Test/Tren Cut - Advice Needed

Bro you make 0 sense. Just move on. Go read a book or play with your barbies.

Don't forget to remove your tough guy roid rage mask when you get home.
Mmmmkay. Don’t forget to scrub the lactation stains out of your 36F bra fat boy. Can’t wait to see the before and after pics from this “cycle”
My arguments have nothing to do with dieting lol. I'm on a steroids forum asking people about their experience with Tren. I don't need help with my diet. Yeah, call me a fat fck all you want. But if you saw me next to a true obese 30%+ BF 256 lb 6ft male, you'd think I'm 15%.

And being a vet, how can you even assume that I have a problem with discipline without knowing my bloods? Cmon bud...
Dude, you're missing my point too. People told you their experiences, they used tren and it isn't the magical part of losing fat, diet is. You just don't want to hear that part. You keep comparing yourself to an obese person, you lost 60lbs and still fat, you are that obese person. You should be on the nutrition section and discussing strategies on how to eat properly not what drugs to take.

I'm not gonna act all high and mighty that I achieved contest lean physique because I never tried and know he hardships of reaching true contest shape.

However, I knew not to go over 25% bf and catch myself whenever I go past 20% scale back on my food intake so I can be in range where a 10-16 week diet can show my abs.

This is why in the old days, vets in the gym won't even talk to you about AAS is you cannot squat double your body weight or have never seen your abs, because they know you lack the discipline to eat and train like a bodybuilder and just focus on what drugs to take.

Like the other guy said, don't end up a Trenbolone Cartman lmao
I'm just here for these hilarious responses
Seriously though dude I'd listen to these guys. I've done a couple cycles over the years and I'm extremely grateful for this forum and its guidance. Without it I'd probably have 36DDDs at this point and fat as fuck lol. Some of the guys come off as dicks that's for sure but if you actually listen and take the advice you'll be glad you did.
I've personally never touched tren and I don't plan on it anytime soon. There's more than enough options out there that have a fraction of the side effects.
He’s trolling you all. Don’t give him any help.
Great conclusion man. Wonderful.

A troll would be wrong. Prove me to roids discriminate against BF %. If you can't, am I the troll?

And please don't mention sides, aromatization, etc. That's not proving a point.

Some people on here acting as if their strict diet got them their gains. Bro, you'd still be a skinny fck without those synthetics. We're on a steroids forum, you have someone asking you about your Tren experience. If you've never done Tren, why are you even talking? "But bro, trust me bro, Tren knows you're 25% BF, it won't turn itself on."
Alright, I'll feed it. So, if you're not trolling, let me try to take a different approach. I'm not being a dick to you about it, tren is not going to shine until you drop below a certain body fat percentage, the consensus being 12-15% among a shit ton of experienced users. Are you going to get stronger? Probably. Tren doesn't burn fat, though. It's just an excellent nutrient partioner. From my experience, Tren Ace especially, does raise body temp, which can help accelerate your metabolic rate. For most people, it's a harsh compound, though. It wrecks lipids and can be rough on the liver. For someone that's close to an obese state or in an obese state, this should be a cause for concern, even if your bloodwork says you are all good.

Yes, this is a steroid forum, but more importantly, this is a harm reduction forum. Most of the people who have chimed in have lots of experience and actually just have your best interest in mind and want to see you succeed. There are plenty of us who have learned about the deleterious effects of a lot of compounds the hard way, and we don't want you to experience something tragic happening to your health. Once you spit on the wisdom of people, they are going to try to get you to listen in more of a dickish manner. If you still don't, at least, act slightly receptive, they are going to say fuck it and just let you do whatever.

AASs aren't a magic bullet to anything. Sure they help, but they just help create more of an optimal environment for muscle protein synthesis to take place. AASs, maybe, account for 10% of the success of for most of us. The remainder of it is DIET, TRAINING, and RECOVERY. You've got to have the discipline and the other aspects concrete before hopping on a compound like Trenbolone. It's just not going to be that beneficial for what you're trying to accomplish at this stage. And judging by your reaction to everyone that's been trying to help you, your mindset isn't going to be very compatible for Tren at this point either. If you've lost a shit ton of weight in the past, why not do it again before you hop on the tren train?

I truly hope you make the correct choice with this, because I don't want to see anything fucked up happen with you. Eat good, train hard, and make sure your discipline is good to go, man. Take care.
@6FootFatty Why not just use Primo or Mast instead of Tren? Both are considered "safer" compounds that work extremely well with less side effects. Or do you just want to try using it? I'm not trying to be a dick like some of the other people here, I'm just genuinely curious to your thought process behind including Tren.
Great conclusion man. Wonderful.

A troll would be wrong. Prove me to roids discriminate against BF %. If you can't, am I the troll?

And please don't mention sides, aromatization, etc. That's not proving a point.

Some people on here acting as if their strict diet got them their gains. Bro, you'd still be a skinny fck without those synthetics. We're on a steroids forum, you have someone asking you about your Tren experience. If you've never done Tren, why are you even talking? "But bro, trust me bro, Tren knows you're 25% BF, it won't turn itself on."
Fuck it, get on the cycle already. Post a before pic for comparison.

This thread has gone on so long, too much discussion not enough action.

You're out to prove everyone wrong, you have your mind set anyway. I bet you have bought tren and are already set up even before you made this thread
For all we know, you're already deep onto the cycle and just need validation.

I hope your next post is a new log for your cycle with before pics.

Good day.
Jumping on this as it relates to my next big push cycle. Lots (15yrs) AAS experience, never ever suffered with Gyno even at 1500mg test. But after some advice on anti estrogen's to run with the below, purely just to keep water off. Now having never needed for gyno or been bothered with water retention, being 43 I'm taking precaution on this one. I've Nolvadex, proviron, arimidex and even caber on hand if needed. What would be peoples suggestions and dosing to A) keep water off and B) to keep libido healthy with the below 16 week cycle please. Take into account I've never run Masteron before. Thanks in advance.

1000mg Test Cyp
600mg Masteron
300mg Tren
Jumping on this as it relates to my next big push cycle. Lots (15yrs) AAS experience, never ever suffered with Gyno even at 1500mg test. But after some advice on anti estrogen's to run with the below, purely just to keep water off. Now having never needed for gyno or been bothered with water retention, being 43 I'm taking precaution on this one. I've Nolvadex, proviron, arimidex and even caber on hand if needed. What would be peoples suggestions and dosing to A) keep water off and B) to keep libido healthy with the below 16 week cycle please. Take into account I've never run Masteron before. Thanks in advance.

1000mg Test Cyp
600mg Masteron
300mg Tren
Masteron will help lower estrogenic sides on it own. Tren doesn’t aromatize but it causes symptoms that an ai can fix or help with. I personally would use 1 my anastrazole Monday and then .5 mg Friday. Or 1 and 1. It’s hard to say not knowing levels or how one reacts to said compounds. I’m curious to see what other people say as well.
OP never started a log, maybe changed his mind.
Nah still here.

Just caught up with some stuff. If I'm going to run tren, especially given it will be my first time, I want to make sure I'm dialled in 200%, not 100%. No room for mistakes.

I'm probably a week or so out to be honest. Planning the order with my rep right now. Going to be using Oxygen Pharma (Canadian Domestic).
Nah still here.

Just caught up with some stuff. If I'm going to run tren, especially given it will be my first time, I want to make sure I'm dialled in 200%, not 100%. No room for mistakes.

I'm probably a week or so out to be honest. Planning the order with my rep right now. Going to be using Oxygen Pharma (Canadian Domestic).

On July 31, you weighed 256.

It has been 8 weeks plus two days since you posted your weight. Two pounds a week for eight weeks is 16 pounds. 256 - 16 = 240.

Are you at 240 pounds or below this morning when you weighed yourself?

You should be down to 238 pounds by Monday.

How is your fat loss going?
Great conclusion man. Wonderful.

A troll would be wrong. Prove me to roids discriminate against BF %. If you can't, am I the troll?

And please don't mention sides, aromatization, etc. That's not proving a point.

Some people on here acting as if their strict diet got them their gains. Bro, you'd still be a skinny fck without those synthetics. We're on a steroids forum, you have someone asking you about your Tren experience. If you've never done Tren, why are you even talking? "But bro, trust me bro, Tren knows you're 25% BF, it won't turn itself on."

Here is my tren experience - would not touch that shit again unless I am within 3-4 weeks of a contest, at which point I am well down into single digit body fat.

It has all sorts of bad side effects that will mess with your plan to cut fat. The biggest side effect is insomnia, which can harm fat loss, and mess with your ability to function at your day job.

Nobody here is telling you that steroids do not help change physiques.

But your diet is the biggest consideration, not the steroids. Period. That is not really a debatable point.

I am not going to tell you not to run steroids, but I would tell you to seriously reconsider running trenbolone at high body fat.

And to address your post above, I have run it, several times. And still I tell you the same thing.

By the way, did you post your diet? I skimmed a few pages, but did not see it. If you did, please point me to it. If you did not, then please post it. Lots of guys here will help you with it if you provide what you are doing and your current progress.