. Im prone to body acne and I personally use 10-20mg per day on cycle. It should be a last resort though. I don't get any sides at that dosage but it doesn't mean you won't. It's a miracle for me though.
I just got on accutane today 40mg/day. Do most people run it on cycle or is it frowned upon??
I am 2 shots in and have started to get really bad acne on my face. Has anyone else experienced this or have any advice? Will nolva or clomid help with this, as it may be from high estrogen? Is it maybe from more test level fluctuations from the prop?

Need some advice
Cheers :)

Remember that you're adding the prop on top of the test e that's still in your system, so you're going to see a bit of a spike in E2. Try slightly upping your AI for a week or so.

I almost always finish with test prop or ace. It's best to wait a week before starting the short ester to avoid the build up of test and the resulting estrogen spike.
Pop quiz: what happens when you spike your testosterone levels that would most likely cause acne or other side effects?

Answer: More estrogen

Again, get blood work done to confirm estradiol levels. Or just ride out the spike and see if the acne clears up over time as your estrogen is lowered. If you were using an ai, you may not have ran into this side effect.
I use ai and I'm getting pimples on my face and forehead. .5mg EOD my estrogen level is 47.

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