Test No Ester/oil base



Ordered 1 vial among other stuff from Pharmacom recently, tried some on max out week and liked it. Thinking of using it more regularly during next cycle, but the pip was nasty. Had the quad and delt sore and slightly swollen for a couple of days after use.
Do everybody have a similar reaction and is it an issue with all TNE ? I thought suspension was pretty bad but the oil base version less painful.
Besides info on the box states for IM use only. What would happen with SuqQ Injection ? Would the time of action become much slower ? I´ve used quite a bit of test prop subQ without any pip, while many complain of pip with test prop IM, so keen on going that way if that helps. It´s a bit disturbing if a single TNE injection blocks a pinning area for several days with swelling and soreness

Thanks in advance for all related input
Anything that is less oil soluable is going to cause probs. In most cases Tne won't hold in solution without substantial solvent. PIP is less provided depots are <= 1ml.

I wouldn't try SQ, as that is the most sensitive to compounds that are not oil soluable. The high melt point of Tne and the lower oil soluability makes it a terrible candidate for SQ injects. Do what you will, but the ones I know that have tried, no longer do it. And they usually had a few lumps that lasted about a year to remind them not to try again....
I wouldn't try SQ, as that is the most sensitive to compounds that are not oil soluable. The high melt point of Tne and the lower oil soluability makes it a terrible candidate for SQ injects. Do what you will, but the ones I know that have tried, no longer do it. And they usually had a few lumps that lasted about a year to remind them not to try again....

Thanks Girth, I´ll take your word for it and won´t try (except if substantial info comes up in favor of SubQ, but haven´t seen any of it yet)
Got swollen thigh and delt with 0.5 to 0.7cc IM btw.
Dumb... On a 200mg/wk cruise, was supposed to have pinned the weekly dose 1h ago, 1am local time. Was surprised the pip although not bad was noticeable when pinning the delt, checked the vial , and i´ve actually pinned 80mg of test base... the first vial in the cupboard was supposed to be the test cyp but it has been moved somehow (both Pcom 10ml vials, already opened and kept in original boxes) Talk about careless, a bit excited now, can´t even go to the gym at this time and hope it won´t mess up with a blood test coming next tuesday. I´m aching to go back on cycle but that was stupid...
Planning to pin the 200mg Cyp after 24h btw, if anyone thinks of a better idea, please share it !
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