I finished up 2-3 weeks ago.
Doses were;
-80 test prop ED
60 Tren Ace ED
Also superdrol 20mg PWO (5x/wk) I forgot to mention that, my bad.
I used .5 mg adex EOD, and .5 mg caber 2x/wk
I’ve got enough Nolva on hand to run a PCT at 40/40/20/20/10
I know pre-cycle I was feeling like shit, recovery from workout just 3x/wk was trash, sleep was awful, no motivation, libido was okay but it’s better now even still. I’m pretty open to TRT to be honest, my Dad was on it about 10 years ago (before his insurance stopped covering it for whatever reason) and he said he felt like he was 25 again. From what I’ve read it seems to be a decent route to take, but I also don’t want to pre-emptively get on and potentially fuck up my ability to have kids with my girl down the road (hope Tren didn’t do that already though lol.)