Test levels post-cycle crashed is TRT best route?

What is it with you guys not even being willing to run a PCT? Does everyone really wanna pin test for the rest of their lives?

PC fucking T.
Dunno man, what I tell everyone is: if you wanna do AAS just take It as a life commitment or just don't do it.

PCT has always being kinda not that great for me, all those extra meds to take and all the stress in seeing if your test production recover etc. For what? Just to do it all over again because let's be truthfull... If you start doing AAS you are gonna keep doing it unless you have a major problem in your life. The look and feeling of AAS is addictive mentally and it feels great so no one on average will do just one cycle and that's it (it's useless as well). So to keep the physique one will keep cycling year after year and do PCT after PCT for what?

Just go TRT and reduce the total stress on the body and the mind.

To me it was the logical way to cycle and that's what I have done.

When ppl ask me I always tell everyone to stay away from steroids unless you don't plan to pin test for the rest of your life, in the end you are gonna end up doing it anyway... So better know it in advance I guess
But I srsly advice ppl to not do steroids in general.

They are not worth it unless you can earn money with it... To me they are (and I'm an amateur with no competition in mind) but I'm not sane mentally at least on this department so well at least Im aware of it ahaha