Test U 220mg/ml recipe?

When i switched to test u from test e, i used both during 2 months. Gradually increasing test u dose and decreasing test e dose.

Used steroid plotter to select the levels i wanted
Your idea isn't bad and it still skins the cat so to speak. People are far too interested in doing the exact right thing when really there is no right answer here. This works. You don't have to worry about any crashing and instead you smooth ride your way into test Undecanoate. And as all others mentioned here. You can also front load with alot more oil at once. Not sure which in this case superior however. I like all ideas. I personally like the idea of weening myself into it rather than front load. However I fully see front load as a legit valuable method and don't knock it. I might even just do it sooner than later.
Your idea isn't bad and it still skins the cat so to speak. People are far too interested in doing the exact right thing when really there is no right answer here. This works. You don't have to worry about any crashing and instead you smooth ride your way into test Undecanoate. And as all others mentioned here. You can also front load with alot more oil at once. Not sure which in this case superior however. I like all ideas. I personally like the idea of weening myself into it rather than front load. However I fully see front load as a legit valuable method and don't knock it. I might even just do it sooner than later.

I did frequent blood test during my switch. My levels dropped just a little bit. Not to the point it was noticeable though