New Member
I’ve been researching this for a year and I still can’t find an answer.
If someone runs high testosterone, say around a gram a week, some people say:
1- Super-physiological Test levels impair collagen production, which is why it’s a good idea to combine high Test with collagen improving compounds like Primo or Anavar.
2- Other say, no, High Test is actually beneficial for collagen production, but the impairment only comes from the use of aromatase inhibitors.
3- Other say, no, A.I.s don’t impair collagen production, just their overuse, which crashes E2.
I’m really struggling to find out the truth about this. Any insights are kindly appreciated.
If someone runs high testosterone, say around a gram a week, some people say:
1- Super-physiological Test levels impair collagen production, which is why it’s a good idea to combine high Test with collagen improving compounds like Primo or Anavar.
2- Other say, no, High Test is actually beneficial for collagen production, but the impairment only comes from the use of aromatase inhibitors.
3- Other say, no, A.I.s don’t impair collagen production, just their overuse, which crashes E2.
I’m really struggling to find out the truth about this. Any insights are kindly appreciated.