Test/Tren Cut - Advice Needed

Hey Everyone,

Starting my serious cut very soon and just wanted some help with the cycle part of things (nutrition and workouts are dialled in).

Im 6', 256 lbs, ~24% body fat. If you're going to say you can cut natty, just please don't bother posting. This is a steroids forum and I don't want to do another natty cut. I already dropped 60lbs natty before.

So let's get to it. I'm Canadian, so I'll be using Oxygen Pharm as my source.

This is my first time using Tren, but not my first time cycling. I've done two Test E only cycles before.

Oxygen has TNT - Test E 250, Tren E 150. I would prefer this as it's simply 1 injection instead of two injections per time. Now, with TNT, should I stick at 1 injection per week? Or should I go for 2x/week? So that would be 500mg Test E and 300mg Tren E per week.

They also have TMT - Tren Ace 50, Mast Prop 50, Test Prop 50. The dosages are low so I'd probably need 3x injections/week minimum?

Obviously I can also go for individual vials of Test and Tren as well.

Would really appreciate some advice based on the above options from those experienced with Tren on a cut.

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What's your diet plan and cycle history? I'm telling you from personal experience, you will be disappointed with the results if you can't even diet down below 20% without tren.

At least achieve that first. You sound like you don't even have any experience with PEDs, so maybe research more on how to deal with the sides especially with tren. I know you will not like this suggestion and probably already have the compounds in your hand but I strongly urge you to get your nutrition dialed in and incorporate the drugs when you stall.
What's your diet plan and cycle history? I'm telling you from personal experience, you will be disappointed with the results if you can't even diet down below 20% without tren.

At least achieve that first. You sound like you don't even have any experience with PEDs, so maybe research more on how to deal with the sides especially with tren. I know you will not like this suggestion and probably already have the compounds in your hand but I strongly urge you to get your nutrition dialed in and incorporate the drugs when you stall.
-1000 deficit. My body responds well with calories in vs calories out. But I always keep protein very high.

I’ve done two Test E cycles. Both were bulks. I was under 20%. A bad bulk got me fat again. Like I said, I’ve dropped 60 lbs naturally before. Even had pictures on here. Old thread.

Trust me, I’m not the type to use thinking it’s a magic needle. I do have the discipline and I have used before.

I just don’t want to cut natty right now… and I think a test/tren cut would do me wonders given it’s accompanied by a serious diet.
-1000 deficit. My body responds well with calories in vs calories out. But I always keep protein very high.

I’ve done two Test E cycles. Both were bulks. I was under 20%. A bad bulk got me fat again. Like I said, I’ve dropped 60 lbs naturally before. Even had pictures on here. Old thread.

Trust me, I’m not the type to use thinking it’s a magic needle. I do have the discipline and I have used before.

I just don’t want to cut natty right now… and I think a test/tren cut would do me wonders given it’s accompanied by a serious diet.
Looks like you already set your mind to it. Just make a log, no need to ask for advice.
Looks like you already set your mind to it. Just make a log, no need to ask for advice.
Advice was really only for dosages... I haven't used tren before and was hoping someone that has would chime in on the questions I had in the OP.

I'll definitely be logging the cycle on here!
24% body fat and you want to use tren? Huge waste of time.

How about you post your diet before we take you seriously
Start in the lower end, I would suggest using Acetate so you can get out if you experience untolerable sides.

I'll start 100mg a week and work your way up if you can tolerate it.

With tren you don't need much to experience the benefits right away.
24% body fat and you want to use tren? Huge waste of time.

How about you post your diet before we take you seriously
Did you even bother reading my post?

I said, -1000 deficit. Cals in vs cals out works best for me. But, I keep protein content high.

Not trying to sound like a dick, but this is a steroids forum. How can someone possibly say tren at 24% BF will be a waste of time assuming diet is dialled in (which it is). It makes no sense. Sure, are the sides worth it? That's subjective IMO.

And no, I don't think tren is the magic compound to get below 20%. But do I think if it's tren vs no trend, that the tren group will have better results? Hell yes.
I think people are reading your post, assuming that you don’t understand the basics about esters/half lives, and offering you beginners’ advice.

The reason to take a given compound once vs twice vs three times a week isn’t due to dose. It’s about achieving stable hormone levels. Once you’ve decided on a suitable frequency you divide your chosen dose into however many administrations you’re doing per week, and if it doesn’t fit into a 1ml syringe you use a 2ml. It’s also not necessary to fill the syringe with a full 1ml if you want a lower dose; you can use 0.5ml, or 0.6ml, etc.

Also you can mix compounds from two vials in one syringe.
With tren you won’t see the muscle hardening effects at a body fat higher than 15%. You are better off cutting with only testosterone until 15% and then adding tren if you really want it. You can’t use tren for a long time and dropping 10% bodyfat takes a good amount of time. You will achieve better results this way
Did you even bother reading my post?

I said, -1000 deficit. Cals in vs cals out works best for me. But, I keep protein content high.

Not trying to sound like a dick, but this is a steroids forum. How can someone possibly say tren at 24% BF will be a waste of time assuming diet is dialled in (which it is). It makes no sense. Sure, are the sides worth it? That's subjective IMO.

And no, I don't think tren is the magic compound to get below 20%. But do I think if it's tren vs no trend, that the tren group will have better results? Hell yes.
no, this isnt a steroid forum. this is a harm reduction forum, which is why theyre telling you to not use tren when you can cut by dieting on just test alone.

you say that your diet is dialed in, but then how are you at 24% bf? blame the failed bulk all you want.
Just use some test to help retain ur muscle on this cut since u have alot to lose adding tren isn't gonna make u lose fat faster and it isn't gonna magically build muscle in a steep deficit. Everyone is really trying to help you but u don't see it. The tren is just going to cause side effects so just cut with test and add tren later. When you can't sleep and feel like shit and flip out on ur significant other and get gyno flaring up don't come back here asking why it's all happening.
Just use some test to help retain ur muscle on this cut since u have alot to lose adding tren isn't gonna make u lose fat faster and it isn't gonna magically build muscle in a steep deficit. Everyone is really trying to help you but u don't see it. The tren is just going to cause side effects so just cut with test and add tren later. When you can't sleep and feel like shit and flip out on ur significant other and get gyno flaring up don't come back here asking why it's all happening.
Great point, It's like we've jumped on this "recomp" bandwagon. I'm sure a minority can recomp but to the rest of us mortals we just need to pick one: cut or bulk.
You should cut, that said I don't see what would be wrong with adding a lower dose of tren to a TRT dose of test.
Buuuuut, I'm not an IFBB, doctor, biologist, scientist or even a nutritionist.
I am wondering if trt dose with 100mg of tren is more healthy than 500mg test or 400test and primo.. what do you guys think?
heres a better question,

Why do you want to run tren in this cut, vs just test or some test with primo/mast?

why tren specifically.

also, saying "-1000 cal deficit, high protein" isnt a diet plan.
Tell us exactly what you will be eating every meal.

So far you claim "diet and training on point" like every other novice without outlining anything, just a "trust me bro"
I am not the OP:). Just asking if tren yields similar results to primo with much less and if it’s healthier at a very low dose. OP should cut down with trt dose to 15% and only then add primo or tren for muscle hardening effects.
It amazes me when "vets" tell me tren does nothing at 24% body fat. Is this from experience? Clinical studies? Or just bro science?

I'll do a lab experiment just for you. 24% bodyfat. Control is diet + nutrition. All other factors the same except test subject will be taking Test + Tren. Length of study will be 12 weeks.

Will report back.
It amazes me when "vets" tell me tren does nothing at 24% body fat. Is this from experience? Clinical studies? Or just bro science?

I'll do a lab experiment just for you. 24% bodyfat. Control is diet + nutrition. All other factors the same except test subject will be taking Test + Tren. Length of study will be 12 weeks.

Will report back.
If you find the advice doesn't fit your decision or train of thought then just close the thread and proceed with your plans you don't need confirmation from "vets".

Prove everyone wrong, make a log include starting pictures and measurements.

BTW, no one is saying tren isn't going to work, most are just saying why are you using tren if you can't even get down below 20% with just test. Plus, your cycle history is not that extensive either, don't you want to use other compounds first before trying tren?

But who am I to judge, I'm on tren cutting down, so you do you lol.
Well, some people here also believe that Tren is for cutting only lol

I would advise starting with tren A, as if you have unmanageable sides, it will be easier to drop it. The main downside is that you will need to inject it every day (ideally) - to keep stable blood levels. So, for example, you can go 350mg test and 350mg tren a week, which will mean that you will have to inject 50mg of each every day. You can,of course, inject 100mg EOD, but you will likely get more sides. If you decide to go with Tren E, to get the same concentration in your blood you will need to inject 400mg of each, however, 2 times a week (200mg of each on Monday and 200 mg of each on Thursday), will be sufficient. Big issue with Tren/Test E - you will have to wait approx. 5 weeks to reach its max. potential.

Since tren is extremely anticatabolic, you can even go beyond 1000kkal. Also, you might want to look into T3 (for thyroid) as it will help to speed up fat loss and mitigate some tren sides.


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