Testosterone Synthesis

Damn firewall won't let me edit posts.

Yes, you can find information on purifying testE, but you need to purify your no-ester Test in the first place also. Plus, testC is an easier and quicker reaction anyway. The chinese labs aren't making TestE anymore (so I hear) because it takes too long, it's not easy to make in an overnight off-the-books shift.
@BroScientist your posts are very informative, I really appreciate it man.
I heard the same thing about TestE but didn't know the reason behind it.
It makes sense now.
Also, you need to realize that many of these synthesis/ purifications are dangerous. The TestE purification you sent involved heating alcohol + water and cooling it near the crystalization temp. To the untrained observer, this is easy, right? Yeah, until you crack the spaghetti sauce jar and the ethanol spills onto the flame and you narrowly escape 3rd degree burns and burn down only one room in your house instead of the whole thing. Also, if you must do this, never wear nylon or other synthetic fibers (microfiber, polyester, etc) as they MELT and will MELT to your skin, you will be unable to remove them as they burn you.

BTW, I'm not a chemist. I just think it's good for this information to be out there. I also know someone (really not me) who nearly burned down his house doing a different synthesis.
@BroScientist well you know more than most.
Seems like a lot of them use that crystalization method.
I wish there was a video of some sorts on all of this but it's like secret knowledge apparently.
When raws were a little more than a dollar a gram, there really wasn't any need. At 4 a gram, there's still not a whole lot of need, but who knows if China gets shut down. You would probably attract a whole lot more attention buying labware than importing raws at the moment. Eyes are out for meth labs...
Steroids are legal in many, many countries
and they have a legitimate use to grow cattle. Otherwise the meat price would become to pricey for poor people in third world countries.

So there's no reason to attempt any steroid synthesis.