Testosterone and Collagen


New Member
I’ve been researching this for a year and I still can’t find an answer.

If someone runs high testosterone, say around a gram a week, some people say:

1- Super-physiological Test levels impair collagen production, which is why it’s a good idea to combine high Test with collagen improving compounds like Primo or Anavar.

2- Other say, no, High Test is actually beneficial for collagen production, but the impairment only comes from the use of aromatase inhibitors.

3- Other say, no, A.I.s don’t impair collagen production, just their overuse, which crashes E2.

I’m really struggling to find out the truth about this. Any insights are kindly appreciated.
I'm not an expert at all, but for the sake of the discussion why does this collagen factor even matter for you? And how important is the supposed change compared to other factors about this collagen ?

I personally keep it simple, I don't need to run a gram of test, and I take as few compounds as I can, which is test and an A.I and the occasional oral pre workout.

Science is important but it's not everything and you will get lost trying to make sense of something so complex without having a phd

I found some links on this topic read thru them and enjoy the rabbit hole, personally I don't bother optimizing anything related to collagen