Test e/Tren ace subq


I'm mid cycle 750mg test e, I've been injecting IM 2.5cc 300mg/ml once a week and now plan on adding in tren ace. I plan on switching to .25ml test e ed (75mg ed) and .25cc tren ace ed (25mg ed). I have never pinned oil subq before. How does subq compare to IM? What are your preferences? Do I need to use slin pins, or can I use 23g 1'' and only break the surface? I plan on subq pinning my quads, are there any better spots for oil?
I'm mid cycle 750mg test e, I've been injecting IM 2.5cc 300mg/ml once a week and now plan on adding in tren ace. I plan on switching to .25ml test e ed (75mg ed) and .25cc tren ace ed (25mg ed). I have never pinned oil subq before. How does subq compare to IM? What are your preferences? Do I need to use slin pins, or can I use 23g 1'' and only break the surface? I plan on subq pinning my quads, are there any better spots for oil?
IMO subq injections are better left to WATER-BASED preparations (hcg, gh, slin)
If you insist on injecting an oil based preparation subq, limit injection volume to 1/4 ml.
Injected 1 1/2 hours ago. Flawless, no pain or irritation. I do not understand why IM is the go to, when subq appears to be superior in every way? From what i've read it supposedly absorbs slower and at a steadier pace.
Injected 1 1/2 hours ago. Flawless, no pain or irritation. I do not understand why IM is the go to, when subq appears to be superior in every way? From what i've read it supposedly absorbs slower and at a steadier pace.
1 How many ml did you inject?
2 What oil was it brewed with (GSO, Sesame, MCT)?
3 What steroid and concentration (mg/ml) was it?
4 What bodypart did you inject in?
I think you’ll be ok injecting that amount. But injecting a full cc will leave a decent size knot that will be there for a while.
1 How many ml did you inject?
2 What oil was it brewed with (GSO, Sesame, MCT)?
3 What steroid and concentration (mg/ml) was it?
4 What bodypart did you inject in?
1. .25cc x2
2 & 3 Pharmacom test e 300. Unsure of what carrier oil they use.
4. Quad
Don't inject UGL gear subQ, come on...
Why so? If UGL quality was of concern, why would injecting IM be better seeing as it is much deeper and would pose a higher risk of necrosis? I'm not attacking you, or defending subq practice, i'm just genuinely curious.
Update. Almost 24 hours later, I do now have a small raised bump in each area where I injected. Feels like a small bruise, something that I wouldn't even notice if I wasn't constantly checking it out. Will update on if it goes away or gets worse.