Test/Tren Cut - Advice Needed

I don't think he should use t3 at that bodyfat at all unless he has a condition. Thyroid hormone is no joke. Also, he can start with a lower dose tren and increase weekly depending on progress and side effects.
It amazes me when "vets" tell me tren does nothing at 24% body fat. Is this from experience? Clinical studies? Or just bro science?

I'll do a lab experiment just for you. 24% bodyfat. Control is diet + nutrition. All other factors the same except test subject will be taking Test + Tren. Length of study will be 12 weeks.

Will report back.
It's not that the tren won't work, it's that you won't see what it's doing because there's too much fat. You might as well take a good dose of test to just hold on to muscle. It'll be cheaper and will yield much fewer sides.
Hey Everyone,

Starting my serious cut very soon and just wanted some help with the cycle part of things (nutrition and workouts are dialled in).

Im 6', 256 lbs, ~24% body fat. If you're going to say you can cut natty, just please don't bother posting. This is a steroids forum and I don't want to do another natty cut. I already dropped 60lbs natty before.

So let's get to it. I'm Canadian, so I'll be using Oxygen Pharm as my source.

This is my first time using Tren, but not my first time cycling. I've done two Test E only cycles before.

Oxygen has TNT - Test E 250, Tren E 150. I would prefer this as it's simply 1 injection instead of two injections per time. Now, with TNT, should I stick at 1 injection per week? Or should I go for 2x/week? So that would be 500mg Test E and 300mg Tren E per week.

They also have TMT - Tren Ace 50, Mast Prop 50, Test Prop 50. The dosages are low so I'd probably need 3x injections/week minimum?

Obviously I can also go for individual vials of Test and Tren as well.

Would really appreciate some advice based on the above options from those experienced with Tren on a cut.

T3 with tren, always.
Oxygen has TNT - Test E 250, Tren E 150. I would prefer this as it's simply 1 injection instead of two injections per time. Now, with TNT, should I stick at 1 injection per week? Or should I go for 2x/week? So that would be 500mg Test E and 300mg Tren E per week.

You don't have to buy it premixed...you can use separate vials and pull them into the same syringe.
Also....if you're using Test 250mg per Ml. You aren't required to take 1ml every time you take a shot. You can take .5 or .75 or 1.5 or whatever amount you want.
I always take 2 or 3 shots a week. However I've never taken Ace. If you're going to do that you probably want to dose daily or every other day
It amazes me when "vets" tell me tren does nothing at 24% body fat. Is this from experience? Clinical studies? Or just bro science?

I'll do a lab experiment just for you. 24% bodyfat. Control is diet + nutrition. All other factors the same except test subject will be taking Test + Tren. Length of study will be 12 weeks.

Will report back.

I still haven't seen a diet plan posted? The fact that you are 24% means you don't know how to diet for shit and can't put down the fork.

Secondly, the higher BF you run gear at the greater the possibility of side effects and the stress on your cardiovascular system. Tren really shines under 15% bodyfat.

Also some people including myself get ravenously hungry on tren. Since you already have no self control you might reach for even more twinkies on this cut than your previous failed bulk.

But please go make a log as I would love to see how this turns out.
sure, ignore absolutely all of the real, knowledgable advice you receive, but listen to the singular post that validates your stupid plan.

He didn’t validate my plan? He just said T3 with tren.

I still haven't seen a diet plan posted? The fact that you are 24% means you don't know how to diet for shit and can't put down the fork.
Secondly, the higher BF you run gear at the greater the possibility of side effects and the stress on your cardiovascular system. Tren really shines under 15% bodyfat.

Also some people including myself get ravenously hungry on tren. Since you already have no self control you might reach for even more twinkies on this cut than your previous failed bulk.

But please go make a log as I would love to see how this turns out.
Gaining weight sometimes has personal influences as well. It’s not simply “he doesn’t know shit about nutrition”. I damn well know how to diet, how to drop weight, and how to track my calories. I was dealing with other shit but I’m not gonna sit here making myself a “feel sorry for me” soy boy.

Your post is nothing but assumptions after assumptions, with a touch of ad hominems. By the way, I used to love Twinkie’s. They don’t taste the same anymore, otherwise I would eat a box a day.

And by the way. To those that have “size” or a few veins popping here and there, it doesn’t make your opinions magically true. You’re going to sit here and tell me I don’t know shit? Yet you’d look like a twig if it weren’t for gear. “But bro, I had 10 years of natty training before I started tren!” - lmao.
He didn’t validate my plan? He just said T3 with tren.

I still haven't seen a diet plan posted? The fact that you are 24% means you don't know how to diet for shit and can't put down the fork.

Gaining weight sometimes has personal influences as well. It’s not simply “he doesn’t know shit about nutrition”. I damn well know how to diet, how to drop weight, and how to track my calories. I was dealing with other shit but I’m not gonna sit here making myself a “feel sorry for me” soy boy.

Your post is nothing but assumptions after assumptions, with a touch of ad hominems. By the way, I used to love Twinkie’s. They don’t taste the same anymore, otherwise I would eat a box a day.

And by the way. To those that have “size” or a few veins popping here and there, it doesn’t make your opinions magically true. You’re going to sit here and tell me I don’t know shit? Yet you’d look like a twig if it weren’t for gear. “But bro, I had 10 years of natty training before I started tren!” - lmao.
what a cringe fucking post.

god i wish you werent so fucking awkward bud.

keep it up with you "trust me bros" and continue to prove that you dont know a damn thing that youre doing.

good luck on your cycle, cant wait to see how unimpressive you look.
He didn’t validate my plan? He just said T3 with tren.

I still haven't seen a diet plan posted? The fact that you are 24% means you don't know how to diet for shit and can't put down the fork.

Gaining weight sometimes has personal influences as well. It’s not simply “he doesn’t know shit about nutrition”. I damn well know how to diet, how to drop weight, and how to track my calories. I was dealing with other shit but I’m not gonna sit here making myself a “feel sorry for me” soy boy.

Your post is nothing but assumptions after assumptions, with a touch of ad hominems. By the way, I used to love Twinkie’s. They don’t taste the same anymore, otherwise I would eat a box a day.

And by the way. To those that have “size” or a few veins popping here and there, it doesn’t make your opinions magically true. You’re going to sit here and tell me I don’t know shit? Yet you’d look like a twig if it weren’t for gear. “But bro, I had 10 years of natty training before I started tren!” - lmao.
I see why u want to try tren bc social media has made it out to be an amazing drug bc anyone that looks awesome people automatically say TREN! Sadly this is not true it's not gonna make u ripped or burn all ur fat off.
Honestly lower dose test and semaglutide would be what I'd reccomend until u get in better shape. But u seem like u aren't gonna listen to advice from people who have alot more experience than you. So do as u wish.
what a cringe fucking post.

god i wish you werent so fucking awkward bud.

keep it up with you "trust me bros" and continue to prove that you dont know a damn thing that youre doing.

good luck on your cycle, cant wait to see how unimpressive you look.
Wtf dude? Why are you assuming everything? Have I started attacking you in every post? I wasn’t even referring to you in my previous post.

Just because you don’t agree with someone, doesn’t make your opinion valid. Same applies to me. I’m not saying I’m right, you’re wrong, trust me bro.

I was simply asking for advice and some people just came out the gates as if this is a Reddit post from someone who just learned about tren and thinks it’s the eat shit get ripped magic injection. Like relax.
I see why u want to try tren bc social media has made it out to be an amazing drug bc anyone that looks awesome people automatically say TREN! Sadly this is not true it's not gonna make u ripped or burn all ur fat off.
Honestly lower dose test and semaglutide would be what I'd reccomend until u get in better shape. But u seem like u aren't gonna listen to advice from people who have alot more experience than you. So do as u wish.
Again, baseless assumptions.
Wtf dude? Why are you assuming everything? Have I started attacking you in every post? I wasn’t even referring to you in my previous post.

Just because you don’t agree with someone, doesn’t make your opinion valid. Same applies to me. I’m not saying I’m right, you’re wrong, trust me bro.

I was simply asking for advice and some people just came out the gates as if this is a Reddit post from someone who just learned about tren and thinks it’s the eat shit get ripped magic injection. Like relax.
Let me explain why youre receiving the responses you are.

you had major red flags in your original post, namely thinking you need a harsh anabolic for a cut when BF is so high.

thi9s raises many concerns from the ACTUAL knowledgeable people here, that are trying to give you actual advice to get the results you want and maintain the culture of harm reduction that is supposed to be present here.

at 24% bf its extremely likely you dont have as firm of a grasp on your diet and nutrition as you think. So youve been asked to outline your diet plan, what you plan on eating, timing, how many meals, details.

youve failed to give any of those details, instead youve simply opted to go with "-1000cal deficit, everything is on point" Youre claiming that everything is on point, without giving a shred of credibility to that belief. This type of attitude and behavior is typcal of novices that overestimate their own knowledge and almost always proves to be wrong.

Furthermore, youve received good advice that youve resisted, while acknowledging objectively bad advice because it validates you. Another staple of a novice that overestimates their own knowledge.

Now i dont know you from adam, i dont know anything at all about you.
You very well may have everything in order, but your attitude and responses are the type of shit we see day in and day out from beginners that dont actually know any better.

everyone wants you to succeed, but cultivating a reputation as one that resists advice that doesnt validate their preconceived plans is a great way to no longer receive quality advice.

im not your dad, you can do what you want, i honestly couldnt give less of a shit, but your plan and the way youve gone about the advice youve been given is not the way to your results, nor is it the way to properly learn in the future.

good luck
Again, baseless assumptions.
How's this baseless assumptions. We've been pretty nice trying to help you and gave you good advice. It doesn't matter if you know how to diet or how to train. The point is ur not ready for it right now ur just a fat fuck with an attitude and tren won't fix that it'll just make it worse.
He didn’t validate my plan? He just said T3 with tren.

I still haven't seen a diet plan posted? The fact that you are 24% means you don't know how to diet for shit and can't put down the fork.

Gaining weight sometimes has personal influences as well. It’s not simply “he doesn’t know shit about nutrition”. I damn well know how to diet, how to drop weight, and how to track my calories. I was dealing with other shit but I’m not gonna sit here making myself a “feel sorry for me” soy boy.

Your post is nothing but assumptions after assumptions, with a touch of ad hominems. By the way, I used to love Twinkie’s. They don’t taste the same anymore, otherwise I would eat a box a day.

And by the way. To those that have “size” or a few veins popping here and there, it doesn’t make your opinions magically true. You’re going to sit here and tell me I don’t know shit? Yet you’d look like a twig if it weren’t for gear. “But bro, I had 10 years of natty training before I started tren!” - lmao.

I used to be like you, thinking I knew everything and "just let me run tren bro" and "my diet is on point bro"

I was about 15% bodyfat and I went ahead and got nothing but shitty results and disappointment cause I didn't know how to diet and thought I knew better than the guys who had been at this for decades

I didn't make any REAL gains until I learned to check my ego and track my food

The funny thing here is we are actually trying to help you but you cant see it because of your confirmation bias

Lastly I got more than a few veins popping lol