The annoying DNP guy

Clen and t3 are 2week switch

Where do you get your T3 from? Same source as the hairy DNP?

T3 is too important to trust to UGLs to dose and mix correctly. Look around the Underground, there’s several sources of Pharma grade products. Notice I specifically said “look”. Please don’t ask around every source!!!

Where do you get your T3 from? Same source as the hairy DNP?

T3 is too important to trust to UGLs to dose and mix correctly. Look around the Underground, there’s several sources of Pharma grade products. Notice I specifically said “look”. Please don’t ask around every source!!!


Lol darn ok I’ll do some reading....thanks for the advice
You might have received that DNP from panther labs. It’s special - real panther hair!

In all honesty, please read and continue to educate yourself. If you thought ‘my lab’ was real, you have a lot of work to do. Contribute where you think you can add value. There are a lot of sub forums.

Welcome to MESO!
You might have received that DNP from panther labs. It’s special - real panther hair!

In all honesty, please read and continue to educate yourself. If you thought ‘my lab’ was real, you have a lot of work to do. Contribute where you think you can add value. There are a lot of sub forums.

Welcome to MESO!

Lmao looks kinda like a pube hair...yes I do have a lot of educating to do but I’m learning more and more I’ve been reading up on the diff online pharmacies on here need some nolva and t3
Why do you want to run t3? What’s your training and diet like?

My diet is a keto diet and I fast most days except when life gets in the way and I don’t hit the gym til super late than I’ll eat a keto diet before of my favorite meals is tuna hot pickles avocado a lil mayo and crushed up pork rinds it’s really tasty also like making bacon wrapped chicken breast my gf cooks for me mostly I also snack on deli meats throughout the training is super on point I feel like that’s the easiest aspect I love being In the gym and pushing myself I superset pretty much everything sometimes big set I rest very little between sets sometimes only like 10 seconds but never more than like 45 seconds I’m cutting right now so I like to keep my heart rate up and I do upper body first everyday either back/bis or chest/tris than legs say I goto gym and quads feel a lil sore I’ll emphasize on hamstrings or vice versa I do shoulders every day as well I’m very happy with my shoulders on chest day I do shoulder press on back I do upright rows as well as lateral raises I also do abs everyday at home for cardio I feel like my weight lifting is pretty good cardio
My diet is a keto diet and I fast most days except when life gets in the way and I don’t hit the gym til super late than I’ll eat a keto diet before of my favorite meals is tuna hot pickles avocado a lil mayo and crushed up pork rinds it’s really tasty also like making bacon wrapped chicken breast my gf cooks for me mostly I also snack on deli meats throughout the training is super on point I feel like that’s the easiest aspect I love being In the gym and pushing myself I superset pretty much everything sometimes big set I rest very little between sets sometimes only like 10 seconds but never more than like 45 seconds I’m cutting right now so I like to keep my heart rate up and I do upper body first everyday either back/bis or chest/tris than legs say I goto gym and quads feel a lil sore I’ll emphasize on hamstrings or vice versa I do shoulders every day as well I’m very happy with my shoulders on chest day I do shoulder press on back I do upright rows as well as lateral raises I also do abs everyday at home for cardio I feel like my weight lifting is pretty good cardio
Sounds like you shouldn’t need clen, t3, or DNP but you’re just being impatient. It’s a marathon, not a sprint and sacrificing your overall health for some quick fat loss shouldn’t even be considered. Unless you’re in Florida you still have a few months before the lean gains even need to be ready :D
Sounds like you shouldn’t need clen, t3, or DNP but you’re just being impatient. It’s a marathon, not a sprint and sacrificing your overall health for some quick fat loss shouldn’t even be considered. Unless you’re in Florida you still have a few months before the lean gains even need to be ready :D

Lol well my “career” needs me to be lean I’d be making more money if I was leaner right now
Not really a great way to determine if it's legit or not. Put a flame to it and see what happens... also not a great way to test for purity but not as questionable as smelling it.

Yea I was thinking maybe there’s just hella filler cause it’s dosed so low but everyone says how the sulfer smell should be overwelming
Yea I was thinking maybe there’s just hella filler cause it’s dosed so low but everyone says how the sulfer smell should be overwelming

It's just not a great way to test your product. I don't smell any sulfur in mine and they're 4x higher in dosage than yours... And that's putting my nose up to the bottle of over a hundred capsules.

Here's the thing... And you're probably not going to want to hear it but you should and maybe it'll help someone else that does. Slow the fuck down. What you're doing is the equivalent of tossing darts at a board with your back turned and your eyes closed. Combining DNP and T3 is a no no for a first cycle, and probably every DNP cycle unless you're very advanced and know what you're doing. You do not. Clen also - not a great thing to combine with DNP if you have no experience.

You're adding stimulants and thyroid meds, both capable of raising heart rate and body temperature, to a fat loss drug that is going to raise your basal metabolic rate through the roof. Why add clen and T3? Just because? Why play all of your cards at the same time when you don't know what's even going to happen with one of them... Much less a combination.

These are the choices that are a precursor to either a very unpleasant experience or death. Slow. Down.
It's just not a great way to test your product. I don't smell any sulfur in mine and they're 4x higher in dosage than yours... And that's putting my nose up to the bottle of over a hundred capsules.

Here's the thing... And you're probably not going to want to hear it but you should and maybe it'll help someone else that does. Slow the fuck down. What you're doing is the equivalent of tossing darts at a board with your back turned and your eyes closed. Combining DNP and T3 is a no no for a first cycle, and probably every DNP cycle unless you're very advanced and know what you're doing. You do not. Clen also - not a great thing to combine with DNP if you have no experience.

You're adding stimulants and thyroid meds, both capable of raising heart rate and body temperature, to a fat loss drug that is going to raise your basal metabolic rate through the roof. Why add clen and T3? Just because? Why play all of your cards at the same time when you don't know what's even going to happen with one of them... Much less a combination.

These are the choices that are a precursor to either a very unpleasant experience or death. Slow. Down.

Ok I’ll take your advice I’ll drop the t3 and Clen for after my dnp cycle if I still feel like I need to cut know your right I didn’t plan on doing dnp but at this point I’m very interested and technically this is my first cycle only cause I blast and cruise this is my second blast just came off a cruise....that’s neither here nor there cause your right I was thinking of exactly what you were saying while I was grocery shopping today I think at most I only need to cut 20 lbs so I’ll try a month on dnp see where I’m at after that if I can even handle dnp for a month and if I still need to cut after that I’ll do a Clen and t3 should I hold off on the winstrol as well? I ordered some anavar as well but I’ll save that for t3 and Clen...I am being impatient I know I just hate cutting I can put on weight so easy I’m just miserable cutting which prolly most people are but I want that god like physique and I know that takes time....thank you all for your advice I’m young dumb and full of cum so I respect the advice of my elders