Testosterone Decanoate and Hair loss


New Member
Hi guys, I'm prone to hair loss, not very much (I don't shed natural) but at a point that I can't run DHT or i shed like crazy, and I'm always looking for ways to avoid or causing more hair loss, and I came across this Taeian Clark, who was carrying out the "Deca only cycle" (that I done in the past, but not really liked).
While now he says that the decanoate and undecanoate test, are practically like nandrolone decanoate in the sense of hair loss, armless, which seems very suspicious to me, but I don't see why he should lie, does anyone have any experience with this esters?

View: https://youtu.be/0b8JoHAb5hs?si=9_g3diI-j5MMJvWI

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ql7A5hlOXtI&ab_channel=TaeianClark
Decanoate reduces DHT so I can see it neutralizing the increased DHT from test but I have not idea to what degree. I will point out shed is not a good measure of the damage being done to your hair. Miniaturization, a nearly unnoticeable, slow process is what leads to balding, not shedding. If MBP is on your mother's side, its only a matter of time, and you'd be better off taking precautions to preserve what you've got, not waiting until you can see the problem.

Only those who look good bald can afford to blow hair preservation off.
Taeian Clark is full of *hit. Always claims some some outrageous things and then mentions scientific study he cannot remember and never posts link to it. Also guy is very toxic in comment section.
He has a hair loss protocol but he himself has bald spot in the middle of the head. Idk for me at least he is full of red flags and claims for which he has no background.
Also his claims that halotestin is hair safe are hilarious.
Also putting boldenone in high hair loss risk compound is laughable.

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