Test/Tren Cut - Advice Needed

On July 31, you weighed 256.

It has been 8 weeks plus two days since you posted your weight. Two pounds a week for eight weeks is 16 pounds. 256 - 16 = 240.

Are you at 240 pounds or below this morning when you weighed yourself?

You should be down to 238 pounds by Monday.

How is your fat loss going?

We moved into a new warehouse for my business and slipped a little. Which is why I didn’t start my cycle.

I’m ready now and will definitely be aiming for more than 2lbs a week on cycle although it will probably be hard to measure on a scale given the nature of tren and test.
sure, ignore absolutely all of the real, knowledgable advice you receive, but listen to the singular post that validates your stupid plan.

Why should a fat guy listen to you, a competing bodybuilder who gets shredded for competition? Let him listen to the other puffy fat steroid users.

We moved into a new warehouse for my business and slipped a little. Which is why I didn’t start my cycle.

I’m ready now and will definitely be aiming for more than 2lbs a week on cycle although it will probably be hard to measure on a scale given the nature of tren and test.
Cool, that's 11 pounds in 8 weeks. That's ok, and it is progress in the right direction.

The first 8 pounds or so are water (flushes out with loss of glycogen at the beginning of the diet), so you are into your fat stores now!

Don't aim for more than 2 pounds a week.

Bump protein up to 250 grams daily.

Get fats below 50 (pay attention to how your protein is cooked, and this will not be too difficult).

Then play with your carbs to lose roughly two pounds a week. If you lose much more than that, add some carbs back in. Less or stay the same? Pull some carbs out.

Add in cardio, too. You can add a little cardio or some intensity to the cardio to help with the fat loss, too. I like to do cardio I can track, like on an elliptical or a stair climber (the escalator type) where I can add a minute or 5 minutes and control the intensity and speed. I keep track of how much I do and try to shoot for getting my heart rate over 140 beats per minute for a good portion of the cardio session (easy at first, harder as you get in better shape, but just bump up the intensity and you can get the heart rate up).

And no, it will not be "hard to measure on a scale given the nature of tren and test." Where do you come up with this stuff?

Please consider leaving the tren for later. Just start with test. I would start prep with test and deca (I mean, I have). There is no need to add tren right at the start, and, as I posted above, tren will fuck with all sorts of things in your body, and you will lose sleep at night. Just leave it out for now.

Glad to see you making progress. Please keep posting your progress here.
By the way, you do not need your carbs to be the same every day. When I said to pull out carbs, it does not have to be every day. You can pull them out of some or a few days, carb cycling, so long as the overall effect is less carbs for the week keeping you on your 2 pounds of weight loss a week path.

We moved into a new warehouse for my business and slipped a little. Which is why I didn’t start my cycle.

I’m ready now and will definitely be aiming for more than 2lbs a week on cycle although it will probably be hard to measure on a scale given the nature of tren and test.
How's the cut going?

We moved into a new warehouse for my business and slipped a little. Which is why I didn’t start my cycle.

I’m ready now and will definitely be aiming for more than 2lbs a week on cycle although it will probably be hard to measure on a scale given the nature of tren and test.
Update us. Good news or bad, just let us know how it is going.
How’s it going?
Most of the guys who are headstrong and not open to suggestions rarely come back to report their results, which usually means they made minimal progress or none at all.

For those who return, its always with excuses and if only scenarios are told to justify their failure.

But then again, who knows maybe the tren made him jacked and ripped he doesn’t need our validation any more.
How’s it going?

I bet he’s so jacked and fucking tan right now, brah. I bet he’s got a new fixking haircut and definitely added in 10 IUs of HGH daily. So jacked and tan, dude.

Edit: Sorry for inadvertently probably getting this thread going again. I was trying to make a joke and wasn’t thinking about the consequences. Lmao