Test suspension help

Did you take a huge leap of faith randomly and say "fuck it, I can lose 16% bodyfat in 2 months!" And decide to randomly join a physique competition, then rely solely on the use of PEDs to achieve a miraculously shredded physique?
You've been quite vague about this conpetition, but unless it's a competition to see how disgustingly skinny you can get, you're probably pretty far behind the 8 ball on this one.
If you do manage to get down to a shredded physique of 6% by then you will be sitting at around 174lbs, and thats assuming you maintain all your muscle.
As far as TRT goes I would call and make sure that's allowed. Guys would have normal test levels but would fail the drug tests because of an enanthate ester and they tried playing the TRT card but still got suspended. That was for fighting though. Who knows about the competition you're doing... which again, what is this competition ?
Also you mentioned clen wasn't enough to maintain muscle in your deficit?
How much of a deficit are you in? A major caloric deficit PLUS T3 is going to cause a rebound and your cortisol levels are going to sky rocket. Do as you wish but I would maybe sit this competition out until you
A.) Learn what works for your body nutrition, training, and drug wise
B.) Have at least 6 months of prep time before hand