Test levels post-cycle crashed is TRT best route?


New Member
Hey so I just got a basic testosterone test done after finishing a 10 week cycle of Test/Tren and my levels were 67 ng/dL. Pre- cycle my levels were around 400. My boy said that I should just go get on TRT and not even bother with a PCT since my levels were low for a 31 y/o before even going on. Is this true?
Hey so I just got a basic testosterone test done after finishing a 10 week cycle of Test/Tren and my levels were 67 ng/dL. Pre- cycle my levels were around 400. My boy said that I should just go get on TRT and not even bother with a PCT since my levels were low for a 31 y/o before even going on. Is this true?
When did you finish your cycle?
Did you take HCG throughout?
What were your doses?
Did you manage E2 while on?
Do you have any SERMs for PCT in hand?

Its always best to have a plan from first pin to end of PCT BEFORE you start a new cycle. Though if you're young enough you can most likely start PCT and recover your natty levels. Tren is a tough one for recovery but its doable and person dependent.

Skip the bro advice and decide for yourself. Going on TRT has its pros and cons. You should research the subject before going that route. I can say that I was at 400 before I started PED's and felt great. Good libido and no issues.
When did you finish your cycle?
Did you take HCG throughout?
What were your doses?
Did you manage E2 while on?
Do you have any SERMs for PCT in hand?

Its always best to have a plan from first pin to end of PCT BEFORE you start a new cycle. Though if you're young enough you can most likely start PCT and recover your natty levels. Tren is a tough one for recovery but its doable and person dependent.

Skip the bro advice and decide for yourself. Going on TRT has its pros and cons. You should research the subject before going that route. I can say that I was at 400 before I started PED's and felt great. Good libido and no issues.
I finished up 2-3 weeks ago.

Doses were;
-80 test prop ED
60 Tren Ace ED
Also superdrol 20mg PWO (5x/wk) I forgot to mention that, my bad.


I used .5 mg adex EOD, and .5 mg caber 2x/wk

I’ve got enough Nolva on hand to run a PCT at 40/40/20/20/10

I know pre-cycle I was feeling like shit, recovery from workout just 3x/wk was trash, sleep was awful, no motivation, libido was okay but it’s better now even still. I’m pretty open to TRT to be honest, my Dad was on it about 10 years ago (before his insurance stopped covering it for whatever reason) and he said he felt like he was 25 again. From what I’ve read it seems to be a decent route to take, but I also don’t want to pre-emptively get on and potentially fuck up my ability to have kids with my girl down the road (hope Tren didn’t do that already though lol.)
You have not let enough time pass to have any idea what your natural test levels will be. 2-3 weeks is nothing. The body takes longer to recover than that.
What is it with you guys not even being willing to run a PCT? Does everyone really wanna pin test for the rest of their lives?

PC fucking T.
You have not let enough time pass to have any idea what your natural test levels will be. 2-3 weeks is nothing. The body takes longer to recover than that.
Okay so I wasn’t aware of how long suppression would occur with the short esters. I’ll admit I’m ignorant and that’s why I’m coming to Meso for information because what I’m hearing from my friend doesn’t seem completely accurate.
What is it with you guys not even being willing to run a PCT? Does everyone really wanna pin test for the rest of their lives?

PC fucking T.
I mean injecting medication somewhat regularly (once every 2 weeks) is something I already do (and have done since I was 18) for a dermatology issue so pinning isn’t really a big deal to me if that’s what you’re getting at.
Okay so I wasn’t aware of how long suppression would occur with the short esters. I’ll admit I’m ignorant and that’s why I’m coming to Meso for information because what I’m hearing from my friend doesn’t seem completely accurate.
It is not suppression, as the short esters are clear, so no longer actively suppressing. It is recovery from the suppression that takes time. The male HPTA does not recover that quickly. And fertility takes longer to recover than testosterone production.
Run a proper PCT then get your levels checked and then decide how to proceed.

Trying to regain fertility sucks and I speak from experience.
I finished up 2-3 weeks ago.

Doses were;
-80 test prop ED
60 Tren Ace ED
Also superdrol 20mg PWO (5x/wk) I forgot to mention that, my bad.


I used .5 mg adex EOD, and .5 mg caber 2x/wk

I’ve got enough Nolva on hand to run a PCT at 40/40/20/20/10

I know pre-cycle I was feeling like shit, recovery from workout just 3x/wk was trash, sleep was awful, no motivation, libido was okay but it’s better now even still. I’m pretty open to TRT to be honest, my Dad was on it about 10 years ago (before his insurance stopped covering it for whatever reason) and he said he felt like he was 25 again. From what I’ve read it seems to be a decent route to take, but I also don’t want to pre-emptively get on and potentially fuck up my ability to have kids with my girl down the road (hope Tren didn’t do that already though lol.)
2or3 week ago is stupid....
pct have to start after 2.3 week and must be at least other 8 weeks....
test level return at their value after 2/4 months after end cycle: it depend bay person...
Is absolutely normal have very low test level after 3 week since end cycle
Your boy has a point I’m afraid. Your T levels were kinda shitty (almost 3 times below the upper limit) even before initiating the cycle. As already mentioned T levels will take more than 2-3 weeks to bounce back to normal with or without PCT. So your only question is that of fertility down the road. I’m leaning towards have your first kid before ever going on TRT, maybe.
Superdrol or tren will do that on their own, let alone stacked. Surprised ur test wasn't worse to be honest. Terrible cycle choice for ur knowledge base, ur friend who gave you advice sucks.
What is it with you guys not even being willing to run a PCT? Does everyone really wanna pin test for the rest of their lives?

PC fucking T.
Thank you! I've been thinking this a lot lately, with how commonplace blast and cruising has become... And for guys that are going to stay plugged into the black market forever, just something else to think about.

Do you cycle off during the year?
Thank you! I've been thinking this a lot lately, with how commonplace blast and cruising has become... And for guys that are going to stay plugged into the black market forever, just something else to think about.

Do you cycle off during the year?
I BnC now, but my goals are also a tad different than most people’s. I don’t shame anyone who does BnC, just try and advise they don’t. Same I’d advise people to not use steroids even though I do…

the black market thing isn’t too much of a deal because TRT scripts are so easy to come by.
I BnC now, but my goals are also a tad different than most people’s. I don’t shame anyone who does BnC, just try and advise they don’t. Same I’d advise people to not use steroids even though I do…

the black market thing isn’t too much of a deal because TRT scripts are so easy to come by.

trt in the us isn't easy to come by. Also not that people should hop on in the first place, but cycling has plenty of its own risks and doesn't provide much lasting returns