Test/Tren Cut - Advice Needed

That is exactly my point. I wouldn't make any statements about a drug w/o any studies attached. What I should read if there is nothing to read on this topic other than anecdotal experience?(i mean effectiveness of Trenbolone Acetate based on Body Fat percentage) :)
If your diet is so out of whack that you can’t get below 15% then you shouldn’t be using drugs.
PEDs are tools. They can be used as one chooses to use them. Everyone says that when a person has a high-er bodyfat level shouldn't use them. It's not the bodyfat percentage that matters but what comes along with it usually: blood pressure issues, lipids out of whack, high aromatization etc

On top of that someone that has little training experience and limited PEDs knowledge is just going to make a mess if he started using drugs from the get go. No one bats an eye when powerlifters and strongmen with layers of fat use PEDs. Guess why...

So in principal a guy that's new to training and PEDs should nail first the other aspects of the game aka training and diet and then add the PEDs
They also have TMT - Tren Ace 50, Mast Prop 50, Test Prop 50. The dosages are low so I'd probably need 3x injections/week minimum?
Since you've already made up your mind, just do .5ml per day of the TMT (25/25/25) and add in some Semaglutide. Don't use Tren E. Have fun.
I wouldn't make any statements about a drug w/o any studies attached.
Then you wouldn't have much to say since the vast majority of these drugs aren't going to have studies.

The board exists literally because these things aren't well studied.
Hey Everyone,

Starting my serious cut very soon and just wanted some help with the cycle part of things (nutrition and workouts are dialled in).

Im 6', 256 lbs, ~24% body fat. If you're going to say you can cut natty, just please don't bother posting. This is a steroids forum and I don't want to do another natty cut. I already dropped 60lbs natty before.

So let's get to it. I'm Canadian, so I'll be using Oxygen Pharm as my source.

This is my first time using Tren, but not my first time cycling. I've done two Test E only cycles before.

Oxygen has TNT - Test E 250, Tren E 150. I would prefer this as it's simply 1 injection instead of two injections per time. Now, with TNT, should I stick at 1 injection per week? Or should I go for 2x/week? So that would be 500mg Test E and 300mg Tren E per week.

They also have TMT - Tren Ace 50, Mast Prop 50, Test Prop 50. The dosages are low so I'd probably need 3x injections/week minimum?

Obviously I can also go for individual vials of Test and Tren as well.

Would really appreciate some advice based on the above options from those experienced with Tren on a cut.

My advice would be to cut natty till 12%. You do not need DNP and other shit to loose weight. On 12% use some Test and primo to cut deeper and after do a lean bulk. do not get fatter than ~ 15%.
I’ve never used tren enanthate, I’ve always used acetate because of the sides are bad I can stop asap and they will go away relatively fast. I won’t be like the rest of these guys here and tell you not to or to, it’s your choice but they are serious risks when running high level compounds. I spend more money on organ/liver support than actual gear. I’d use acetate at 200 mg no more than that especially first time. Get pre bloods to see base levels. Keep test at 300. Pin eod and see how you feel as far as stabilizing levels. Tren doesn’t aromatize but it does raise prolactin levels so something like an a.I. during cycle like anaztrazole and a dopamine agonists like cabergoline. You might not even need the caber because estrogen and prolactin are closely related so the ai might be enough. Tren wrecks lipid profile. Make sure you protect your organs. I hope you get a nice run in, if you have more questions feel free to reach out. When I was coming up i had someone break all
This down for me and some of the boards seriously lack that
Thank you brother. I read a study about this recently as well. Definitely will have T3.
This moron has zero idea why T-3 is even being added to the tren in the first place. No clue that it’s not being used as an additional lipolytic agent but as a replacement for the bodies own T-3 being disrupted by the Trenbolone. Well at least I’m sure that fatty will start at a reasonable amount probably like 250mcg per day lol fucking fool.
This moron has zero idea why T-3 is even being added to the tren in the first place. No clue that it’s not being used as an additional lipolytic agent but as a replacement for the bodies own T-3 being disrupted by the Trenbolone. Well at least I’m sure that fatty will start at a reasonable amount probably like 250mcg per day lol fucking fool.
Bro are you stupid? I'm seriously asking.

Wtf are you even saying? Don't question my knowledge when you know nothing about me. T3 pathway is the most basic pathway you learn in first year bio. So please, just stop.

What's wrong with some of you? Stick up your ass? Or is it because you're on cycle and you have to live up to the false stereotype of roid rage? Go worry about yourself.
Bro are you stupid? I'm seriously asking.

Wtf are you even saying? Don't question my knowledge when you know nothing about me. T3 pathway is the most basic pathway you learn in first year bio. So please, just stop.

What's wrong with some of you? Stick up your ass? Or is it because you're on cycle and you have to live up to the false stereotype of roid rage? Go worry about yourself.
You reply with “seriously bro I learned first year science.” Then follow it up with “seriously I wanna know I’m just asking.” The fact that you are this fucking dumb and wanting to do Trenbolone doesn’t bode very well for you. The amyloid plaque buildup might not be a very good idea given your very compromised mental state. Listen to what everyone has already told you for 4 fucking pages. Do Test. Do primo. Do anything but Trenbolone. Post your actual diet. Post your training split and number of sets and reps being done. The fact that you do t listen just shows that your fat ass is spiraling towards failure and refusing to listen to any common sense. To put it nicely you are like the dumber more fat and retarded version of Ricky from trailer park boys. (Also because you are Canadian)
You reply with “seriously bro I learned first year science.” Then follow it up with “seriously I wanna know I’m just asking.” The fact that you are this fucking dumb and wanting to do Trenbolone doesn’t bode very well for you. The amyloid plaque buildup might not be a very good idea given your very compromised mental state. Listen to what everyone has already told you for 4 fucking pages. Do Test. Do primo. Do anything but Trenbolone. Post your actual diet. Post your training split and number of sets and reps being done. The fact that you do t listen just shows that your fat ass is spiraling towards failure and refusing to listen to any common sense. To put it nicely you are like the dumber more fat and retarded version of Ricky from trailer park boys. (Also because you are Canadian)
Bro no point in even replying to this dumb ass post of yours. Your character speaks for itself.

Experience is different from knowledge. I don't need you to teach me about Tren. Whether you accept it or not, Tren does not discriminate against BF. Tren does not guess your BF. Stop acting like a dick head just because you added some muscle with steroids. Lmfao. Either respond or don't. Why are you trying to act like a tough guy with all your ad Hominem's? What does me being Canadian have to do with shit? I'm assuming you're from the USA? And you're talking about me being Canadian? Ok pal.

Some people need to reevaluate their lives. Being tough on the internet doesn't mean shit.

You also love talking about common sense but can't prove scientifically that Tren won't do "shit" at high BF. I don't give a fck about the sides. You're injecting yourself with synthetic steroids and you're sitting here telling me about "amyloid plaque" buildup.
Bro no point in even replying to this dumb ass post of yours. Your character speaks for itself.

Experience is different from knowledge. I don't need you to teach me about Tren. Whether you accept it or not, Tren does not discriminate against BF. Tren does not guess your BF. Stop acting like a dick head just because you added some muscle with steroids. Lmfao. Either respond or don't. Why are you trying to act like a tough guy with all your ad Hominem's? What does me being Canadian have to do with shit? I'm assuming you're from the USA? And you're talking about me being Canadian? Ok pal.

Some people need to reevaluate their lives. Being tough on the internet doesn't mean shit.
Nobody is being tough your fat ass just doesn’t want to listen to any reason from people who have likely forgotten more about bodybuilding and dieting than you will ever know. You should definitely do 600mg tren Enanthate per week 200mg of test so you don’t hav the dreaded “bloat” and then take 100mcg of T-3 3-4X per day to make sure to fully saturate the thyroid hormone receptors. You’ll be 38 percent bodyfat in no time you fat fucking clown.
Nobody is being tough your fat ass just doesn’t want to listen to any reason from people who have likely forgotten more about bodybuilding and dieting than you will ever know. You should definitely do 600mg tren Enanthate per week 200mg of test so you don’t hav the dreaded “bloat” and then take 100mcg of T-3 3-4X per day to make sure to fully saturate the thyroid hormone receptors. You’ll be 38 percent bodyfat in no time you fat fucking clown.

Cmon bro.. why you being a dick head when I haven't said shit to you? I know at the end you're just trying to look out for my best interests, and I appreciate that, but not once have I said this is it... I still haven't bought shit. I've still been on my diet since the day I started this thread. Go look at my 2014 thread. I dropped 60 lbs brother. I'm just one of those unfortunate people that being "on" something motivates me more than taking a protein shake and hitting the gym.
Bro you dropped 60mg s then your lack of will power, discipline and not putting the fucking fork down brought you to 24 percent bodyfat when in reality you are likely above %30. There has been more than enough knowledgeable advice offered to you within this thread and your arrogance seems to know no bounds. You have never used anything but test and you think you and your 1/3 of your body weight in fat can handle tren………yeah okay big guy.
Man, this is still going. Lmao, if you dropped 60lbs and you're still fat, then no drugs can help you period. Don't worry about Tren or any compound for that matter, you have a problem with discipline.

You know why there are no obese people in the Saharas, it's because they only eat what's necessary to survive. You can argue all day on the merit of your arguments, it would not help dropping your body fat.

Fix your eating habits, stop trying to find the drugs to solve your weak mindset and determination.
Bro you dropped 60mg s then your lack of will power, discipline and not putting the fucking fork down brought you to 24 percent bodyfat when in reality you are likely above %30. There has been more than enough knowledgeable advice offered to you within this thread and your arrogance seems to know no bounds. You have never used anything but test and you think you and your 1/3 of your body weight in fat can handle tren………yeah okay big guy.
Compare a 30% BF 256 lb person to myself, and you'll think I'm 15%.

You keep going back to this false premise as I've I started my cycle already. Okay, tough guy.

And by the way, I can definitely handle Tren. I can handle anything. Not gonna even mention what I've took before cause I don't need this shitty post chain going on further. But thanks.
Man, this is still going. Lmao, if you dropped 60lbs and you're still fat, then no drugs can help you period. Don't worry about Tren or any compound for that matter, you have a problem with discipline.

You know why there are no obese people in the Saharas, it's because they only eat what's necessary to survive. You can argue all day on the merit of your arguments, it would not help dropping your body fat.

Fix your eating habits, stop trying to find the drugs to solve your weak mindset and determination.
My arguments have nothing to do with dieting lol. I'm on a steroids forum asking people about their experience with Tren. I don't need help with my diet. Yeah, call me a fat fck all you want. But if you saw me next to a true obese 30%+ BF 256 lb 6ft male, you'd think I'm 15%.

And being a vet, how can you even assume that I have a problem with discipline without knowing my bloods? Cmon bud...
“And by the way, I can definitely handle Tren. I can handle anything. Not gonna even mention what I've took before cause I don't need this shitty post chain going on further. But thanks.”

This is the gayest thing I have read all day so thank you for that. Is this you saying “I’m taking muh fatass titties and going home.” Fuck off Trenbolone Cartman.
“And by the way, I can definitely handle Tren. I can handle anything. Not gonna even mention what I've took before cause I don't need this shitty post chain going on further. But thanks.”

This is the gayest thing I have read all day so thank you for that. Is this you saying “I’m taking muh fatass titties and going home.” Fuck off Trenbolone Cartman.
Bro you make 0 sense. Just move on. Go read a book or play with your barbies.

Don't forget to remove your tough guy roid rage mask when you get home.