Testosterone or SARMs?


New Member
In the past several months I've lost a good bit of weight using Tirzepatide (50 pounds) and I'm looking to go into maintenance soon. Unfortunately I have also lost a lot of muscle during this period, I'd blame most of it on lethargy causing me to avoid working out.

I was wondering if it would be smarter for me to do a little DIY TRT with test-c or use a SARM like ostarine. Overall I'm looking for mild effects, nothing crazy. My testosterone levels are already in the 800's naturally so I didn't think it would be smart to add TRT on top (I don't want to lose hair or have my testes shrink) and I also would not look forward to IM injections and the hassle it all is. SARMs would be way easier and far less side effects. My only qualm is that Ostarine never passed phase 3 trials nor is it as widely used as Testosterone. I'm just not sure if I'll need PCT or whatever if I use say 100-200mg of testosterone per week.
I definitely wouldn't suggest any kind of anabolics at the age of 22.

How long have you been training consistently for?

Build a solid foundation, learn to build muscle without any kind of anabolics, understand diet and training and stay consistent in the gym for 5+ years before making the jump to anabolics
Thanks for your response, having more risk at peak natural T levels is a good reason not to hop on. So to understand what you're saying, as you get older the risk of not recovering natural production after a cycle decreases? Also I will make a thread like that, thanks.
No, as you get older your natural T production steadily declines. Starting around 30 or so your natural T decreases yearly, eventually necessitating replacement therapy…or just living w/ low T. So for older guys the "risk” of not recovering natural production and having to be on TRT isn’t as big of a deal as it is to someone who is younger.

There’s a lot more to this topic. And not to be a dick, but just being honest, the mere fact that you don’t understand the subject matter better is reason itself for you to delay jumping on anabolics. Again, just my $.02.

Ppl are gonna do what they want in the end. It helps to know the potential ramifications of your decisions, but some will just say “fuck it, yolo.”

My opinion is that you should spend a while researching this decision and soliciting more advice.